

如何發表論文 How to get published


選擇期刊 Choose your journal
作者最常犯的錯誤之一就是向與其論文無關的期刊投稿。完成文章時請先行研究,瀏覽各期刊的網頁,閱讀這些期刊的目標和涵蓋範圍,確保向最相關的期刊投稿。如此一來,論文比較容易被採用,被領域內的同行研究人員閱讀。 One of the most common mistakes authors make is to submit to a journal that is not relevant to their paper. Do some research when your article is finished, visit the journals’ web pages, read their aims and scopes and make sure that you are placing your article in the most relevant journal. This way it is more likely to be accepted and read by fellow researchers in the area.

注重創新 Write something new
期刊編輯尋找的是有助於交流的相關論文內容,因此請確保您的論文提出一些新穎的觀點且表述清楚。 Journal editors are looking for papers that have something relevant to contribute to the conversation, so make sure your paper is saying something new and saying it clearly.

簡報論文 Present your paper
參與學科學術會議是可能獲得論文回饋的好方法。如此一來,您便可在投稿之前改善論文。此外,期刊編輯往往會出席此類會議,因此請安排與他們見面。 Participating in disciplinary conventions can be a great way to get feedback on your paper so that you can make improvements before submitting. Also, journal editors are often present, so arrange to meet with them.

坦然接受批評 Take criticism on board
接受同儕批評可能讓人為難,但是如果能夠利用批評來修改論文並加以改進,您的論文被期刊採用的機會更大。就算未被採用,也有助於您向別處投稿。 It can be difficult to receive criticism from your peers but if you can use this critique to revise your paper and make improvements, you stand a much better chance of being accepted by the journal. If not, it could help you to submit it somewhere else.

有疑問就提出 If in doubt – ask
大多數期刊編輯都樂於收到潛在作者的詢問,並提供投稿建議。您或許可以在投稿之前將論文摘要寄給編輯,獲得初步回饋意見。 Most journal editors are happy to receive inquiries from potential authors and give advice about article submission. Perhaps send them your abstract for initial feedback before submitting.

檢查您是否萬事俱備 Check you have everything
如有圖表,請檢查是否全部都已在您的論文中參照引用。請針對論文中著作權歸任何第三方的所有材料(例如影像),確保您已擁有正確的著作權授權,這點非常重要。 If you have figures, check they are all referred to in the text of your paper. Very importantly, make sure that you have the correct copyright clearance for any material in your paper that is already copyright to a third party, e.g. images.

最後檢查 One last check
最後,在投稿之前請同事閱讀您的論文,並確認編輯規定的投稿方式。 Finally, ask colleagues to read your paper prior to submission, and check how the editor requires you to submit it.

祝您好運! And finally – good luck!
