

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 E 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter E

誤解的字彙 E 為開頭的字彙

earthly 及 earthy
earthly (URTH lee) (adjective)
Suggestive of belonging to the earth; ordinary, practical: “Issac could think of no earthly reason to say no to the request for ice cream on a hot day."
earthy (UR thee) (adjective)
1. Practical and straightforward; open and direct: “People were impressed by the speaker’s earthy realism."
2. Plain and simple in style: “This restaurant tends to serve food that is made with simple, earthy ingredients."
3. Not polite; somewhat rude or crude: “Charley’s humor tends to be earthy and impolite."
eave  eve
eave (EEV, EEVZ) (noun)
The lower edge of a roof that overhangs the wall: “The wide eave of the roof was painted bright yellow to contrast with the green walls."
eve (EEV) (noun)
1. Typically used to refer to the night before a special day: “December 31 is New Year’s Eve and many people like to go to parties."
2. The period of time just before an important event: “The students were nervous on the eve of their graduation."
effective, effectual 及 efficient
effective (i FEK tiv) (adjective)
Capable of having a decisive or desired result: “Brushing your teeth twice every day is an effective way to reduce tooth decay."
effectual (i FEK choo uhl) (adjective)
Having produced or caused the desired result: “A trained police force was effectual in reducing crime in the city."
efficient (i FISH uhnt) (adjective)
Achieving the desired result with a minimum of waste: “The new water heater in the kitchen was very efficient."
e.g. (ig zem" plee GRAY shee uh; ek SEM plee GRAT tee a") (abbreviation, noun)
For example: “Many of the products in our stores are imported from many countries, e.g. Germany, Japan, and China."
i.e. (id est) (abbreviation, noun)
That is: used to introduce something that explains a preceding statement more fully or exactly: “The medicine needs to be taken for a short period of time; i.e., three to five days."
egoism 及 egotism
egoism (EE goh iz" uhm, EG oh iz" uhm) (noun)
A policy or doctrine that suggests that self interest is a valid reason for all actions: “Unfortunately, the recent events in Parliament suggest that egoism is the prevalent doctrine, excluding considerations for national interests."
egotism (EE guh tiz" uhm, EG uh tiz" uhm) (noun)
An overblown sense of self importance: “Cole’s egotism stood in the way of his making practical decisions."
either … or  neither … nor
either … or (EE thuhr…OR, IGH ther…OR) (conjunction)
A choice between only two alternatives: “The decision was to travel either by bus or by train."
neither … nor (NEE thuhr…NOR, NIGH thuhr…NOR) (conjunction)
A choice between two or more alternatives: “On the multiple choice questionnaire, neither #1 nor #2 was the correct answers."
elicit (i LIS it) (verb)
To draw out, extract, or to bring forth: “The teacher tried to elicit an answer from her students."
illicit (i LIS it) (adjective)
Not permitted, unlawful, illegal, banned: “Irwin was caught with illicit drugs in his briefcase."
eligible, illegible, ineligible 及 legible
eligible (EL i juh b’l) (adjective)
Qualified, entitled: “Maria is eligible for a secretarial position."
illegible (i LEJ uh b’l) (adjective)
Unreadable: “Many people write so carelessly that their writing is illegible."
ineligible (in EL i juh buhl) (adjective)
Not qualified or permitted to participate: “Because of his low grades, Gary was ineligible for playing on the baseball team."
legible (LEJ uh b’l) (adjective)
Hand writing that is clear and can be easily read and understood: “The journals were written in a legible hand by the secretary."
eminent (EM uh nuhnt) (adjective)
1. Well-known, prominent, renowned: “The doctor was an eminent surgeon."
2. Rising above other things or places: “The snow capped mountain was eminent among the other low hills."
imminent (IM uh nuhnt) (adjective)
1. Likely to happen without delay, near at hand; that which may happen at any moment: “Judging by the gray clouds in the sky, a thunder storm is imminent."
2. Immediate, ready to happen without further notice: “Leaping onto the subway tracks places a person in imminent danger and is a foolish thing to do."

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