

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 H 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter H

誤解的字彙 H 為開頭的字彙

hack (HAK) (verb)
1. To cut something or someone many times and usually in a rough and violent way: “Bonita could hear Pedro hack the tree down with an ax."
2. To make a path by cutting plants: “Each of us used a machete to hack a path through the thick growth of brush."
3. To secretly get access to the files on a computer or network in order to get information, to cause damage, etc.: “Those guys were trying to hack into the network so they could hack into the bank’s financial records."
hack (HAK) (noun)
1. The act of hitting something roughly with an ax, a knife, etc.: “Eric took a hack at the branch of the tree in his back yard."
2. A writer who hastily or routinely produces a lot of work without much quality just so he or she can make some money without regard for accuracy or consequences to others: “Charles was obviously a hack as a writer because he couldn’t find anyone who wanted what he was producing."
“Almost every day the local hack on the staff of the paper used her computer to produce a column in her blog."
3. Someone who does work that is not important or original: “Mildred was just an insignificant political hack."
hall 及 haul
hall (HAWL) (noun)
1. A large, often imposing room, in a building, often used for meetings: “The workers assembled in the hall to vote for a new union president."
2. A designating term for a building or part of a university complex: “Rena and Sherrie attended classes at Smith Hall when they were at the university."
haul (HAWL) (verb)
1. To pull an object from one place to another: “Albert used the tractor to haul the bricks for the new building."
2. To change the direction of a ship’s course to take advantage of the wind: “The sailors decided to haul the ship’s course by raising new sails."
halve  have
halve (HAV, HAHV) (verb)
1. To divide something into two equal portions or parts: “Trina agreed to share the last slice of toast and her friend agreed to halve it with a knife."
2. To lessen or reduce by half: “Francine decided to halve the meal with her sister so the two of them could eat the same amount."
have (HAV) (verb)
1. To maintain ownership or possession: “Jacob decided he had to have a new car."
2. To experience or to suffer from something: “Josie said, ‘I feel terrible because I have a bad cold’."
3. To come to a conclusion about an idea or an object: “Ronda said, ‘I have an opinion about the new fashions’."

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