

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 P 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter P

誤解的字彙 P 為開頭的字彙

paced 及 paste
paced (PAYST) (verb)
1. To have walked in a manner that is slow, measured, and deliberate: “When Beth was worried, she paced the floor in her living room."
2. To have measured a distance based on a careful walk: “Earl paced off the distance between the gate and the door of the barn."
paste (PAYST) (verb)
To stick something to a surface: “The children are going to paste the stars that they made on to the painted-blue background."
paste (PAYST) (noun)
1. A dough mixture that is made with a high level of fat and can be used to make pastries: “Latonya patted the paste into the deep baking dish and filled it with apple slices before baking it."
2. A mixture of flour and water that is used as glue: “Mother made the paste for Helena so she could work on her notebook."
3. Jewelery that is made from glass that has a high lead content: “The paste necklace was lustrous and looked almost real."
packed 及 pact
packed (PAKT) (adjective)
1. Compressed or filled to maximum capacity: “The packed theater was ready for the opening performance."
2. An indication that someone has finished putting things into bags, boxes, etc.: “Jesse and Jenifer were all packed and ready to move to their new apartment."
packed (PAKT) (verb)
1. To have created a compact bundle: “Curtis packed his suitcase last night for the trip tomorrow."
2. To have carried or to have worn: “Dale packed his pistol in the holster on his belt when he went target shooting."
3. To be capable of having a significant impact: “The hurricane packed a wallop when it came on land."
4. To leave without any expressions of farewell or good-bye: “After the quarrel with her father, Susana packed up and left without saying good-bye."
5. To have created layers which are compact: “The riverbank was packed into layers of sand, gravel, and clay."
pact (PAKT) (noun)
A formal agreement between two countries, people, or groups; especially, to help each other or to stop fighting: “The ten nations signed a pact agreeing not to pollute the rivers."
“The Senate supported a nonaggression pact between the two countries."
pail 及 pale
pail (PAYL) (noun)
A container that is open at the top and usually has a handle: “Please fill the pail with water and pour it on the rose bushes."
pale (PAYL) (adjective)
1. Light in color: “Marvin painted the walls with a pale blue color."
2. Having a skin color that is closer to white than is usual or normal: “When Bernhart came home from the hospital, his illness left him weak and pale."
paltry, petty 及 trivial
paltry (PAWL tree) (adjective)
Trivial, meager, measly, inferior: “The miser gave a paltry donation to the fund for hungry children."
“The quality of the paltry language used by Ernest made it difficult for his listeners to understand what he was trying to say."
petty (PET ee) (adjective)
1. Of secondary or of little or no importance: “Philip and Trudy often engaged in petty arguments that went nowhere."
2. Characterized as being narrow minded: “Bryan appeared to be a petty individual who was not interested in new music or challenging art."
trivial (TRIV ee uhl) (adjective)
Ordinary, not very important: “It was a day filled with trivial activities."
“Compared to the problems other countries are having, the trivial inconveniences we have are insignificant."
parameter 及 perimeter
parameter (puh RAM i tuhr) (noun)
A characteristic element or factor; a quantity or quality that gives a particular form to the thing it characterizes: “Ralph told the group that they will discuss the main parameter of the project at their next meeting."
perimeter (puh RIM i tuhr) (noun)
1. The outer limits, edge, or boundary of an area: “The perimeter of the pasture was marked with a fence."
2. A fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military position: “The soldiers were defending the perimeter of their camp for several days."

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