

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 S 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter S

誤解的字彙 S 為開頭的字彙

sacred 及 sacrosanct
sacred (SAY krid) (adjective)
1. Holy, something that is considered worthy of veneration: “The sacred books were kept in a fireproof box."
2. Important, devoted exclusively to one undertaking: “Melissa believed that it was her sacred duty to care for children who lived in slums and had no families."
sacrosanct (SAK roh sangkt") (adjective)
That which is considered very holy or too important and respected to be changed, criticized, etc.: “The traditions of the ceremonies are considered sacrosanct."
“Heather’s grandmother believed that the order of the religious ceremonies was sacrosanct."
“Terry and Diane were told that the government’s most sacrosanct institutions must be respected."
sacrilege 及 sacrilegious
sacrilege (SAK ruh lij) (noun)
An outrageous violation of or act of irreverence towards something considered holy: “Whistling in church is definitely considered a sacrilege."
sacrilegious (sak" ruh LIJ uhs, sak" ruh LEE juhs) (adjective)
A description of an act or behavior that is considered a violation of something considered holy and worthy of veneration: “The graffiti on the walls surrounding the cemetery were considered sacrilegious given the holiness of the site to many of those whose ancestors were buried there."
sage (SAYJ) (noun)
A plant (salvia officinalis), the leaves of which are used in cooking and baking: “When making a special bread, Jessica’s mother always included ground sage which smelled wonderful when baking."
sage (SAYJ) (noun)
An individual who is considered to be wise by virtue of experience and age: “Heather, Alice, and Doris consulted the village sage before they started to climb up the mountain."
sage (SAYJ) (adjective)
Characterized by wisdom and good judgment: “Martha’s mother gave her some sage advice before she went to the university."
sail 及 sale
sail (SAYL) (noun)
Fabric that is hung in a particular fashion on a ship or boat and which catches the wind to make a ship or boat move in a forward direction: “The captain gave the order to hoist the sail and the sailors cheered because their adventurous travels were beginning."
sail (SAYL) (verb)
1. To move in a boat that is propelled by wind: “Anthony and David were planning to sail around the world in a schooner."
2. To move or to proceed without resistance: “The mayor expects the new tax bill to sail through the city council without opposition."
sale (SAYL) (noun)
1. The transfer of ownership of something from one person to another one for a specified price: “Deborah and James completed the sale of the farm and cattle on the weekend."
2. The selling of items that are offered at bargain prices: “Christine went to the store that was having a sale of kitchen appliances."
3. A public event at which things are sold: “The museum is having a sale of fine antiques next week."
sanguine, sanguinary 及 sanguineous
sanguine (SANG gwin) (adjective)
1. Having the character traits of cheerfulness: “Darrell had a sanguine personality and got along with everyone at school."
2. Having a ruddy complexion: “After a day hiking in the mountains, Jon had a fresh and sanguine complexion."
sanguinary (SANG gwuh ner" ee) (adjective)
Bloody, associated with bloodshed: “There are just too many sanguinary wars that have taken place throughout history."
sanguineous (sang GWIN ee uhs) (adjective)
1. Relating to or involving blood or bloodshed: “The medical surgery was more sanguineous than the doctors expected."
2. Having the color of blood; blood-red: “Tommy’s new sanguineous shoes were hard to keep clean."

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