

英文履歷表的外觀 Appearance of your Resume

履歷表的外觀 Physical Appearance of your Resumé

你的履歷表看起來需要一目了然,整齊劃一,使人容易閱讀。如何使履歷表外觀賞心悅目?首先每一個項目的標題(heading)字體和大小都得一致,例如:所有的標題都用粗體字(bold print)或全部大寫(capital letters)。
Here are suggestions on how to refine the layout and appearance of your resume.
  • Printing and paper selection: Print your resume on a laser or inkjet printer. For professional, technical, managerial, and executive jobs, use quality-stock paper with a watermark. For lower-level positions, any decent-looking paper will do. Stick to plain white or off-white, eggshell, or the palest of gray colors. Print on only one side of the sheet.
  • Consistency in style: Don’t mix differently spaced tabs and indentations. You can mix bullets and checkmarks if the result is tasteful and doesn’t look cluttered.
  • Text density: Avoid using dense text, which is difficult to read. Break up the text and use consistent line spacing between blocks.
  • Open spaces: White space is an attention-getter; it makes recruiters want to read a resume. Too often, job seekers hearing that they must not exceed one page (untrue), try to cram too much information in too little space. Use a ratio of about one-quarter white space to text.
  • Typefaces and fonts: No more than two typefaces should appear on one resume, but if you don’t have an eye for good design, stick to one typeface. Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Helvetica used alone is a fine choice for your resume.
