

英文自傳寫的要點 Autobiography Tips

英文自傳寫的要點 Tips for Writing Autobiographies/Personal Statements

不要抄襲他人的自傳,也不要抄襲書的自傳範本。Don’t exactly copy anyone else’s autobiography and avoid copying a template out of a book.
自傳的起頭很重要,你需要有個引人注意的開頭。Make yourself stand out by having a catchy beginning.
避免開門見山直接說出自己的大名和出身年月日。最好用一段有趣的引言、意味深長的問題、或自身有趣但別具深意的小故事開始你的自傳。Avoid using your name and birth date to being your autobiography. A quotation, a few questions, or a meaningful personal story is more likely to catch an employer’s eye.
第一段應該要表明「我就是你要的人。」Try to sell yourself in the first paragraph.
第一段要有一個主要論點,表明你的特殊之事、技能、個性和態度使你是這份工作的不二人選。You need to have a thesis in the first paragraph that shows you are highly qualified for this job because of your unique qualifications.
補充履歷表中不足的部分。Fill in the missing information that the résumé fails to cover.
不要將整篇自傳塞滿自己個性、家庭、學校、技能、工作經驗和嗜好等的繁瑣細節,注意你的自傳中所提的細節需要跟你的主要論點有關。Don’t try to cover your personality traits, family background, academic background, skills, work experience, and hobbies in detail. You only need to include the parts that are related to your thesis.
自傳不可太空泛。Don’t be too vague.
業者喜歡知道你與人不同的經驗,所以請多用實際例子來說明。Try to use specific examples to support what you say.
仔細量身打造每篇自傳。Customize every autobiography.
仔細研究每個應徵公司的特色和對應徵者特殊的要求,如此才能寫出符合某個公司需要的自傳,切記不要一稿數投。Do some research on every company and provide all requested information, so that you can explain why you are a good fit for this particular job. Don’t send the same autobiography to different companies.
盡量把自撰寫得簡單扼要。Keep your autobiography short and to the point. 
多數業者沒有時間一一檢視每位應徵者的自傳,所以自傳應以一頁為限。Your autobiography should be limited to one page, no more.
自傳不但需要看起來很專業,而且言之有味。Make your autobiography look professional and interesting. 
仔細校對你的自傳直到文法、拼音和標點符號都正確無誤。Carefully proofread your autobiography. Make sure there are no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors.
簡單扼要總結以上所言,最後再加上一句令人回味無窮的句子。Conclude your autobiography with a brief summary and a memorable statement.
