



1. The legend should give enough detail so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text.
2. Please ensure that artwork is prepared to fit across one or two columns or two-thirds width (71 mm, 149 mm or 109 mm, respectively)…. If figures are prepared that will require reduction, please ensure that symbols, labels, axes text, etc., are large enough to allow reduction to a final size of about 8 point, i.e. capital letters will be about 2 mm tall.
要注意圖片的大小,以及圖片中說明文字的大小,例如:用 Excel 作圖時,可選擇文字配合圖片大小改變的功能(即文字大小非固定,圖片放越大文字也越大,圖片縮越小文字也越小),必須注意圖片縮放到規定大小時,文字說明是不是仍然清晰可讀?!
3. Lettering should use a sans serif font (e.g. Helvetica or Arial) with capitals used for the initial letter of the first word only.
學術英文寫作的字型/字體要注意,經常會選用 sans serif(本文英數文字採用 Arial 字型 ,即為 sans serif 的一種。詳細說明可參考維基百科),也就是相對於中文的「黑體字」。一般而言,這類字體也常用於海報發表、簡報投影片上,因為這類字體具備清晰、不易混淆的優點。另外,英文寫作時還要特別注意字首大寫。
4. Use greyscales (e.g. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%) in preference to pattern fills where possible. If colour figures are submitted for colour online publication only, ensure that after conversion to greyscale they remain entirely intelligible for the black-and-white print publication of your paper.
5. The cost for colour printing must be met by the author (currently £150 for the first figure, £50 thereafter, exclusive of VAT). If no funds are available to cover colour printing costs, the journal offers free colour reproduction online (with black-and-white reproduction in print).
如果一定要用彩色圖片或圖示,必須考慮衍生出來的費用。以此期刊 Journal of Ecology 而言,第一個彩圖收費 150 英鎊(將近新台幣 7500 元!!),之後每個圖為 50 英鎊(約新台幣 2500 元),費用由作者負擔。如果作者本身沒有這筆經費,期刊只能提供線上彩色版本,書面印刷仍然只有黑白。
Figures (including photographs). Please note that your paper will be published more quickly if instructions on figure content and figure format are followed carefully. Vector graphic figures will give the best possible online publication quality.
All illustrations are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and placed in a list at the end of the document. Figures should be cited in the text as, e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 1a,b, Figs 1 and 2 (no period after Figs), or, if starting a sentence, Figure 1. Each figure must have a legend, presented separately from the figure (i.e. as text rather than as part of the image). The legend should give enough detail so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text. Information (e.g. keys) that appears on the figure itself should not be duplicated in the legend. The figure legend label should be abbreviated, in bold, and end in a period (e.g. Fig. 1.). The figure legend text should end in a full stop.
Please ensure that artwork is prepared to fit across one or two columns or two-thirds width (71 mm, 149 mm or 109 mm, respectively). Wherever possible, figures should be sized to fit into a single column width. To make best use of space, you may need to rearrange parts of figures (e.g. so that they appear side by side). If figures are prepared that will require reduction, please ensure that symbols, labels, axes text, etc., are large enough to allow reduction to a final size of about 8 point, i.e. capital letters will be about 2 mm tall. Lettering should use a sans serif font (e.g. Helvetica or Arial) with capitals used for the initial letter of the first word only. Bold lettering should not be used within the figure. Units of axes should appear in parentheses after the axis name, as required. All lettering and symbols must be proportioned, clear and easy to read, i.e. no labels should be too large or too small. Figures should not be boxed (superfluous bounding axes) and tick marks must be on the inside of the axes if possible. Label multi-panel figures (a), (b), (c), etc., preferably in the upper left corner. Use greyscales (e.g. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%) in preference to pattern fills where possible. If colour figures are submitted for colour online publication only, ensure that after conversion to greyscale they remain entirely intelligible for the black-and-white print publication of your paper.