



摘要與關鍵字:摘 要是總結文章各部分重點,讓讀者想要更深入瞭解全文內容,且寫作時不可超過期刊所規定的字數。請記住一點,不少讀者只會看摘要(部分原因是由於大部分期刊 論文只有摘要可以免費閱讀),所以摘要能否表現出整篇文章精髓,是決定讀者會不會進一步瞭解該研究的關鍵。此外,挑選少數幾個、最適合表達該研究的關鍵 字,也是吸引讀者在初步搜尋時,「選我、選我」的重要指標。
You need to focus on each and every elements of custom dissertation writing to have a good thesis. Some of the elements are:
1- A good thesis should have clear, concise and complete objectives for the reader. After selecting an interesting and attractive topic, you should start research upon the subject. Get a complete idea about the thesis. Research is about finding an idea and implementing it, so the starting point of any research is to come up with a brilliant idea.
2- A good thesis will show knowledge and in-depth research work of the writer. Remember that thesis adds new knowledge and different approach to any particular field. Sometimes it also works to fill up the gaps between existing and new knowledge. It may take months or years to complete a dissertation. For accessing information about subject you can use public libraries along with internet.
3- A good thesis statement reflects the essence of your thesis. You will have to apply the knowledge of thesis in your upcoming projects also.
4- A good thesis will show detailed description of analysis, evaluation, conclusion and discussion, which reflect your level of knowledge and work invested in the thesis writing.
5-The most sensitive part of a thesis is referencing. Always select a suitable referencing style to encourage the readers to visit them. Most of the research writers use referencing styles like APA, MLA and Harvard.
6- There is a proper academic way of dealing with thesis writing that includes abstract, introduction, body, conclusion etc. If your thesis is not in a proper formatted way, then your thesis may get rejected by evaluator.
7- A good thesis should be in good English that is grammatically sound in writing dissertation. Do not use irrelevant words, which will destroy the proper understanding of the subject. Moreover it is better not to use complex words that are difficult to understand. It may create problems for you.