

英文履歷表書寫要點 Resume Tips

履歷表書寫要點 Tips for Writing a Good English Resumé

將名字放在整頁的最上方,用較大的粗體字,或全用大寫英文字母,讓你的名字亮眼。Make your name stand out by putting it at the top of the page and using a larger font, bold formatting, or all capital letters.
你目前使用的地址、電話號碼和 email 也要放在顯眼處。Be sure your address, phone numbers, and email address are current and easy to see.
英文履歷表不需寫得太長。Make the resumé short.
除非你有多年的工作經驗,否則一到兩頁就夠了。Unless you have many, many years of experience, one to two pages enough.
英文履歷表需包含一個明確的求職目標,如某個工作頭銜和職稱。Include an objective like a job title or a position.
如果你是回應某個徵才廣告,將廣告上所需要的職稱,當作是你履歷表的「目標」。If you are replying to a specific ad, make your objective the job title in the ad.
將你的教育背景和工作經驗由近到遠加以排列。List your education and job experience in reverse chronological order.
愈靠近目前的經驗,放在愈前面,最早的經驗反倒放在最後。In other words, begin with the most recent date and move back toward the earliest.
如果你一點工作經驗都沒有,想一想在學校有沒有與同學合作的企劃案,或從課外活動中學到的特殊技巧和工作職責。If you don’t have any job experience, think of school projects or extracurricular activities where you learned special skills or had special responsibilities.
用動作動詞說明你的職責。Use action verbs as you explain your job responsibilities.
舉例而言,「訓練和指導新手。」用過去式描寫過去的工作經驗,用現在式描寫現有工作。For instance, “trained and supervised new clerks.” Use past tense to refer to jobs you held in the past; use present tense to refer to jobs that you hold now.
仔細校對你的履歷表,檢查有沒有不小心打錯或拼錯的字,或文法錯誤。Proofread it carefully to be sure you don’t have any typing, spelling errors, or grammatical errors.
讓你的履歷表看起來既專業又吸引人。Make your resumé look attractive and professional. 用白色或灰白色A4紙、使人容易閱讀的字體,最好履歷表和求職信函的格式和字體都用一樣的,這樣看起來比較整齊劃一。Use white or off-white A-4 paper, and an easy-to-read font. It’s best to match your resumé’s appearance with that of your cover letter.
