

英文諺語 All roads lead to Rome

All roads lead to Rome 條條大道通羅馬;殊途同歸

There are many different routes to the same goal.
條條大路通羅馬是著名的英語諺語。出自羅馬典故。古羅馬原是意大利的一個小城邦。公元前3世紀羅馬統一了整個亞平寧半島。公元前1世紀,羅馬城成爲地跨歐亞非三洲的羅馬帝國的政治、經濟和文化中心。羅馬帝國爲了加強其統治,修建了以羅馬爲中心,通向四面八方的大道。據史料記載,羅馬人共築硬面公路8萬公里。這些大道促進了帝國内部和對外的貿易和文化交流。公元8世紀起,羅馬成爲西歐天主教的中心,各地教徒前往朝聖者絡繹不絕。據說,當時從意大利半島乃至歐洲的任何一條大道開始旅行,隻要不停地走,最終都能抵達羅馬。更有趣的是,古羅馬統治者爲了調兵遣將的方便,下令在大道的兩旁種上大樹,以便爲行軍的士兵遮擋炎熱的陽光。 相傳條條大路通羅馬這句話,最早出自羅馬皇帝尤里安之口。
The phrase, “All roads lead to Rome," is one of the most popular phrases in the English language. Little do people realize that the phrase is actually based on historical fact. These people do not realize the fact that all roads, at one time, did lead to Rome.
During the days of the Roman Empire, everyone was to know that Rome was the center of all life. Every road in the Roman Empire either led directly to Rome, or linked to one of the major roads that did lead directly to Rome.
Not only did this fact help to point out the importance of the main city to the Roman Empire, it also improved trade. One of the reasons that the Roman Empire worked so efficiently for such a long time was because travel was easy since, “All road lead to Rome." Trade routes could move more efficiently, and troops could be moved more effectively.
In modern society, one might notice that most of the major cities in the world are designed in a similar fashion to ancient Rome. Roads are interconnected and appear to resonate from some kind of central location. Again, this is to display the importance of the centralized location, and to improve travel between that spot and the environs.
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