



SAO/NASA天體物理數據系統(ADS)是由美國太空總署(NASA)開發,1992年正式公開亮相,目前由Harvard-Smithsonian天物理中心/Smithsonian天物理觀測臺(SAO)負責系統運作。 ADS是天文學界最普遍使用的搜尋網站, 對加速全球天文研究發展一直扮演著重要的角色。
值得一提的是,其中的U指的是Also-read,意思是閱讀該篇文章的人也看了哪些文章;這可幫助使用者了解其他研究人員感興趣的題目是什麼。而S(SIMBAD)以及N(NASA Extragalactic Database, NED)則可提供文中分析的天體的基本觀測資訊,並可繼續連向其他關於該天體的文獻。
  1. The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
  2. Wikipedia: Astrophysics Data System
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英文諺語 Clothes make the man

Clothes make the man 人要衣裝,佛要金裝

“Clothes Make the Man" refers to the fact that when people see a person look well-dressed, they assume that person is a professional, capable, and rich. Therefore, you had to dress like how you wanted to be perceived, what you wanted to eventually achieve. If you dress like the president of a Fortune 500 company, people will see your potential and you’ll be more likely to achieve your goal. If you dress in ratty clothes and messy hair, people will think you won’t achieve much in life, and your job and life will probably fit.
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英文自傳範例︰經濟及統計學 Economics and statistics

經濟及統計學英文自傳範例 Economics and Statistics Personal Statement Example

Living in a time of immense economic uncertainty has sparked my curiosity to explain the
rationale of consumers, firms and governments. The severity of vast global problems, from
financial crisis to poverty, has also attracted me to Economics: a subject relevant now more than ever to the prosperity of all societies. I want to complement this with a fluency in
Mathematics, to lay sound foundations for analysing economies and financial markets.
Due to my growing interest, I am teaching myself Economics A-level in my gap year, alongside Further Mathematics, to explore the quantitative methods which make economic theory more rigorous. The logic and ingenuity of Mathematics in solving problems strongly appeals to me, and I thoroughly enjoy learning new and applicable concepts. I am particularly keen to study Statistics, as it can clarify economic phenomena by deriving and testing models with data. During my internship at Brevan Howard Asset Management, I saw its practical importance in asset and risk evaluation, which has become so prominent with the recent financial crisis. I even related it to my Mathematics A-level, as Gaussian distributions are assumed in stochastic models for asset pricing. Curious to learn more, I read Taleb’s ‘The Black Swan’. Seeing how models may fail to predict rare and devastating events has compelled me to learn how Statistics evolves to provide more accurate analysis in volatile markets. Moreover, the synergy of economic and financial principles in trading decisions has made me excited to study them with quantitative techniques.
An approach to Economics that intrigues me is game theory and I relish its mathematical
elegance and usefulness. I am fascinated by the incentives and strategies of firms, and
curious as to whether these produce optimal payoffs in reality due to bounded and biased
rationality. Researching these ubiquitous concepts has made me passionate to analyse strategic choice in markets, to better grasp the logic of the economic decisions around us.
I have pursued my interest in current economic affairs by reading Paul Krugman’s online blog. My curiosity has driven me to question the Keynesian policies he advocates and the contrasting fiscal austerity widely implemented today. Attending the LSE public lecture on UNCTAD fuelled my fascination with inequality, absorbing for its role in the Eurozone crisis and in poverty - evidence of the diversity of economic problems. From Sen’s ‘Development as Freedom’, I realised that the issues underlying poverty, like income inequality and capability deprivation, are multidimensional and must be tackled with political, social and economic principles. I practised this at school through Model UN, where I researched, analysed and constructed logical arguments for growth and development, winning prizes at international summits. This strengthened my enthusiasm and skills for learning how economic policies can solve global problems.
My gap year internships will complement my study with a strong awareness of Economics in society. At Griffins’ Insolvency Practitioners I will see the practical sides of business,
finance and accounting and the effect of the lack of credit and economic growth on firms. At the think tank ‘Reform’ I will assess government policies and their impact on the public
sector and the wider economy. Contributing my research to papers for publication will require the analytical and essay-writing skills I gained from my A-levels, as well as communication and organisation skills I honed in positions of responsibility at school. I hope to transfer these skills to my degree and to clubs and societies at university. Playing county tennis and teaching myself classical guitar also gives me a work-life balance.
Through my exciting internships and motivated self-study, I have been committed to engaging with Economics and Mathematics both in theory and in practice, to deepen my passion and skills for these subjects in preparation for my degree.


英文自傳範例︰金融學 Finance

金融學英文自傳範例 Finance Personal Statement Example

Since my early childhood I was the one playing banker in the Czech equivalent of Monopoly, as my parents (both graduates of economic study) mentioned that I had special smile when I touch, count and distribute money. While my dad saw the heights of the international market and my mum worked trough the paperwork that is hidden under the annual reports of every company, I became aware of the world of business rather early. Thanks to my older friend I came across a book called ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ from Mr. Kiyosaki, which gave my early experiences a bit of sense and structure and when I was twelve I was able to discuss assets and liabilities with my older peers and mainly with my dad.
Around that time I was given the opportunity to join a new type of school project called Open Gate, which is a bilingual boarding school which specializes in a western style education. As I successfully jumped into it, I’d learned during the study of an optional subject called Globalization, about the interdependence among countries, about wealth and poverty and about injustice in the world. It captured my attention as once Monopoly had done. Therefore I’ve chosen to do HL Economics and Geography in the IB Diploma Program. Step-by-step I realized the connection of Kiyosaki’s world of finance with the injustice of the poor ones. I knew that cement which holds our global economies together is money. Through my extended research into demand for oil I can appreciate the dependence of our society on the oil supply and how those who set oil prices affect literally everybody in the developed world. Meanwhile I found myself enjoying the maths around it and therefore I extended my knowledge by taking higher-level maths in the Czech State Diploma.
During my studies I’ve been able to work in a small accounting firm where I could get a taste for what my mum was doing – the accounting. It fascinated me how much work is being done with every single invoice and using the skills I picked up as part of my mums’ work I manage the school cafeteria finance. I was able to contribute with a new, simple, excel system that makes the accounting more comprehensible and transparent. Studying isn’t the only interest of mine; I leave the silent world of letters and numbers to engage in physical activity. I’ve played football since my early childhood and I liked the way our team was collaborating. As I entered Open Gate a few friends and me established an independent football club to satisfy our needs and on the basis of interest we are meeting up for more than 5 years already. My position is usually goalkeeper; therefore I’ve learned how to take the pressure as the last line of defense for the team. It strengthened my state of mind, which helped me sustain more than one difficult situation. My resolution to try at least one new sport every year has meant I’ve experienced paragliding, canyoning, racket ball and windsurfing. But something that stands out from it all is down hill biking, which I have been doing for four years now and it’s become a priority to spend holidays riding down the hills. I think that this combination of sport and studies is making me abnormally happy, as my friends don’t remember seeing me in a bad mood.
I’ve chosen England for my future as I prefer to study in English and I want the opportunity to meet with an international environment. University study offers me a great deal of practical education and the option of integrated placement to gain real life experience, which I simply can’t refuse. I seek great education and after graduate studies I want to assert myself in well-situated work places. I want to return back to the Czech Republic with a better sense of what I can achieve to improve our environment here. After all it is my home and if the world is based on finance, I want to understand and contribute to the enhancement of it.


英文自傳範例︰經濟及會計學 Economics and Accounting

經濟及會計學英文自傳範例 Economics and Accounting Personal Statement Example

Accounting to me is not just a subject, but a life skill. It invokes not only the core disciplines of business and economics but it provides these in both a local and global context. I see Accounting as an international common language between businesses, to analyse accounts and influence future decisions companies will make.
The application of business within the accounting degree has been one of the major pulling factors that have influenced my decision to study the subject. After studying GCSE business and discovering the accounting and finance aspect of it, I have become fascinated to learn more, going on to extend my knowledge of the subject by reading outside of the school environment. As an avid reader of the Accounting blog on the tutor2u website, I have gained a good grounding in the fundamental application of accounting, especially in the way websites such as ‘facebook’s’ growth is driven by their own growth through advertising, and the fact that their books and accounts continue to stay cash flow positive, despite their impressive rate of expansion. I am particularly interested in the law aspect of the course and how decisions made can influence an individuals’ desire to defraud their accounts to avoid taxation, and the often extensive amount of time it takes to bring these people to justice.
Although initially studying psychology may not seem to have a direct influence on accounting, I feel the knowledge I have learnt about the interaction of people’s behaviour in social situations will help me greatly. This would especially be within the aspects of the course that involve management methods and organisational behaviour. By studying Economics at A level I have found that it has had a profound effect on accounting. The understanding I have acquired of the financial world as a whole has provided me with a strong awareness of international sections of the course. The barrier for trade inside and outside of the EU and how this affects profit margins, with relevance to extra costs on balance sheets is one example. This awareness will help equip me to have a better understanding of real world accounting situations, where I hope to find my self in the future.
Last summer I was accepted on a two week work experience placement at the Bank of England to do shadowing and accounting of my own, however due to circumstances beyond my own control, it fell through, much to my disappointment. Nevertheless I have tried to keep in touch with current Accounting developments through the newspapers and internet.
I am currently completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and I am planning an eight day trip, alongside “World Challenge Organisation”, to Norway next summer for my Gold expedition. The trip will be funded entirely through the money my team raise. I feel these experiences have helped me develop valuable life skills such as the desire to achieve, self-confidence and discipline. I believe that these skills I have learnt will provide the perfect platform for a degree in accounting and aid me on into the workplace. I also play hockey for the North of England and have captained both Yorkshire and South Yorkshire sides as well as my School and Club teams. Hockey is a major part of my extracurricular life, giving me teamwork and leadership skills and I feel I could contribute greatly to a wide range of university activities.
I look forward to studying accounting at degree level. This will allow my interest in the subject to flourish. I hope to immerse myself fully in the experience and challenges the university will provide.



英文諺語 Charity begins at home

Charity begins at home 慈善要從家庭做起

Your family must always come first. Before you think of others, you should always take care of your family’s needs. How can you help others if you cannot even help your own family? Indeed, “Charity begins at home.”
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論文翻譯之Nature & Science 影響係數比一比

Nature & Science

ScienceWatch.com 最近針對這兩家期刊各領域文章的引用影響係數(citation impact,或稱篇均引用量)分別作了比較(附表)。表中所列的領域為2000-2010年間在NatureScience裡刊登了超過50篇的研究領域,數據來源為Thomson Reuter ESI database(湯森路透基本科學指標數據庫)。
Nature & Science
從上表可清楚看出,Nature & Science 兩家期刊的表現不相上下,在所列的各項領域中,都是世界排名前四名以上。
  • 文章數量:2001-2010期間,Nature共刊出了10,974篇文章(包含一般文章及綜述文章);Science則發表了9,728篇。
  • 高引用率文章(HCP):Nature刊登的一萬多件研究發表中,有3,850篇為HCP狀態;Science的HCP則為3,562篇。
  • HCP百分比:由上面兩項數字推算,Nature出現高引用率文章的比率為35.08%;Science的HCP百分比則為36.62%。
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英文自傳範例︰環保政策 Environmental Policy

環保政策英文自傳範例 Environmental Policy Personal Statement Example

I have never understood politicians. Are they supposed to be economists or philosophers? Or should they be environmentalists instead? My questions have made me a dreamer who fights reality. While philosophy centers around the question What would be the best way to live ?, economics dictates how to live. Politics determine how these two will be applied. My dream is to learn to create a new way of doing politics, politics whose goals are to educate, to provide as much personal liberty as possible and to create a better reality. My questions predispose me to ask why people behave as they do. Taking I.B. Economics Higher and reading widely have reinforced my thinking and inspired me to find solutions. I favor macroeconomics, especially inflation and unemployment, as well as trade and sustainable development.
Reading The Economist keeps me informed of current events. However, coming from Venezuela with its serious poverty, the lack of factual coverage in The Economist and my Economics syllabus disappoints me. Journalists barely touch on the hopelessness, instead providing optimistic solutions. Few find a working philosophy similar to that of Medecins sans frontiers: help those who can no longer help themselves. Articles dealing with ethical topics in the Harvard Business Review satisfy my queries more. They speak of philosophy, politics, economics and the environmental situation as tools for changing today’s world by acting logically but carefully. It is my respect for people that makes me react strongly to ideas like Steven Levitt’s which treat abortion and events around it as economic issues in Freakonomics. He neglects the ethical/political dimensions; he leaves no room for the human being.
My father and mother raised my sister and me to consider ourselves no better than the kids we played with, the very poor kids who lived near our beach house and farm. Everyone deserves respect; an idea he engrained in us. He made certain we saw close-up the reality millions of people live daily: poverty. Yet, the poverty I have witnessed is nothing compared to that in other parts of the world. Living in Europe has not made me forget where I come from, though it has provided me an example of a society that cares for its people and its ecosystem.
Advocates for justice need strong communication skills and mastery of several languages if they are to solve problems. I speak only four languages, but they give me multiple souls. Through language I understand people and cultures better and I see their problems more precisely. I am determined to learn more languages.
I have been involved in activities, which require critical thinking, leadership, speaking up and care for others and our surroundings. From an early age I showed interest in the basic elements composing this idea of dreamer v. reality. I succeeded in helping increase the School’s janitors’ salaries, getting food to people with Huntington’s Disease and regularly participating in recycling programs. At my current school teachers oblige students to work independently and resourcefully. This has helped me mature and work for my own sake and satisfaction. My bruises come from playing hooker on the rugby team.
The UK with its ethnic diversity and degree courses correspond to my dreamer v. reality mind. The combination of all these elements suits the person I am and the person I want to be: the dreamer who fights reality. Surely these choices are the best way for me to acquire more experience in order to make the world a better place to live.



英文自傳範例︰經濟學 Economics

經濟學英文自傳範例 Economics Personal Statement Example

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led me to want to pursue the study of the subject at a higher level. I am particularly interested in the behaviour of firms and organisations from an economic point of view and I have based my A-level coursework in this field. During my study, I have come across many real life complexities and while attempting to explain these theories, I have developed a keen interest in analysing and understanding how the world of business is influenced by economics.
I have created an economics revision website for A-level and GCSE students. It is primarily intended to help younger students gain an understanding of core economic principles but has also helped me improve my own computer and presentational skills. I regularly read newspapers and economic publications to keep up to date with economic developments and I am able to use my mathematical and analytical skills to apply different economic theories to a range of real-life economic situations.
Last year, I took part in an economics and business project called Young Enterprise in which I set up a small company and sold products to students at our school. I enjoyed the chance to put some of my business economic theory into practice and was able to enhance my management and communication skills. I also gained a distinction in the associated exam.
To gain practical experience in the workplace, I worked for two weeks at a small software company specialising in financial software. I currently have a part time job and this has taught me much about teamwork, responsibility and time management in the workplace.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, swimming, sketching and solving puzzles and logic problems. I have redesigned and been responsible for the maintenance of my school’s website.
I believe that I will gain a highly marketable set of skills from the study of economics at university. I have found economics to be a challenging and diverse discipline and I am interested in both macro and micro economics. It is this variation of perspective, combined with its real world importance, that makes economics an appealing subject to study at university.



英文自傳範例︰戲劇學 Drama

戲劇學英文自傳範例 Drama Personal Statement Example

The stage is a very intoxicating mixture to me, the bright lights, the new character and a audience to amaze, all these parts of drama even as a little girl I found exciting. I would go to theatre’s and see play’s and just dream of being apart of that some day, Drama inspired me to succeed in my education and has been a passion of mine for many years. What draws me so strongly, to drama is that it has always been a liberating experience for me. I adore the idea of being apart of something bursting with charisma and enthusiasm. I feel that the theatrical experiences that I have had, have been a gift. I would love to explore the chance to gain more knowledge about the subject and to gain more personal experience and skill in this area.
Whilst studying drama I have acted many character’s and been amazed by the camouflage, an actor undertakes to bring to life a character. I was ‘Winnie’ in ‘Female Transport,’ This character was an upbeat, overly chatty woman but ‘Winnie’ was enjoyable character to act, where as I was cast as Andormache in ‘Trojan Woman’ there is great deal of emotion that Andormache experiences, It was a great opportunity to act a character who dealt with such raw emotion, which helped provide a contrast of characters.
I also have experience in backstage work; I helped lighting, props and makeup. My favourite set I worked on was Westside story at Dean close, there always a lot to do and I really enjoyed the experience of a different side to theatre. Drama helped uncover so many hidden aspects of myself but what drama gave me were the skills to analyse a play but it showed me the importance of teamwork, and because I am apart of the schools Hockey team, I am a good leader prefer but I prefer being apart of a team of equals. I am also learning business studies which I thought would help me understand the financial part of the theatre industry, it has helped me to get to grips with how I would manage a production team. I was apart the young enterprise team at my school which gave me further experience of how to manage finace in an actual company setting. Our business was very successful and went to the south west finals. As well I study psychology; I enjoy psychology because I am fascinated with human behaviour. But psychology has been very useful for my drama helping to understand certain aspects of the human mind giving me an advantage in being able to analysis characters and their desires. Psychology helped me often when trying to get to the bottom of how a character experiencing such emotions and it gave me the idea of how that character might act.
In my spare time, I spent a lot of time with young children; due to my family having close relation with many young children, as well as babysitting children in my neighbourhood. I like doing this because I think it I helped me gain many skills, like patience and it helped me understand children and how they grow. I love to sing and enjoy many things like walking that is how I earned my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award.
Before going to university I am taking a gap year, in my GAP the year ill be participating within a course that helps me get to grips with directing and acting as a career learning from experienced thespians, I think it will help me understand the industry as whole and it will make me more determined to follow acting as a career. After my drama degree, I aim to be accepted at a drama school, to help perfect my acting, so I can therefore go forward and act having a large amount of experience and understanding of theatre. I think the combination of the experiences; will give me an edge over other actors due to the large amount of understanding I will gain.
I look forward to the drama course as a new challenge and I am determined to excel.
