

英文自傳範例︰業務 Business

業務英文自傳範例 Business Personal Statement Example

I am planning to go to university in order to obtain a bachelor degree in business studies after my degree i want to do Masters and finally thereafter i want to work in the business career. My ultimate goal after the degree and post graduate is to own a lucrative business where i can help my country by providing a good service, a good products and create jobs but in order to achieve that i might work for number of years as a private sector employee to gain an experience and make good saving so i will start my career working in real estate sector where i can learn the concepts, the methods and the secrets of it. I admire this successful saudi businessman who i consider a role model to me, who made a big fortion from investing in this sector who’s name is Saleh Kamel his success inspired me to aspire reaching his level and in terms of investments this field tends to be low in risk and ever lasting in maintaining wealth. The reason why i am studying business is to pursue a career that helps me to expand my knowledge about the market and how to be able to acquire wealth and gain an experience that will raise my value in the job market. Why am i studying in the UK? I have noticed that studying in the UK gives me a great opportunity to receive my business education in one of the most advanced countries in the world in terms of being a financial world class and business centers.I believe that my ambition to learn new business concepts because that is what i always wanted to study and the main reason why i decided to study marketing and mangement specifically is the dynamism displayed by the world of business and the horizons that are covered by its studies knowing the wealth of information and the myriad ranges of products and services offered. Moreover if we look around we see how our current world is so commercialized which manifest the power of commerce, economics and business. However, the income generated by employees of business can put them in a high standard of living that no other job can generate which makes me proud to major in Marketing and Management.

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