

英文自傳範例︰時尚管理 Fashion Management

時尚管理英文自傳範例 Fashion Management Personal Statement Example

Fashion speaks to me on a personal level. To me fashion is a form of art and self-expression. I love how fashion is inspired by art, music, history and culture. Accessories can make a simple outfit look different and unique; so many looks can be created alone with accessories. I aspire to travel the world to see fashion in different cultures, as culture has shaped fashion around the world. I would also love to work with young designers and discover new talent. The designers that I like are Agnes B, Topshop Unique and Marchesa. They’re all different in their own way, but they all have personality in their designs.
I am currently studying Business, French and English literature and language. I have learned how a small business is run and how they operate. I’ve also learned about consumer trends and branding in marketing and learned about balance sheets and budgeting in finance. I think this is essential knowledge for working as a buyer or a merchandiser in fashion. In French I am currently learning about French arts. I particularly enjoy this as I aspire to work in Paris. Famous works of art have inspired designers to create spectacular pieces loved by millions. English has helped me develop my writing skills that are important for communication in business and I have learned to analyse texts in depth and I have also created my own original pieces of work.
The work experience I have gained at Zoë Boomer gave me the decision to study fashion management. I worked in her studio steaming garments, data entry, packaging garments, attended a photo shoot and sending emails. I really enjoyed this as I was determined to help her business grow. I spent 10 months working with Zoë Boomer and I intend to work with her in the future. Working with Zoë has inspired me to hopefully run my own fashion business in the future.
I am currently working as a sales assistant in Oxfam Boutique. I have learned a lot about responsibility and organisational skills in retail. I have also developed my social skills and working in a team. I have had the chance to learn about visual merchandising whilst working in Oxfam. As Oxfam is a business that has to appeal to all ages, I found it challenging yet exciting dressing a form for a young woman and an older woman. Through this I have gained confidence and leadership skills.
I was on the netball team in primary school and high school, I was also a mentor for key stage 3 in primary school. This shows that I have learned to work in team and that I can teach others. In year 11 for textiles I had to create a garment for a young person. I researched designers, fabrics and the latest fashion trends. My design and my overall garment were very successful because of the positive feedback I received.
I want to pursue a career where I can travel and work in a fashion environment. My hobbies and interest are art, performing arts, psychology, the gym and reading. I also like to visit museums and art galleries. I live by myself so I am very independent.
I think university will give me drive and confidence to learn more about fashion as a whole. I read fashion blogs, magazines and I enjoy shopping. So I am very suitable on a fashion course. I will also develop new skills and I will grow as a person.


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英文自傳範例︰化粧學 Foundation Makeup

化粧學英文自傳範例 Foundation Makeup Personal Statement Example

Whether it’s the war paint of the Native American tribes or the whited-out faces of the Japanese Geisha and Kabuki, or the avant garde looks of a John Galliano or Alexander McQueen fashion show, make up has always seemed to play a part in society and is used to create characters and to evoke an emotional response. With the current international strength of theatre, movies, fashion, media and music in culture, the make up industry is important. The creative possibilities and job opportunities this programme would offer are both appealing and exciting to me.
Since 2001 I have been a significant figure within a Manchester based art collective. We participated actively in the local art scene holding site specific events that combined music, art and performance. As we evolved, we became part of the Temporary Autonomous Arts (TAA); a hotbed of emerging arts that crosses all disciplines, and inspired further collaboration between traditional and contemporary media. Although being a pivotal figure in the organisation of these events (finding venues, developing promotional and marketing tools etc), I found the creative activities involved most inspiring. My true passion flourished whilst creating makeup and hair designs, constructing backdrops and designing flyers for fashion shows, caberet, barndances and other events. This has given me excellent firsthand experience of working creatively under pressure and inspired me to now pursue a professional career within the makeup industry.
I have supported my artistic endeavours through a successful career in hospitality. From waiter to manager I have acquired the discipline, organisational, time and people management skills that will be essential in my studies and future career. I have greatly enjoyed the diversity of my job and the opportunities it has presented me with to interact with new people and build on my skills, but it did not satisfy my creativity.
In 2008 I was able to travel to India for three months which was an incredible experience. I chose travel alone which was both challenging and very rewarding. Having to rely on myself in a completely different country and culture gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about myself. Having this experience opened my eyes to the diversity of world we live in and gave me a far greater appreciation for what I have. It also inspired me to see more of the world in the future.
Most recently I have gained work experience with two professional freelance makeup artists; Alexander Moses and Maria Lindgren. From this I have enhanced my basic skills in actual working processes and now feel that I have a clear understanding of the rigours of the job. I am also in the process of arranging a summer internship with-in the makeup industry.I am now extremely motivated to follow a career within makeup. I feel as a mature student I have the self-knowledge, motivation and life experience to both commit to and excel throughout this course. The unique mix of skill development, production experience, industry placements and academic study you offer, will enable me to develop my skills in a tangible direction. I have always had a keen interest in fashion, photography and media and, if accepted on this course, it will give me the opportunity to play an active role within these industries. I believe the specific course you offer, combined with my determination and natural creativity, will allow me to realise my career ambitions. Its only limitations will be my own personal drive and creativity which I intend to push to their limits.



英文自傳範例︰時尚記者 Fashion Journalism

時尚記者英文自傳範例 Fashion Journalism Personal Statement Example

The continued self-reinvention of the fashion world,and the fast pace at which it evolves,manifests itself in the pages of our magazines,newspapers and on our computer screens.Fashion Journalism is a way of communicating the work of various designers and creatives to the world.Thus becoming the mouthpiece for an industry which holds the ability to encapsulate the voice of a whole generation,movement or emotion in a single garment or photograph.
My desire to study Fashion Journalism first arose whilst on a trip to Tokyo 3 years ago.I was intrigued by the vast diversity in Japanese styles,from the sickly sweet ‘Harajuku girls’ to the avant-garde,effortlessly chic style of the older fashion pack.I discovered that fashion wasn’t just the latest runway look but a social expression of oneself and their surroundings. I love how you can instantly recognise where in the world you are just from the clothes people are wearing.
During my time at secondary school in Australia I was senior class captain for 2 years and a committed member of the debating and netball teams,often attending practise out of school hours.Through these extra-curricular activities I gained the ability to balance and prioritise when juggling a busy schedule.My VCE subject choices reflect my passion for writing and research,attributes essential to any successful journalist.
Working at Topshop’s flagship store has confirmed my commitment to a career in fashion.Since joining them I have had the opportunity to do many exciting things and have learned invaluable skills,transferable to my chosen course.I’m due to start work experience with the Style Advisors in April where I will gain an insight into the role of a stylist,assist styling clients and learn skills essential to the role.I have also assisted in storewide preparations for London Fashion Week,and ultimately my time at Topshop has given me first-hand experience in the daily operations of the fashion retail sector.
In my spare time I enjoy attending local exhibitions around my home in Shoreditch to see the work of fresh designers,photographers and artists.I also enjoy reading a variation of literature whether it be the latest iD or Lula,a never-ending novel or a newspaper.I take a keen interest in politics and try to keep up to date with current affairs and ethical issues in the global media,an avenue which I would like to explore further within the field of fashion.
In time out between studying formally I have gained much life experience and have been able to mature personally to a point where I am ready to take on the great responsiblity that comes with university life.This gap has only served to further cement my desire to go onto higher education.I would be an asset to your university and am enthusiastic about studying Fashion Journalism and the many possible pathways it could lead me to in the future.I aspire to one day,play a major journalistic role in fashion – in an industry that emcompasses everyday life,inspires many and influences millions of people…whether they realise it or not.



英文自傳範例︰活動管理 Events Management

活動管理英文自傳範例 Events Management Personal Statement Example

I believe I have rightly recognized the increasing demand and lack of graduates with the right management skills in planning and organizing large-scale music events, and I strongly believe I can play my part in filling this void. My interest in music, coupled with my ever-growing experience in managing events in the UK as well as abroad provide me with a solid background, and the urge to push myself to the next level. By studying a degree in this field I believe I can quench my thirst for knowledge and fulfill my dreams of becoming an established and successful events manager within the ever-growing entertainment industry. I currently run my own company, Lionheart Promotions. In late 2005, I organized my first event. It was a great learning experience for me as I had to identify the target audience, devise the event concept, plan the logistics and coordinate the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event. Successful branding and a genuine love for event-based entertainment were a great catalyst in making the event a success. This has become my forte. My most recent successful event has been through my current job as a self-employed events manager, where I have organized an event with the most well known hip-hop and reggae Djs in the UK. I utilized all media channels at my disposal, including radio, social media, leaflets, as well as the best route of ’word-of-mouth’. I managed to deliver this event under budget, and to everyone’s satisfaction. It was a very successful night financially, and I made new contacts which I can hopefully utilize in the future.
Since January 2011, I have been broadcasting a radio show in my local community, and have managed to gain more key skills. I attended training workshops and have been awarded a certificate of attendance in completion of An introduction to Radio’ course (interviewing, producing and presenting). I also attended a few courses which enable me to work with under 18′s, giving me the capability to host events for that age group. I hold an NCFE level 1 certificate in drug awareness and a Level 2 SIA-approved certificate in door supervision and licensed premises security. I believe attending university will provide me with the stepping stones and keystone I require to pursue and build my life-long dream of becoming a well-rounded events management expert. A university degree would equip me with specialist skills, and provide crucial recognition of my ability, determination and commitment to working in the entertainment and/or arts industry. I believe this would greatly boost my long-term career prospects and allow me to better contribute to society by providing and delivering top-notch events; be it business team-building, live gigs and/or concerts, sports, exhibits, fundraisers, fashion shows or award ceremonies. I am a refugee in Britain and the experiences I have gone through living in Britain as an asylum seeker and now as a refugee, have taught me a lot. As the saying goes, experience is the teacher of all things. I am a quick learner and am willing to adapt to new environments fast, as evidenced by my move from a third to a first world country. With my easy-going personality, I will be able to interact readily with the international community and having being integrated into British society, I will contribute positively to the benefit of our cross cultural experiences.

期刊論文中翻英翻譯服務︰論文翻譯    中翻英


英文自傳範例︰永續發展 Sustainable Development

永續發展英文自傳範例 Sustainable Development Personal Statement Example

The first time I recognised the magnitude of my passion for sustainable development was when my family visited the waste-site Smokey Mountain in Manila, Philippines. Smokey Mountain is a two million metric tonnes waste mountain and home for about 30.000 people. Experiencing the immense volumes of waste and the appalling living standards of its inhabitants had a tremendous impact on me and helped me realize the necessity of resolving the imminent issue of waste.
Upon entering the International Baccalaureate Programme, choosing both Biology and Chemistry Higher Level was therefore an obvious choice. The courses have provided me with extensive knowledge in the importance of intertwining economic, social and ecological aspects to achieve global sustainable development. A particularly enthralling example displaying the need to consider all features to achieve sustainable development which I met in school was the Haber process and its significance on the environment and the economy. After having learned the importance of economic, social and ecological symbiosis, I spent my summer working with administrative tasks for the recycling department of the construction company NCC. Determined to learn more about the field, I managed to attend a board meeting, providing me with a first-hand experience of the necessity of merging economic profit with environmental sustainability, and adding to my thirst for further studies within the field. During winter break I had yet another profound learning when working at a crisis management company for a two week trainee period in which I became involved with the creation of an application informing how to prevent a drinking water crisis, such as water poisoning as well as teaching how to limit environmental and social consequences of an accident or a sabotage.
Sustaining the momentum I had built up during summer, I decided to focus my extended school project on pollution. I spent the remainder of the summer investigating the inhibitory effects of garden cress growth caused by sunscreen lotions. Having collected my data, I was appalled with how severe the effects of sunscreen runoffs were. In an attempt of sharing my newfound realisation I sent my final report to the Swedish Young Scientist competition ‘Unga Forskare’ where it is currently being reviewed. The investigation was not only an appreciated challenge to me, but also an opportunity to carry out an in depth study and publish my own findings, giving me unmatched satisfaction. In addition, I also decided to pursue extracurricular activities within chemistry and entered the try-outs for the Swedish team in the 2013 International Chemistry Olympiad. Having passed the first cut I look forward to the next session, bringing me one step closer to the National team.
Being raised in Sweden, where renewable energy makes up approximately half of the total energy consumption, I have lived with the idea of preserving and enjoying the nature. Naturally, I have caught an interest in hunting and game keeping which I joyously take part in with my father and grandfather as mentors. For the same reasons I have enjoyed golfing for nearly ten years.
The IB Programme has not only provided me with excellent academic preparations for further studies abroad, I have also had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world; learning about different cultures; I have been able to accredit myself as bilingual, turning me into a truly international citizen, thereby allowing me to believe myself perfectly competent and willing to take on further studies in a nation as diverse and multicultural as the UK. My hopes are that further studies at your university will prove an excellent investment for my future career in the environmental and developmental sector, allowing me to help eroding Smokey Mountain to less than a pile of dirt.




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英文自傳範例︰環保政策 Environment and Sustainable Development

環保政策英文自傳範例 Environment and Sustainable Development Personal Statement Example

Mankind is rocketing towards an unrecognisable existence. Bird song resonates with explosive drilling; monoculture has usurped diversity; indigenous knowledge is drowning in concrete. These are the ever increasing signs that human responsibility has leapt from the wheel, and left destruction on cruise control.
The dynamic relationship between humans and the Earth has always captivated me. I can recall the first time I heard the words ‘climate change,’ ‘consumerism,’ and ‘overpopulation’; more importantly, I remember the lump in my throat and the worry that lined my face like an Ordnance Survey map. I chose A level Environmental Studies to give substance to the issues that are continually significant to me. Discovering the pollution pandemic, alternative energy, protocols of Montreal, Kyoto and more has fuelled me with a drive to make sustainable living not only more accessible, but globally more accepted. Further study of a related degree is the only way forward for me. A desire to complement the broad spectrum of Environmental Studies naturally led me to the fascinating intricacy of Biology. Here my scientific skills have been honed by controlled experiments, leading to statistical analysis and debating ethical issues. Holistically, English Literature was an obvious choice; the need for imaginative communicators is vital to catalyse understanding and unity. Extensive essay writing combined with an exploration of views and purpose has shaped me into an open minded, creative, and engaging writer.
After A levels, I am deferring my university entry due to a placement I have secured in Ecuador. For three months, I will join a small, voluntary team in the Andean rainforest. This is a grass roots project; the core of the work involving restructuring the community’s income from timber logging to eco tourism and organic farming, whilst providing environmental education in a local school. This experience will give me a unique opportunity to apply my studies to a real life situation and, vitally, help sew the seed of environmental conservation to the tourists and indigenous community. I have raised my project fund through part time jobs in a local café and bar. Balancing this with my other endeavours such as The Duke of Edinburgh Award, cooking, and salsa dancing has been challenging, but I have maintained my dedication to all with zeal. The determination it has taken to plan this trip has ignited a work ethic that will help me throughout the challenges of university.
For the future, my vision is to use my degree to communicate the urgency to act upon what we are continually learning about the Earth, before the ramifications of our actions become catastrophic. I understand that cultures have a right to develop to gain equal standards of sanitation and economic stability; volunteering in the Salvation Army soup kitchens has shown me people who are desperately suffering. Yet it is imperative global standards of living are progressed in a way that promotes harmony throughout the environmental and social realms, without compromising future needs. Retreating glaciers, drought, foreign disease: far too many tragedies prove we have a debt to pay to our incredible planet, a duty to evolve society around sustainable ways of life. The thought of studying issues of such overwhelming importance fills me with awe. I cannot wait to be in a community where my enthusiasm is shared by experts who have the knowledge, resources and experience to help me flourish.
It was during an English lesson that I stumbled upon this unforgettable omen: “The sedge is wither’d from the lake, and no birds sing.” These poignant words, by the poet Keats, were even credited in Rachel Carson’s revolutionary ‘Silent Spring’. However, I’m glad to say: Mr. Keats, I disagree. Humanity has not yet rendered your prophecy true. Through university, I hope to take my first steps to help steer the world from the clutches of devastation, before it is too late.



英文自傳範例︰環境學 Environmental Studies

環境學英文自傳範例 Environmental Studies Personal Statement Example

The recent global environmental issues demonstrated in the media have deeply captivated my interest in studying an environmental course at university level. I believe that the importance of the environmental ecosystem is crucial for the survival and existence of our earth. This especially drives me to study an environmental studies course in hopes to making a difference for the environment in the near future. The significance of the environment to the world continually amazes me as it is an immensely powerful force that affects our society in all aspects, whether it is politically, socially or economically. My interest in the natural environment began while I was studying GCSE Science at secondary school. I was extremely motivated and interested in the environmental units in the course such as the nitrogen cycle, energy and food chains.
After completing my GCSE’s I was sure of taking the environmental and land-based studies advanced diploma next for my academic path. The course has further strengthened my interest and knowledge in the environmental world by demonstrating the significance of conserving the planet’s wildlife and plants and changing our daily habits to decrease carbon emissions. The diploma has offered experiences that have enhanced my awareness of the environmental field. This includes investigating the cause of decreasing lapwing nests at the London Wetland Centre for an assignment for my research methods unit and learning about the importance and uses of plants and animals for humans. I especially enjoyed the practicality and applied learning while studying the diploma as this greatly helped me to complete external and internal assessments. My college provides a special room for the environmental and land-based diploma students that included wildlife originating from all over the world such as chameleons, tortoises and stick insects. This gave me a chance to be familiarized with the many diverse and exotic animals and learn about their value and status in our planet. During my first year of the advanced diploma, I had the opportunity of working on one of my favourite assignments for a unit on global impacts. This unit helped me achieve greater knowledge on the vast affects that climate change has on every aspect of the planet and the importance of developing a sustainable environment.
As part of my advanced diploma, I am working on an extended project on the current impact of fuel on the environment. One of my main goals for this project is to conduct an eco-friendly and efficient plan for using fuels in the global industrial society for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. I have had the chance to work in an environmental conference at City and Islington College titled “Our Planet, Your Choice”. Not only did this work experience help me gain more understanding about the importance of saving energy at home but it has also helped me improve my presentation and communication skills. I have also volunteered my time to clean up litter, graffiti and improve habitats of the Thames foreshore in Battersea Bridge for an environmental charity called Thames21 which I greatly enjoyed and found to be a great success. After learning that air pollution in London is a cause for several deaths I decided to work on a project to help reduce air pollution in Islington for the Islington Giving’s UnLtd Challenge. I believe that this opportunity will be a great chance to figure out new ways for helping large cities like London to reduce air pollution for health and environmental benefits.
I believe that I am a very enthusiastic and motivated individual which I consider to be the key driving force for my academic achievement. Having attended a bilingual and international school, I have gained a beneficial skill of being fluent in both English and Arabic. I am an exceptional team worker and I am always punctual with deadlines for tasks and assignments. I believe that this course will significantly affect my future prospect of working to improve and transform our environment for the better. I also believe that this route will help my ambition of discovering a potentially revolutionary renewable energy for global use for an environmentally sustainable future.
