

英文諺語 Cross the stream where it is shallowest

Cross the stream where it is shallowest 別自找麻煩(由易處下手)

We all face problems in life. Some of them are long-lasting or difficult to tackle. How to handle them successfully becomes a concern. This is felt all the more if you try to overcome the difficulty in at one go or in haste. On the contrary, if you analyze the issue, watch out for a more appropriate time and place to tackle it and then act quickly, you are likely to succeed. If you want to cross a running stream on foot what do you do? You search for a shallow strip. The risk of drowning or being carried away by current will be minimal in the shallowest part. Such an attitude should be maintained when faced with difficult situations in life. What is needed is alertness and patience to identify the most ideal time and place for successfully carrying out your plans.
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Cross the stream where it is shallowest