

英文自傳範例︰現代語言 Modern Languages

現代語言英文自傳 Modern Languages Personal Statement Example

My decision to study Modern Languages at University has been driven by my passion for Language. My mother is fluent in French and began teaching it to me in primary school. To supplement this study of French, at High School I chose to study German. I realised very quickly that it wasn’t the study of French that I had been enjoying, so much as the study of a language other than my own. As I continued to study German at school I became fascinated by the way language forms and develops and grew increasingly interested in taking the subject further.
Following my GCSEs I chose a varied combination of A level subjects. While studying English Literature and Music I developed my ability to analyse and interpret while also nurturing my creativity. I also studied Theatre Studies until AS level: a course almost entirely dependant on my ability to work in a team. I have also, voluntarily, taken up a distance learning A Level in English Language in order to develop my linguistic awareness and enhance my writing skills. I intend to have completed the full A Level by June 2007. I think this shows, not only great dedication to education and learning, but also a thirst for knowledge. I also continued to study German and it was my ongoing enjoyment of the subject that convinced me to look into careers centred on language.
I think it is a shame that, although 1 in 4 people around the world speak English as a second or third Language*, so few English people speak any other language fluently. I am interested in the cultures of other countries and would like to learn and understand ways of life different from my own. Considering this and having researched many careers, I feel, at the moment that I would be best suited to a career in Interpreting. This job would allow me to meet and associate with lots of different people while also allowing me to learn about their cultures and countries.
Visiting Germany, France and Italy in the past has been wonderful and I would love to travel the world in later life. I have visited Germany twice with school. I particularly enjoyed Cologne where we were given the opportunity to interview the natives for research. It was exhilarating to be able to communicate with them in their own language while also proving to me that, even with my limited vocabulary, I was able to make myself understood. I have also been to Venice and Brittany on holiday which allowed me to experience first hand, different foods and cultures. I know that Interpreting can involve a huge amount of travel and would greatly enjoy the opportunity to go to explore the unknown. I am of course aware that this is a very competitive career and have also researched teaching English as a foreign language.
I got a good feel for teaching when I completed a week of work experience in “Fulshaw Primary School”. I spent the week teaching the children things such as basic Maths and English, and was even lucky enough to practice my German on a young German student who had just transferred to the school. I found the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable and learnt many skills for the future: above all the importance of patience and keeping a professional relationship. I have also worked for a year in Wilmslow Library where I have come into contact with many different types of people. Working for a public service also allowed me to develop skills in problem solving and communication and I have become highly computer literate.
My main extra curricular interests lie in Music and Drama. I am trying to further my interest by having singing and piano lessons and am working towards taking my grade 8 singing exam in June 2007. I am, at present, a member of two theatre companies in the area and partake in many Musicals and Variety shows. I am also in the process of organising and directing my own Musical Showcase in aid of Cancer Research, which I am hoping will take place in May 2007. I have become a very confident person able to express myself clearly and concisely and I think these aspects of my personality would be invaluable when studying Modern Languages.
