

英文自傳︰西班牙與語言 Spanish and Linguistics

西班牙與語言英文自傳範例 Spanish and Linguistics Personal Statement Example

My love of languages was formed and nurtured in a classroom but it was developed into a true passion in the real world. A trip to Ecuador with World Challenge has made me realise I could never be content with knowing a language simply in a classroom context, because the true beauty of a language is in communication and the education that communication brings. My month trekking in Ecuador not only brought out of me a more confident and passionate Spanish speaker but also instilled in me the sense that a language is not just words, with it comes an entire culture and history which are as important as the words themselves.
Surprisingly, this year I have also discovered that my enthusiasm for languages does not simply lie with Spanish and French, which I am taking for A level, but also with the structure and development of language. When the prospect of a grammar lesson became an exciting part of my day it was clear to me that grammar had taken a hold. I am currently using my grammatical skills to assist in my completion of an online TEFL course which has improved my organisational skills and my ability to work independently. After reading introductory texts to linguistics I have realized a keen interest in endangered languages and am fascinated by the work of Peter Ladefoged throughout the world, documenting and researching languages. I believe it is a linguist’s responsibility to protect and document languages which may never be spoken again.
My studies of English literature have lead me to appreciate both English and foreign texts. Having read work by Lorca (including “Blood Wedding", “The House of Bernada Alba" and “Yerma")I was intrigued by the symbolism used. The contrast between English novels, with their factual and descriptive nature with strong social connotations, and Spanish literature which appears to be more poetic and to draw upon romantic and traditional folklore, interests me greatly. I have also found, through my reading of the poetic work of authors such as Pablo Neruda and Antonio Gala, that folklore and mysticism are strong themes for Spanish poets whereas they appear much less frequently in English poetry.
With a father living in France I have been deeply immersed in foreign culture for many years and through this I have found myself aspiring to possess the same ease and fluency of the native speakers. I hope to achieve this goal through my studies at university as well as a greater understanding of the history and literature of the Spanish world. I vehemently hope that furthering my linguistic skills, both in the Spanish language and in linguistics itself
will lead to a career as a diplomat working in South America, a part of the world that has captivated me entirely. Witnessing the development of a small community in Ecuador has increased my interest and awareness in international affairs; this coupled with my ability to communicate my thoughts effectively leads me to believe this is the right career for me.
Further to my academic studies I hope that at university I will be able to continue my dedication to sport, especially swimming which I currently compete in at a local level. At present I am on the sixth form charity committee and my support of charities is something I would like to continue whilst at university. I would also like to share my excitement for my chosen subjects with likeminded individuals from diverse and varied backgrounds. Moreover as an enthusiastic film fan I have begun to explore Spanish films such as “Volver", “El Orfanato" and “El Mar al Dentro" which have introduced me to a new approach to cinema in which harsh themes are tackled head on and the ability to discuss and explore these further is one I would relish. Finally, as an outgoing and dynamic character I look forward to an active social life.
