

英文自傳範例︰ 法律與法文 Law with French

法律與法文英文自傳  Law with French Personal Statement Example

It is always challenging, attempting to remain impartial and attentive to detail in a murder trial over a relative. My ability to do so was tested greatly during the trial over the killing of my cousin, Christopher Alaneme. He was stabbed to death in April 2006 by men who were said to be intoxicated with cocaine, and therefore claimed not to have intended to murder him. Such a trial succeeded in consolidating my strong inclination towards Law and justice; not only from the obvious vested interest I have in the case, but from the incredible necessity to consider every single detail involved.
The study of French is a huge part of my life and fortunately, a very exciting part too. I love to read Le Monde every day and feel my understanding of French affairs and vocabulary grow. I wish to study Law because it encompasses a wholly enthralling subject that is embedded within every aspect of any social infrastructure, with French, a passion of mine that has intensified the more I have explored it over the years.
My studies during my A level course have enabled me to better develop my perceptions and skills towards legal studies and French culture. Critical Thinking has taught me how to be more analytical and furthered my ability to formulate and structure arguments; whilst the study of French has enabled me to communicate more fluently in French and increased my knowledge of French customs. In studying History, I have learnt how to extract key information while improving my communication skills through intensive debates. Maths was highly enjoyable and allowed me to become apt in problem solving and following complex reasoning.
My enthusiasm for Law was first induced by the emotional and practical experiences I gained through avid debating as the Captain of my school debate team. In winning the vast majority of debates held against other schools, I was chosen to debate in the House of Commons against MP Dianne Abbott, where my team won. My desire to study Law was enhanced by the sheer exhilaration I felt in having to articulate my views into captivating my audience, while gaining the technical debating points. Attending a Law workshop with UCL allowed me to speak to Law and French undergraduates and participate in a mock trial, giving me a realistic approach to life as a Law student. The completion of work experience with Linklaters gave me the opportunity to speak to high-ranking solicitors, which drove me to Law studies. Furthermore, during a school visit to KPMG offices, I engaged in conversation with a founding partner of KPMG Forensic department. As a result he contacted my school praising my ‘confidence and direct questioning’ and offered me a position within his division. As I return there every summer, I relish the challenge of speaking French with others, building rapport with useful contacts and working in teams on different Projects, which augment my teamwork abilities. I am a part-time librarian and frequently have to encounter the public and speak French and some Spanish to those who can only speak these languages.
My time in the Sixth Form has been spent as a Year 9 form mentor, a Sixth Form prefect and member of the Student Council, which has meant discussing strategies and mediating between the students and teachers. I committed myself to spending a year tutoring a GCSE maths student; although this was a huge test of my ability to speak, explain and teach clearly, it was incredibly rewarding as the student progressed from a U grade to a B grade, and I gained a good friend. I am a Senior Member of our Justice and Peace organisation, assuming prominent roles of responsibility and problem solving and helping to raise over £1000 for an African school. I am a passionate member of my Sixth Form Gospel Choir and have always enjoyed singing, reading in mass and performing.
I look forward to applying what I have gained and contributing my personality to university life, studying Law with French.

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