



Everything about PR fascinates and intrigues me. I particularly like the idea of a collaborating team effort, in which the pooling of imaginative ideas and resources create a vision capable of capturing the minds of the public.
My A-Levels, especially English, enable me to better communicate my ideas and enhance my writing skills. Business Studies complements my other subjects by giving me a strong grounding in the economic, political and financial side of public relations. I have been able to study how businesses work and realise how crucial public relations are, whether it be a bank or a bistro.
My Psychology A-Level has given me an insight into the workings of the mind and an understanding of how to influence people. I recently undertook a psychology investigation which involved approaching the public to acquire qualitative data. This was a good test of my interpersonal communication and it highlighted the importance of market research as the results were not as expected. My enthusiasm for dealing with the public, entwined with a desire to achieve, provides a solid foundation for this course.
I have come to realise how vital language is for communication, without adequate knowledge of language and culture, business would struggle to succeed internationally. One of my main ambitions in life was to learn a foreign language and I have studied Spanish and French. At a young age I was placed onto a ‘Gifted and Talented Register’ for Modern Foreign Languages and have continued to pursue French at AS- level. Earlier this year I took part in a French Exchange; this really drove my passion for the language and I enjoy regular contact with my exchange partner by email.
During the summer I worked at a firm called ‘Merchant Design’. It is an integrated marketing agency with many specialist divisions including one in public relations. One of the keys things I was involved in was the opening of a restaurant. For this I had to create an invite list based on clients and local celebrities, contact local radio stations for publicity and call guests to inform them of the event. My work at ‘Merchant Design’ has taught me how interesting public relations is as a career, with its twists and turns and unexpected changes. I want to sit down at 9 o clock in the morning and not know where my day will take me.
To fund my studies I work part-time at John Lewis. From my two years working on Ladies Shoes I have refined my sales technique and am able to adapt depending on the individual characteristics of each customer.
A hobby that I feel passionate about is skiing. Aged 11 I took up this sport and last year completed the longest black  in Europe. Having accomplished this I am now setting myself new goals in Snowboarding.
I feel my choice of subjects, combined with my drive to succeed, lead naturally to a career in PR. In researching PR gurus looking for inspiration I came across a Max Clifford quote that I hope rings true for me: There is more to come on this story.
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