



I enjoy learning, developing and exploring new ideas, concepts and ways of working. An interest that I hope may lead to a mentoring or teaching position, where I will be able to share ideas in a researching, developing and learning environment. I strongly believe that any future career path that I eventually follow will rely heavily on a solid foundation, consisting of a sound education to degree level and beyond. Combined with the character building, networking and confidence that I believe university life will provide me with.
I have a wide cross section of interests both within and outside of the education system. A strong theme throughout all of my interests has always been a need to know and understand “how and why".
Whether it be the detailed workings of an internal combustion engine, the origin of the universe, the complex nature of the human immune system or the driving force of the stock exchange, I always like to know what makes them tick. This thirst for knowledge has lead me to search out data in the many forms that it is available, be it books in the local library, the vast resources on the internet, television documentaries or many of the regular publications currently available. I regularly read many periodic publications, including; National Geographic, New Scientist and The Economist.
I have a keen interest in most sports. In particular I regularly compete in swimming galas for Newark swimming club and also play indoor bowls, both socially and competitively. Alongside my interest in swimming, I have undertaken several years of training in life saving techniques, achieving bronze, silver and gold National Rescue Standard Certification. As part of this training I have recently qualified as a National Rescue Standard level 2 Pool Lifeguard. In time I hope that these qualifications will allow me to earn a part time income to help support university funding. At present I volunteer my services as a lifeguard to support Newark swimming club. Whilst performing life guard duties, I also enjoy working with the coaching team to offer guidance, support and training for new and less experienced club members of Newark swimming club.
In addition to regular swimming galas, I have also competed in several open water events and modern triathlons. Whilst I am not usually the “front runner", I do find these events challenging and character building as they push me to the limits of my ability (sometimes beyond).
During my time at college I have had several part time jobs, all of which have helped be improve my confidence. I am currently working part time at a popular bistro pub. Whilst I have no long term ambition to follow this as a career path, I strongly believe that the busy working environment of a professional kitchen has helped me to learn key skills in communication, working to deadlines, prioritising tasks and effective teamwork.
I have many interests and consider the experience of university life to be very important for my future life. In my visits to universities I have been very impressed by the facilities at Lincoln University.
每一門科學學科是從過去到現在很多科學家集體創作的結果,科技的發展,牽涉到知識的累積與傳承,不知各位同學有沒有想過,這些知識是如何保存下來,讓後代的科學家能跟著前人的腳步繼續前進呢?為了讓科學知識的傳遞沒有時間、種族的隔閡,每一學科在記錄該學門的知識成果,有它自己的一套系統,這套系統並不會因時、因地、因人而改變。比如說,我們現在去看 100 年前、200 年前或更久前的文獻,並不會有困難,不會有年代的代溝,又比如說美國人去看義大利人寫的文章,不會有種族不同的困難,當然前提是文章是用英文寫的,或者是美國人看得懂義大利文。這套知識儲存的系統之所以能恆久運作的原因,就我個人來看,在於科學家找到了能表達思想的語言-數學。

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There is no doubt that Mathematics is the most important element supporting science and business. Without the equation ‘E=mc2′, Einstein’s ‘Mass-energy equivalence’ can only be a concept, but not a theory.
Mathematics fascinates and challenges me, there are always new ideas influencing my life during and after each stage of learning. Although there is usually just a single answer for each question, it can be solved by a hundred methods. Dealing with difficult questions is the most enjoyable and challenging element of Maths. Because of my passion for Maths, I will not give up until I have found a solution! Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm; with a strong sense of achievement, I worked very intensively in Maths at high school level and I have every intention of continuing my learning with a high level of commitment at your university. To further my knowledge in Maths beyond the classroom, I joined ‘Australian Mathematics Competition’ three years ago and it did not just give me new challenges, but also gave me a big push to discover different areas of Maths.
Technology is a vital and integral part of society so I chose ICT as one of my A level subjects. Studying ICT has been challenging, but I have found it very helpful in developing my writing and computing skills. After reflection during the summer vacation and a determination to succeed, I strongly believe I can achieve a good grade this year.
‘A boy in a concrete jungle’ is what I always call myself. I was born in Hong Kong and I was educated in Hong Kong. As you know, Hong Kong is an international business centre. Good managers and the well organised structure of companies there impressed me with their ability to compete and grow amidst huge international competition. There are seven million people living in Hong Kong; having systems and solutions that work efficiently is essential. Knowing and understanding spending patterns, hobbies and behavior can increase profits for companies by using management and statistic skills effectively.
I have a genuine passion for Music. Since reaching ABRSM Grade 8 violin, I played 1st violin at my school orchestra in Hong Kong and I am currently playing 2nd violin in Nottingham Youth Orchestra. My good time management and organisation skills allow me to practise violin regularly, both independently and at rehearsals. I love sport and I regularly attend the gym. I played in my school’s football team for 3 years. Teamwork is the only way to achieve success in football; just like the division of labour I learnt when I was working as a waiter in a restaurant during my last summer vacation. While at secondary school, I completed voluntary work in my local community, organising events and helping the elderly. I was one of the active volunteers in a local teenager centre close to where I lived in Hong Kong. I have also passed an examination in St. John Ambulance first-aid certificate course in August this year.
“Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." – Apple Inc. I have a keen and searching personality and relish trying new things. Currently I am doing stage management and will embark on learning sign language soon. It is very interesting to manage backstage, and I am sure sign language will be great fun because it is a totally new experience for me. Despite English not being my first language, during two years of college life in Britain I have made many friends and developed good relationships with my tutors. I am looking forwards to making new friends with different nationalities in university.
Just imagining but standing still will never lead to success. I am dedicated to continuing my education in the UK because studying here has greatly expanded my horizons. Therefore, I am committed to meeting any challenges and putting my energy and enthusiasm into my academic work. I am very much looking forward to turning to a new page of my life in your university.
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Catering for the future is one of the most beneficial practises of everyday life, and without foreseeing what liabilities may lay ahead, it is difficult to propose a plan of action in the event of such circumstances. Therefore I find it intriguing that Mathematics can be put to practical use, so that we can develop a logical consideration of financial prospects and aim to eliminate monetary risk by reducing unfavorable outcomes, hence my desire to understand and acquire the skills of an actuary via a degree in actuarial science.
As Actuarial Science requires a sound combination of mathematics and a business background, I decided to take AS level Economics to thus improve my analytical approach to business and familiarize myself with the techniques involved. This process was aided by taking AS Critical Thinking which has not only developed my problem solving skills under extreme time limits, but also my powers of interpretation when evaluating more extensive documents.
I strongly believe that an actuary is a person of solid judgement and organisational skills and that it is important to be able to apply these techniques in all areas; both academic and extracurricular, to gain versatility.
In view of that, I have worked hard to obtain titles that convey authority and reliability such as House and School Prefect. In the former, I have the main duty to sort out teams for House competitions and in the latter it is essential that I communicate academic and social discipline with the younger students of the school and be of assistance to the teachers in any way possible as well as performing regular duties alongside fellow Prefects. I have represented my House on numerous occasions over the last 7 years, participating in sports such as cricket, rugby, volleyball, swimming and athletics and I try to give my best and relish the competition involved.
Inside my school, I am also a member of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award scheme, successfully achieving the bronze and silver awards; I am currently pursuing the gold which I hope to finish before my time at St. Andrews ends. These awards are particularly helpful at constantly challenging my physical and mental dedication and I hope this practice can help me coordinate my commitment when it comes to times of perseverance as an actuary, encouraging me to build up consistency in all my approaches so that I can have the courage of facing the real life consequences of my actions.
Outside of school, I have spent many hours of my free time during the last year completing my community service: I use some of my Sunday afternoons attending a local orphanage in which myself and a few friends help out in any way, including entertaining the children by organising and playing football matches. Other than being in the school volleyball team, I also am a member of a private volleyball team that enters various competitions throughout the course of the year and this has improved my ability to act as a “team player".
I have chosen to study in UK for its teaching reputation and in the hope that it will build effectively on my British-style education here in Malawi; the contrast between an upbringing in the 3rd world and life as a student in the 1st will hopefully inspire me to make the very best of this opportunity. I trust that in due time I will have developed the necessary skills and experience to have what it takes to tackle the course but as far as confidence goes, I am passionate about my career choice.
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Like all the best hoaxes, there was a serious point to be made. Three MIT graduate students wanted to expose how dodgy scientific conferences pestered researchers for papers, and accepted any old rubbish sent in, knowing that academics would stump up the hefty, till-ringing registration fees.
It took only a handful of days. The students wrote a simple computer program that churned out gobbledegook and presented it as an academic paper. They put their names on one of the papers, sent it to a conference, and promptly had it accepted. The sting, in 2005, revealed a farce that lay at the heart of science.

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By skimming through a daily broadsheet or examining journals such as ‘The Economist’ it is clear to see that economic issues affect everyone both locally as well as on a global scale. However, I have been interested by Mathematics for many years and have found my enjoyment for it has increased as the depth of my understanding has grown. This has occurred both through my A level studies as well as by reading fascinating books such as ‘Why do buses come in threes?’ Furthermore I feel that this combination will allow me to delve into a multitude of challenging and diverse areas from the manipulation of complex numbers to analyzing the effect of developing technologies on the ‘tiger economies’.
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I believe that there are two ways to look at how the world develops: the first is through the progress of history and human civilisation, and the second is through the progress of knowledge and human understanding. The two are intensely interlinked, and I am and always have been passionately interested in both. In addition to maths, cosmology and
philosophy, I also devote much of my time to pursuing my love of history and current affairs.
I have read widely in these subjects, but have ultimately decided that my abilities and interests are best focused in the study of mathematics and philosophy, in order that I may be able to increase my understanding of the universe we live in so that I can perhaps contribute to its future. Over the last couple of years I have regularly read New Scientist (and the Economist), and occasionally copies of Nature and the BMJ. I have always read the newspapers and books on science, history and
politics; I have been to political party conferences as an observer, participated in debating all through school and spent time in the medical world both on work experience and with my parents.
In my own time, I enjoy swimming, walking and climbing. I work part-time as an office junior for a local independent financial advisor and have a babysitting business. I love working with children and seeing their minds develop – two of the children I look after were unable to speak English when they arrived in this country, and I have really enjoyed watching and helping both their linguistic and mathematical abilities develop. This has made me realise that maths above all things is something that can be universally understood.
I am also lucky enough attend one-to-one tutorials once a week at Glasgow University, and have done so since September 2002. There is no set course: I have covered some number theory, fields, complex numbers, quaternions and octonians, but, more importantly, I have gained a basic understanding of proof and mathematical arguments. The tutorials have been an inspiration in that I have discovered ideas and a way of thinking which I did not know was possible and which I am extremely excited by. It is this that has really attracted me to studying both maths and philosophy at university; I really love the process of arguments and proofs and I am eager to pursue this interest, wherever it may take me. My personal study of some of the early Greek philosophy – such as Plato’s Republic, which I particularly enjoyed – has only served to make me more certain of my decision.
Studying at university is something I have looked forward to for a very long time, but what to study has been a difficult decision as I find it almost impossible to focus on a career. Ultimately I have chosen, as I have always done, based on my own interests and passion for learning. I hope that if I am able to study the ‘language’ of maths along with the process of philosophy, I will be ableto develop myself and my thinking in order that I may take my place in the world.
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  • 在文字、表格、簡圖和圖表之間做選擇時,要以最能合理、客觀的表達和示範作為標準。
  • 一般情況下,表格比圖表更適合用來表示具有結構特徵的數字資訊,圖表比表格更好表示相關性和比較性。
  • 表格和圖表,在最佳狀態下應該能被讀者一目了然的閱讀,此時文字只是對於重點著重討論,而不是重新描述一遍。標題和圖表中的單位、關鍵詞要清晰,讓讀者在快速閱讀時也能明白。
  • 數字說明應該盡可能的保持簡單,度絕單位和定義的不確定性。
  • 使用圖表的設計應以視覺上的清晰度為優先,無關緊要的線條和設計可能反而阻礙快速和正確的閱讀。
  • 當一段文本中出現多於三至四個數字時,應考慮將數字結果總結於圖表中,以防止太多的敘述反而混淆原本想表達的資訊。
  • 圖表像素需要兼顧印刷和網路上縮放的可能,仔細閱讀期刊要求以減少後期修改的困擾。

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Someone who fishes in troubled waters tries to takes advantage of a shaky or unstable situation.
Example: The extremists were fishing in troubled waters during the political uncertainty in the country.
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fish in troubled waters


英文自傳範例 ︰ 數學 MATHEMATICS


The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject. It is the closest we can ever get to absolute truth, and therein lies its sheer beauty and the reason it is the only subject for me. Of course, it’s also a good deal of fun.
I have tried to extend my Maths as much as possible beyond the classroom, and whenever I do so I uncover either some completely new and intriguing area of Mathematics or a very neat trick I hadn’t thought of in more familiar territory. One example of this is my attendance at weekly lectures given by the department of Mathematics at Bristol University, covering topics from the Mathematics of juggling to quantum mechanics, although some of my favourites have been those on the less exotic “inequalities", which taught me a lot about thinking about problems creatively. I also attended a summer school run by the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth at the University of Durham, where I spent two weeks being introduced to various approachable first year undergraduate topics such as proof by induction, Markov chains and using Maple. This experience not only allowed me to discover areas of Mathematics I would not otherwise have encountered, but also gave me a small taste of university life, as there was a large number of us living in one of the colleges. I am also involved in the UKMT mentoring scheme, whereby each month I am given a sheet of questions in areas not touched on at A level, such as geometry and number theory, giving me a good opportunity to explore new mathematical ideas myself, and gain a much deeper appreciation of the interconnections within Mathematics and the creation of proofs. I am a member of the school’s Maths team and we are regularly successful in competing against teams from other schools in the area. I also attend STEP sessions at local schools when available, as I find the questions much more interesting than the standard A level ones, and thinking about how to solve them has greatly improved my rigour in approaching problems.
Among the mathematical books I have read, I enjoyed “Godel, Escher, Bach", which gives a good grounding in axiomatic reasoning and formal systems, whilst at the same time pointing out their major flaw. I also liked “To infinity and beyond" by Eli Maor, which deals with the concept of infinity, its implications and its paradoxes, both in Maths and elsewhere.
I particularly enjoy the pure side of the A level syllabus, especially trigonometry and calculus, as they involve a certain degree of proof and introduce new concepts. I believe my other academic subjects all complement Mathematics as they are about finding ways of describing reality, be it through language in French or through equations and models in Physics and Chemistry. I find Critical Thinking especially relevant as it is about the construction of sound logical arguments, an art lying at the heart of Mathematics in proof. I have acheived an A grade in all modules across all my subjects.
In my spare time, I practise kickboxing, and have competed in various local competitions. As a volunteer, I am involved in a year seven Maths mentoring scheme and help at a homeless shelter. I enjoy travelling, and will be going to Nicaragua for a month after my A levels to help in a small village, explore the local jungles and volcanoes and practise my Spanish. I lived in France from the ages of 9 to 12, and learnt to adapt to a new language and culture.
I very much look forward to exploring the new ideas of University level Mathematics, and playing a full part in University life.The idea of proof has always held a real fascination for me. The process of starting from a simple set of axioms and deriving almost any mathematical truth (putting Godel to one side) is what truly separates Mathematics from any other subject. It is the closest we can ever get to absolute truth, and therein lies its sheer beauty and the reason it is the only subject for me. Of course, it’s also a good deal of fun.
I have tried to extend my Maths as much as possible beyond the classroom, and whenever I do so I uncover either some completely new and intriguing area of Mathematics or a very neat trick I hadn’t thought of in more familiar territory. One example of this is my attendance at weekly lectures given by the department of Mathematics at Bristol University, covering topics from the Mathematics of juggling to quantum mechanics, although some of my favourites have been those on the less exotic “inequalities", which taught me a lot about thinking about problems creatively. I also attended a summer school run by the National Academy of Gifted and Talented Youth at the University of Durham, where I spent two weeks being introduced to various approachable first year undergraduate topics such as proof by induction, Markov chains and using Maple. This experience not only allowed me to discover areas of Mathematics I would not otherwise have encountered, but also gave me a small taste of university life, as there was a large number of us living in one of the colleges. I am also involved in the UKMT mentoring scheme, whereby each month I am given a sheet of questions in areas not touched on at A level, such as geometry and number theory, giving me a good opportunity to explore new mathematical ideas myself, and gain a much deeper appreciation of the interconnections within Mathematics and the creation of proofs. I am a member of the school’s Maths team and we are regularly successful in competing against teams from other schools in the area. I also attend STEP sessions at local schools when available, as I find the questions much more interesting than the standard A level ones, and thinking about how to solve them has greatly improved my rigour in approaching problems.
Among the mathematical books I have read, I enjoyed “Godel, Escher, Bach", which gives a good grounding in axiomatic reasoning and formal systems, whilst at the same time pointing out their major flaw. I also liked “To infinity and beyond" by Eli Maor, which deals with the concept of infinity, its implications and its paradoxes, both in Maths and elsewhere.
I particularly enjoy the pure side of the A level syllabus, especially trigonometry and calculus, as they involve a certain degree of proof and introduce new concepts. I believe my other academic subjects all complement Mathematics as they are about finding ways of describing reality, be it through language in French or through equations and models in Physics and Chemistry. I find Critical Thinking especially relevant as it is about the construction of sound logical arguments, an art lying at the heart of Mathematics in proof. I have acheived an A grade in all modules across all my subjects.
In my spare time, I practise kickboxing, and have competed in various local competitions. As a volunteer, I am involved in a year seven Maths mentoring scheme and help at a homeless shelter. I enjoy travelling, and will be going to Nicaragua for a month after my A levels to help in a small village, explore the local jungles and volcanoes and practise my Spanish. I lived in France from the ages of 9 to 12, and learnt to adapt to a new language and culture.
I very much look forward to exploring the new ideas of University level Mathematics, and playing a full part in University life.
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陳震遠在投稿國際期刊「震動與控制(Journal Vibration and Control)」時,涉嫌利用偽造的人頭帳號進行同儕審查。英國倫敦SAGE出版公司經過14個月調查,決定撤銷與陳震遠相關的60篇文章,連現任教育部長蔣偉寧共同列名的論文,也遭到波及。"
“The peer review scandal that produced 60 retractions from an academic journal last week claimed a high-ranking official of the government of Taiwan on Monday. The state-run news agency CNA reported the resignation of the minister of education, a scientist whose name was listed as a co-author of at least five of the retracted articles.
The government had earlier said the name of the minister, Chiang Wei-ling, was added to the papers without his knowledge. He stood by that claim Monday at a news conference. Opposition parties had called for his resignation in the wake of the retractions."

同儕審查造假 Article Sources:

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IMC personal Statement
Recognizing relationships and making connections, this is an ability I acquired at an early age. Poor communication where ideas are not completely understood or expressed, have irritated me for as long as I can recall. As such I have enjoyed assisting people in gaining an understanding of complex concepts by creating metaphors and similarities that are easier to comprehend in a new way. This perspective on simplifying ideas and explaining them to others eventually inspired an enthusiasm for learning how to effectively communicate.
Being home educated throughout the duration of high school, I found that much of my education came from being self motivated and self taught. Having come from a family that was focused on education and my social skills—my Father with a Bachelor’s in education, and my mother teaching my brother and me at home—I felt strongly about reading and gaining knowledge in various areas of interest. However, I excelled most expediently in any coursework that had a creative or expressive quality to it. These were the mediums that felt the most natural. Although I was initially a slow writer, my proficiency began to evolve during my time in community college, when I took a composition class with a professor that strongly encouraged me to express myself through my creative writing.
In order to further pursue my creative interests throughout my dual enrollment in community college I chose electives such as Photography and Web Design, but was often irritated with the disjointed student population as well as the adjunct faculty and staff. Upon simultaneously graduating from high school and community college, I was overwhelmed with the idea of continuing my education and chose to work for a year to figure out where I was meant to be. During this time I found a full-time job at a small automatic faucet manufacturing company. It was there that I was introduced to Google AdWords and learned how to successfully market and link Boolean with our company’s products. This position also reignited my passion for art and design, as I worked alongside the graphic designer for the products and web design, which slowly led me towards the pursuit of Interior Design.
I rediscovered how much I enjoy learning how to research design issues and solve complex problems when I reached Florida State. Beyond developing my eye for good design, the skill of deconstructing a situation, brainstorming solutions and then using critical thinking to apply the answer has been one of my greatest assets. The classes in my major were time consuming, and this forced me to become an expert on time management. There was hardly a semester that I did not have multiple major projects due simultaneously. It was the first time that I felt truly organized with my time and scheduling. I was introduced and taught creative software like Photoshop, AutoCAD, VIZ, Power point, Revit and 3dmax. The demanding course work and learning curve for new software has taught me how to gracefully say no, whilst remaining socially active.
I promptly joined the Student chapter of IIDA (International Interior Design Association) and within a year was elected to the position of President. During my time as an officer I also established the IDSO (Interior Design Student Organization) at FSU and is now a recognized student organization on the campus of Florida State and has been maintained for 2 years. This, in addition to my studio presentations has furthered my public speaking skills and formal presentation capabilities. Furthermore this position as a leader has developed my networking skills, and ability to recognize strengths in other team members and delegate responsibilities in order to create success. These experiences encouraged me to seek a minor that would enhance and supplement my major.
Shortly after my commencement at Florida State I became a voracious student. Applying myself in all of my classes and being as inquisitive with my professors, and developing associations with many of them. My quest for betterment led me to investigate the possibility of a minor in communications, and as a result, I’ve become interested with the process of developing marketing campaigns and the concept of branding: Because of my experiences, I have realized how critical it is for design to communicate effectively, and how equally important it is for consumers to be receptive of the message a design sends. A failure to successfully communicate on either end can lead to confusion on the consumer’s part due to a misguided message, and/or company’s who neglect to balance a message with the principles and elements of design, mistaking the use of ingenuity with solid design. My professional objective, as a result of my experiences with this type of disjointed vision, is to assist in the facilitation of cohesive communications so that no one gets lost in a company’s intent and a message is received creatively with its intent.
The minor in communications is where I began to realize my potential in the area of Integrated Marketing Communications. I began to read and subscribe to the publication Communications World and learn more about this area of study. I also spoke with a friend who graduated from the program 2 years prior and he expressed how valuable my perspective could be in an ad agency by deconstructing and reexamining how a company markets themselves. I could evaluate whether advertising, marketing, public relations, and planning are effectively reaching a target audience and then introduce creative alternatives for a campaign. Also through research I might assist in branding the company and advancing their communications to create a better brand perception. With these experiences, I can create better corporate communications and attract the right consumer, ideally becoming more responsive to weaknesses within the structure of an ad campaign.
With the fusion of technology and traditional consumption, the possibilities are endless. My personal vision is to assist companies in taking a step non-traditional advertising with their brand. Primarily by conceptualizing their image and translating it into the design of their websites, retail/corporate offices/and marketing tools. I feel good design can reinforce corporate communications through consequential relationships. How you experience a company when you are directly associated with their business can affect the consumer equally if not more than receiving the message in the form of a traditional advertisement. Integrating good design in a marketing campaign cannot be ignored and in order to fully reach the consumer, the experience of a brand needs to be addressed. This can be fulfilled by considering design of retail space, web space, and how brand awareness is developed. Ultimately I feel the union of technology and design will help create ad campaigns that offer both inspiration and interaction for consumers and better targeted marketing communications. The Integrated Marketing Communications program at the forefront can help me create this reality.

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