



I believe that having an ambition is just the seed; by grabbing every chance I get I tend to drown myself in experience and taking risks. It is almost rude for someone so young to stray themselves in the world of media and say that they are going to change the way a story can be told on screen, but it is also rude to deny the fact that someday, someone will. I once heard a quote a long time ago, ‘Find what you love and let it kill you’ as crazy as it sounds, that’s exactly what I want to do. I like to have an ample and thorough understanding of how the world functions of what it wants and what it doesn’t want. In my spare time I watch a lot of documentaries, ant colonies are a particular favourite as they interest me greatly. They have a substantial amount of similarities to how the world functions. The reasoning behind this is that I tend to look at the world from a completely different point of view and use this almost as a psychological weapon into what people perceive to see and feel. I like to know what sparks an audience to have a certain feel or range of emotions. I have built up a level of knowledge to use in film making and writing as I have an undying loyalty and passion for it which was sparked from the moment I first watched the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’ when I was 8 years old. It intrigued me how such strange and diverse characters could come together and create a perfect story. The Writers ability to make this work so perfectly fascinated me thus grabbing my interest. I like to know what truly separates human emotion from the screen and being able to manipulate it in such innovative ways. When selecting my College course my first option evidently was Media, I have experienced critical analysis of the Media, worked independently in creating, writing and producing my own Shorts. I also had to pitch a short film idea to another college which then got selected above all of the other students who participated. I aimed for a short and executable piece knowing full well that’s what they wanted. Over the years I would educate myself in Photoshop, video editing software, scriptwriting and different types of techniques to a professional standard, which I have used in my part-time freelancing in promotional videos and photo-shoots. I have worked on set with professional actors and gained the right experience to work on professional shoots in the future. The course I am currently enrolled on has taught me the fundamental musts in taking the road into such a powerful part of a career. However, taking this trip involves working under extreme pressure and impressive communication skills, which I believe I have gained whilst studying the Media in College. Although it does not cover scriptwriting I would do a lot of that in my own time, I would look forward to learning more about it in university. Working alongside industry professionals who have stressed the demands and experience needed to cope in an industry of tough, laborious environment which to my own accord, I do not fear; has been a lesson in itself, and at this point I constantly find myself doing something around the aspect of media albeit photography, reading books on media or a biography of a directors or writers piece and simply losing myself. I would write every day and I look forward to expanding my knowledge in storytelling and writing for the screen as there’s nothing I’d rather do.
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