



無論是申請學校、投稿期刊,或是應徵工作,大部分都會要求附上初次投稿信 (cover letter),針對個別申請人的情況做出簡單說明,但在台灣似乎沒有這樣的習慣。
為了符合我們期刊投稿的主題,cover letter 可稱為「投稿信」,其實並非所有期刊都要求附上 cover letter,需要附上 cover letter 的期刊也有各自的規定,內容大致包括:
  • 說明投稿論文標題及希望投稿的期刊。
  • 說明這篇文章所述研究的重要性。
  • 說明您確實遵守期刊規定。
  • 感謝該期刊與編者給予機會,並請他們慎重考慮接受投稿。
當然,撰寫時要遵照一般英文書信的基本格式,最後記得放上聯絡人資訊 (corresponding author)。
網路上可找到一些初次投稿信 cover letter 格式 journal 範例,讓初次接觸到 cover letter 的作者,得到大致的概念,不過請務必留意,撰寫 cover letter 首重「專一性」,絕對要針對投稿的期刊與文章進行必要的說明,千萬不可粗心照抄一些攏統的言語及內容。
Review the particular instructions to authors of the journal to which you are submitting your work and follow their guidelines about how to format the submission, including academic cover letter instructions. The following points, though, highlight what is most often expected of cover letters.
  • Use letterhead paper if the journal requires a paper submission. If the submission is electronic, either attach a digital copy of the formal cover letter or write an email with the same level of formality, including your full title and contact information in the signature.
  • Address the letter to a specific editor and, in the opening paragraph, ask him or her to consider the manuscript for publication. Believe it or not, many authors overlook this seemingly obvious detail.
  • Convey that this manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Simultaneous submissions can cause big problems for authors, reviewers, and journal editors; so, it’s best to only submit your article to one journal at a time.
  • Keep the cover letter’s length to one page (or a page and a half at the most). This generally translates into three to five paragraphs.
  • Provide the title of your paper and the names, titles, and addresses of all authors, if you have co-authors.
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