

英文自傳範例︰助產學 MIDWIFERY


At the age of 5 I recall being intrigued by my mother’s pregnancy. The day my little brother was born I was amazed that he came from my mothers womb. I never forgot that wonderment. 16 years later I was able to experience another pregnancy (from an adults perspective) and was able to see all the different stages, even the birth. This so far has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. This made me aware that the role of a midwife involves more than just delivering babies.
Within the 3 years of studying health and social care, in 6th form, I was required to complete 2 work experience placements in a social care setting. I chose a nursery and an elderly persons home. This involved caring for people who were generations apart but the fundamentals were the same. My communication and team functioning skills were strengthened as they were constantly being used for me to work effectively. These skills will be essential to work effectively as midwife, as I will have to work in a team with other health care professional and independently to provide the best care for patients. Whilst studying I took up part time employment in retail. Having to attend work, 6th form and complete a number of assignments proved to be tricky but dramatically helped improve my organisational skill.
In 2003 I left my family, home and friends to travel to the USA to take part in the Camp America scheme. I had never travelled abroad on my own before but I willingly took on the challenge. I lived at a girls only summer camp for 3 months. My time there involved, working in a team with women from all over the world as well as having to supervise girls aged 11-16 and organise their daily activities. Whilst there my patience, tolerance and communication skills were enhanced as I had to make myself understood through language barriers to girls younger than myself. Being with the girls constantly, friendships were forged but I always had to retain some distance to maintain the position of team leader so knowing how and when to up hold boundaries was learnt and practised. This too can be used in midwifery, as relationships will be forged but professionalism must always be maintained. I understand that the teenage pregnancy rate is high in areas such as Lewisham, Lambeth and Southwark and with the experience of working in Camp America and being young myself, I believe I would be extremely well placed as a teenage parent midwife, once I am accepted on and pass this course.
Previously I studied Foundation Degree in Theatre Design and Practice. Requirements of course meant I had to travel to unfamiliar areas and become a member of established teams. This I did successfully. I also studied a level 1 peer mentoring. This will help me when I become a qualified midwife, as I will be expected to become a mentor to those studying in any hospital I will be employed at. Whilst taking the above courses I grew in knowledge, learnt more about myself, improved on existing skills and gained new ones.
Research I’ve done and actually witnessing the role of a midwife, I know I am capable and eager to meeting this challenge. As well as the knowledge that will be gained from attending this course, the qualities and characteristics I’ve strengthened and developed so far, will go along way toward what is needed to be a successful. Midwifery is challenging and demanding, as patients look to you to provide them with support, guidance and education, as well as assistance during labour and birth. You have to be dependable and responsible as you are being entrusted with the welfare of patients and their unborn child. My career choice is midwifery. As well, as the qualities listed above I am also trustworthy, dedicated and approachable and would make a good midwife.
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