

誤解的字彙 U 為開頭的字彙

umbrella 及 parasol
umbrella (uhm BREL uh) (noun)
1. A device that is used for protection from the rain and sun consisting of a circle of fabric attached to a folding frame that is connected to a central pole or handle: “It is best to take an umbrella when you go out in the rain."
2. A group or organization that includes many smaller groups: “Several stores spread throughout the country are part of this umbrella corporation."
3. Something that includes several or many different things: “This umbrella policy that I have includes liability insurance, car insurance, and household insurance."
parasol (PAR uh sawhl", PAR uh sahl") (noun)
A light umbrella which can be used to protect oneself from the sun: “My mother gave me her parasol when I went on the summer picnic."
unexceptionable 及 unexceptional
unexceptionable (uhn" ik SEP shuh nuh buhl) (adjective)
Not likely to cause an objection or offense, but it is usually used to describe something that is good but not outstanding or excellent: “The work she did for the company was unexceptionable; however, she was able to keep her position because she was dependable and always showed up for work on time."
unexceptional (uhn" ik SEP shuh nuhl) (adjective)
Usually not good, interesting, etc.: “As an actress she was unexceptional, but as a singer, she had an exceptional voice."
uninhabited 及 uninhibited
uninhabited (uhn" in HAB i tid) (adjective)
Not lived in by people: “Too often there were those who broke into the uninhabited house down the street until it was torn down and replaced with a new restaurant."
uninhibited (uhn" in HIB i tid) (adjective)
Able to express thoughts and feelings freely: “He is often the center of attention because he is so very uninhibited while talking quite openly about his feelings."
unit 及 unite
unit (YOO nit) (noun)
1. A single thing, person, or group that is a part of something larger: “The basic unit of our society is the family."
2. A part of a hospital where a particular type of care is provided: “My father was put into the intensive care unit after having that bad accident."
3. A particular amount of length, time, money, etc., which is used as a standard for counting or measuring: “The Euro is the principal unit of Euopean currency."
unite (yoo NIGHT) (verb)
1. To join together to do or to achieve something: “The majority of students decided to unite to protest the increase of tuition for the upcoming semester."
2. To cause (two or more people or things) to be joined together and become one thing: “The couple wanted to unite in marriage last spring but couldn’t because of the terrible car accident."
university 及 college
university (yoo" nuh VUR si tee) (noun)
An educational institution that offers courses leading to a degree: such as, a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree and where research is done: “He completed his degree in law at the University of California."
college (KAHL ij) (noun)
1. An educational place in the United States where a person may go after high school and which offers courses leading to a degree; such as, a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree: “He decided first to go to a college to get his bachelor’s degree and then to do research for his doctoral degree at the university."
2. A school that offers advanced training in a specified subject: “She was so talented in art that she decided to go to an arts college."
urban 及 urbane
urban (UHR buhn) (adjective)
Of or relating to cities and the people who live in them: “As an architect she was involved in the development of the urban housing projects in the city."
urbane (uhr BAYN) (adjective)
1. Polite and confident; courteous and refined, as opposed to crude or coarse: “A diplomat must be urbane in order to do his job successfully."
2. Fashionable and somewhat formal: “During our vacation, we really enjoyed the urbane sophistication of the people we met."
usable 及 useful
usable (YOO zuh buhl) (adjective)
Capable of being used or in good enough condition to be used: “The antique coffee grinder was still quite usable and we utilized it to grind our coffee each morning for breakfast."
useful (YOOS fuhl) (adjective)
Helping to do or to achieve something: “It is quite useful to type texts on the computer because, for one thing, correcting mistakes is much easier."

誤解的字彙 U