



Here ‘business’ means ‘duty’ or ‘task’. When nobody is directly responsible for doing a thing, nobody does it, because everybody thinks somebody else is or will be doing it.
If a piece of work is entrusted to a single person, he will carry it out sincerely. But if it is given to a group of people, it will be found that the work is not completed properly. As many people are responsible for the work, nobody takes much interest in it. Even if they do it, they would not put in serious effort as the credit is to be shared among many. Besides, all of them will think that others might do the work. And if all those who are responsible think so, in effect no work will be done. It is natural for people to be lazy and shirk off responsibilities if given the chance. A joint venture offers this chance while one will not be able to shirk off the work if it is entrusted to him alone. He knows that the success or failure of the enterprise depends sole by on him. If it succeeds, he will be able to take the full credit. At the same time, if he fails he alone must take the blame. This light makes the person to put in serious efforts in his work.
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Everybody's business






I do not have to look far to find the source of my love of science. Just glancing around my living room my eyes fall upon a whole host of fascinating different organisms, seen and unseen they create a brilliant miniature ecosystem with billions of tiny processes and reactions for me to sit and unpick. The direction of my interest in how the world functions has definitely changed and augmented over the years, but within the last few years it has been humans and higher organisms that have captured me most.
When learning about natural selection in A-level Biology I began to realise that understanding survival of the fittest could be the key to the explanation of why every living organism functions and behaves the way it does. I read Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection’ and ever since have found myself relating everything I observe in the world back to natural selection. There are however limits and boundaries; the challenges of pinning down the behaviour of higher organisms and humans to biological processes, and then to genes, and then to survival of the fittest enthrals me and is where my passion lies.
Studying both chemistry and biology at A-Level I am constantly making links between the two. I now feel that they cannot be separated if I am truly going to understand the human body. My desire to understand the chemical basis of behaviour has leaded me towards the field of neuroscience. The work of Rebecca Saxe on how we think about other people’s thoughts has deeply influenced me. After watching online lectures by her and reading ‘Words, Thoughts and Theories’ by Alison Gopnick; I am committed to spending a career in learning and researching about the brain and the cognitive processes that are key to understanding consciousness.
To further my knowledge of life and its origins I have completed an Open University module called ‘Human Genetics and Health Issues’. Not only did I gain fascinating knowledge on modern genetics, I also learnt to discipline myself and manage my time more effectively. This was a useful skill to further develop as I am constantly juggling college, extracurricular studies, part-time work as a waitress, hobbies and a social life which has been a formidable challenge.
The idea of being in an environment where people aren’t afraid to ask questions and find the answers for themselves is tremendously appealing to me. I am really looking forward to beginning my undergraduate degree not just because it’s a stepping stone for a research career but because I love to learn.
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Even a meek person will become angry if you abuse him or her too much. When Shakespeare used that simple phrase, “The worm has turned," he knew his audience would understand its meaning and origin. A widely used expression even today, “even a worm will turn" indicates a reversal of fortune. Most commonly, it is a phrase used when someone who has always been weak and obedient starts to behave more confidently or take control of a situation.
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worm will turn




My perception of the sciences has changed over time as my understanding of them has developed. Subjects that once appeared isolated and independent now merge into one coherent field, each interacting with another. How the same laws can apply from the quark scale to galaxies astounds me and it is the on-going search for patterns to explain these links that I find particularly fascinating. This notion has driven my pursuit of studying scientific and mathematical subjects at A Level. Indeed the ability to discover the reasoning behind these concepts through the process of doubt and investigation is what truly motivates me to study Natural Science at university.
Throughout my studies I have enjoyed reading; the manner in which this informs and broadens my understanding has been a key factor in my academic success. Charles Seife’s book ‘Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea’ discusses in detail concepts like the creation, banishment and abuse of zero and its counterpart infinity. I was strongly drawn to how the theories and conclusions made, could again be applied to other branches of science. As a result of reading this text; I felt compelled to give a presentation based on its ideas to my fellow Scholars during a recent Symposium. This helped develop my skills of mathematical analysis, especially in the fields of Complex Numbers and Projectiles. My decision to study Natural Sciences is driven as much by an appreciation of scientific method, as by content. I have recently read ‘Elegant Solutions’ by Philip Ball, and ‘The Curious History of Relativity’ by Jean Eisenstaedt, both awarded to me for excellence in Chemistry and Physics. These books have furthered my knowledge of the fundamental experiments that have allowed science to develop over time. However of even greater curiosity to me were the new theories identified that have shaped experimentation in the last century, such as the destruction of the long-held belief that the noble gases cannot form compounds with other elements. As with all scientific disciplines, the process of challenging hypotheses enables the field to learn and improve, and it is this problem based approach to learning that excites me further to pursue my chosen degree course.
My fascination with the sciences is not restricted to my own understanding; I enjoy sharing my knowledge and seeing other people reach the same epiphanies I have. To this end, I initiated a lunchtime help club for Mathematics and Science, for students aged 11 through to 18. I enjoy the challenge of conveying complex ideas to younger students, and find this process helps forge my own knowledge and opinions. To further my applied knowledge of the sciences I have secured a week long work placement with Nu Instruments, a company specialising in scientific equipment. Here I will gain first-hand experience of the technology required to further experimentation and am especially motivated by the prospect of working with a mass spectrometer.
I have been entrusted with a number of positions of responsibility during Upper Sixth, demonstrating the work ethic and reliability I strive for. I hold the positions of Prefect and Head of House, giving me responsibility to organise competitions and weekly assemblies for a range of age groups. I have also been appointed Captain of the Senior Mathematics Team Challenge, and furthermore I have been chosen as Captain of Clay Shooting for the last two years. I have now been part of this team for 3 years, during which we have won the National Championships twice and individually I am within the top 20 in Great Britain.
I truly aspire to be a student of Natural Science. Whilst I have a strong interest in each individual subject, it is the connections between these disciplines that fascinate me most greatly. I strongly believe that it is the people who can connect theories with practical solutions that establish themselves as the great scientists, and it is these people I seek to emulate.
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英文自傳範例︰流行音樂 POPULAR MUSIC


An early introduction to music was something I welcomed enthusiastically, not only in primary school (recorder etc), but also outside school. Many of my family being musicians, I was very much brought up amidst musical surroundings. I started learning drums and guitar from my dad and brother, at around 9, and was playing gigs in my own band, at the age of 10. Since then, I have been taking my music a lot more seriously but with the same joy and excitement. At secondary school, I was the drummer/percussionist for many school ensembles, including: orchestra, wind, cellidh, jazz, and choir bands, as well as my own band. These commitments were taken very seriously and I am now grateful to have had the opportunity to gain such an understanding of different situations and applications for my instrument. My main achievements in this field are: a tour of Germany with the orchestra and winning a Balerno School Music Award with wind band.
Not only have I had experience playing drum kit, orchestral percussion, and hand drums, but I also write my own solo material on acoustic guitar and piano. Another interest of mine, is the use of electronic instruments, both hardware and software. Having played in an electronica act, I have learned and developed skills in using this equipment, which have broadened my abilities in music production.
I was also involved in the founding and running of a promotion company, mainly intended to promote my band at the time. Having more success than predicted, I started to put on club nights and other live music nights in Edinburgh and Glasgow. With the proceeds, I designed and built a project studio, together with some fellow musicians. In the basement of a rented shop, it’s purpose was for our own projects, with the occasional commercial recording session and guitar/drum lesson. This did not only teach me a lot about working with others in a business environment, and about the technicalities of building the studio (sound proofing/acoustics etc) but also presented a whole new area of creation for me to explore. I have since learned a lot about analogue and digital recording techniques and am competent in many software packages for sound recording/production. With my brother and friend both having HND’s in Audio Technology, I was fortunate enough to learn from them. Since then, I have moved to a larger and more professional setup where I teach and record, alongside my brother, who is my partner in music as well business. On top of experience in recording artists, I have also had work in live sound engineering, (Ego, Ark, Cannons Gait, Renfrew Ferry).
Outside of music, my greatest interest has to be travelling; though invariably my passion for music follows. Checking out gigs, getting involved whenever possible (jazz/folk sessions etc). Often I try to gain some education from the more exotic places, where the music is perhaps a little different from my learned styles. In Morocco, I had lessons in Arabic/Berber rhythms, in Cuba I had conga/bongo lessons and in India I attended an ashram for sitar. All incredible experiences that have definitely helped broaden my scope as a composer and understanding as a musician. Like many musicians, I have had to look outside the music industry for work in the past. For 4 years, I worked in an office/telephone centre for opinion research. As a project supervisor, I was personally responsible for 10-100 employees, and had various other responsibilities, which did teach me a lot.
It has always been a goal of mine to do the degree in popular music. As someone who has been involved in the music industry, in various fields, I feel I have an understanding of what I want to achieve from the course and believe I will have the focus and drive to complete it and to move on to a postgrad for teaching music. My recent experience in teaching drums and percussion, has been very rewarding to me, and has made me even more certain of my choice of career.
流行音樂(英文:Popular Music或pop music),亦稱流行歌曲、現代流行音樂,是指一段時期內廣泛被大眾所接受和喜歡的音樂。
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For as long as I can remember I have had a very deep passion for Musical Theatre. A passion that was accompanied by a burning ambition to succeed, and even as a small child that ambition was enough to make any sacrifices that were necessary to ensure I would always perform at my best, and since I was about ten years old, small things such as not eating chocolate before a performance, wearing a distasteful, but very warm coat and scarf to prevent catching a cold, and just always taking care of my body and my voice,  and inhaling the steam for fifteen minutes! No sacrifice has or will ever be too much. Because I get my joy out of striving to be the best that I can be, and I get my fun from succeeding in something that was difficult and knowing I had to work hard to do it.

I have always taken part in as many performances as I can, because I believe that it’s always good to gain experience, and I also find I can learn so much from watching others perform. I was amazed at how much I learned about acting from that course, one of my faults in my acting was I tended to overact but its was during this play I began to realize that sometimes less really is more when you are trying to deliver emotion though acting. This is also something I was to discover in singing one year later at____College while I was doing my B-Tec in Performing Arts.

I believe its very important to build a strong working relationship with your lectures because when you are learning new ways to perform it is so important that you learn to trust them, and you can then believe in what they are telling you, as new things often feel strange and unfamiliar. I also feel it is extremely important to have a close bond with the peers your working with, this is because most of the time musical theatre is not about individuals it is about the team work, and whenever I have been in a musical or a play the most successful times were when we had a strong team.

There really is nothing more powerful than stepping onto a stage ready to perform when you know you have a whole cast around you, who are supporting you one hundred percent, and you know your supporting them one hundred percent, It can feel so invigorating. There are of course times when the teams are not successful and it is so important that you work hard to combat this, I find something that has helped me is playing drama improvisation games, some that focus on integration and some that focus on trust, going back to the simple ways of childhood came sometimes overcome the most complex adult relationship problems.

I auditioned for your School of Musical Theatre last year at ____ College, and I was absolutely delighted to get through to the re-call stage, however due to circumstances at home I was unable to attend last year, I was naturally extremely disappointed, however I decided to make the most of my “gap year” and do something completely different. I wanted to gain some life experience, as I have never travelled or even lived away from home, and felt perhaps doing something like that would help me mature and would be a great base to hopefully study with you this year. So I did some research and noticed that British Airways were recruiting for cabin crew and within two months of my interview I was on my way to my new flat in Crawley, ready to take on an exciting and challenging career. After my six weeks training I was ready to fly! I have had so many wonderful experiences and feel truly lucky to have tried something so exciting in my life, however it is not where my heart lies, and I am desperate to take what I love doing more than anything in the world. Performing.

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英文諺語 EASY COME EASY GO 賺得容易花得快 ,徼悻之財難久留

something that you say in order to describe someone who thinks that everything is easy to achieve, especially earning money, and who therefore does not worry about anything.
This phrase states a truth known since ancient times and expressed in numerous proverbs with slightly different wording ( lightly come, lightly go; quickly come, quickly go). The adverb easy was substituted in the early 1800s.
1. Harry’s very easy-going, especially when it comes to money. It’s easy come, easy go, as far as he’s concerned.
2. The share market’s been falling recently, and I’ve lost a fair bit of money, but it’s easy come, easy go, really, because it’s just money I’ve earned from shares in the past.
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Easy come




Something that you say when something seems like a good idea but it would be difficult to do, describing something more readily talkedabout than accomplished, as in Keeping the cats off the sofa is easier said than doneThis expression also was put as sooner or better saidthan done Today, the variant ( more easily) is still heard less often than the original.

“Of course . but well . . . it ‘ s easier said than done . . . but . . . oh , you know , i ‘ ve been getting into the habit of getting up late"
“當然。但是… …嗯… …說來容易做起來難。但是… …你知道,我已養成了晚起床的習慣了。"

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Easier said




家裏不光彩的事,不便向外宣揚。這句諺語直譯是「不要在公共場所洗你的髒亞麻布」,句中的dirty linen可寫成dirty laundry,兩者都是「髒衣服」,亦即「家中的秘密或不可告人的事」。
Do not talk about your private family problems in public. People, especially couples, who argue in front of others or involve others in their personal problems and crises, are said to be washing their dirty laundry in public; making public things that are best left private. (In American English, ‘don’t air your dirty laundry in public’ is used.)

Example: Many times parents will tell children, “We don’t talk about family stuff in front of strangers."

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dirty linen




Having come from two extremely musical families, music has always been a prominent part of my life. My love for music developed from recording the radio onto cassettes when I was small, to wanting to know everything about how it all worked. Similarly, during secondary school, my interest in technology began to expand. Suddenly I had found two subjects (music and technology) that I was really passionate about. I went to a local music college to study Music Technology. This included practical and research based lessons in subjects such as Recording, Sequencing and Contextual Studies. I was in a college where the teaching was inspiring. The blend of the practical hands on tutoring, and informative research lessons left me motivated by the amount of input I was getting.
This academic fire, sparked by the college, inspired me to push myself, to succeed wherever I could. Studying the two subjects that I am most interested in, Music and Technology, is a great inspiration in itself. Being the ‘Year Representative’ for all three years of my college meant a lot to me. It was my responsibility to be a voice for the students at area meetings and localised college meetings with tutors. It gave me a chance to be actively involved and to put students’ point of view over about the course and the college. Due to my involvement with college I achieved distinction grades for both the technology and the research sides of my studies.
In my two gap years, straight after school, I showed that responsibility, and a courteous polite manner, had all been learnt after keeping a solid demanding catering job, dealing with the public and large private functions. The level of work was reflected when I was awarded employee of the month award in a company employing over one hundred people. Once in college I proved I still had these skills and proved that my time management skills were superb, by combining college and a part-time job and letting neither suffer. I also used this time to pursue my other past time. Snowboarding is something I really enjoy even though when I started I was not that good, I worked on my technique and improved. I love hobbies where you can see hard work and perseverance turn into positive results. Snowboarding is just one of them.
The course I am applying for looks perfect for me due to the combination of music with technology. I have always been pro-active in seeking ways to learn more about both these subjects from a young age. I got my first practical training when I volunteered to help with P.A. at my local church. In my time at my present college I have used my initiative to organize a placement with an audio hire company, helping setting up, sound check, monitor and pack away for a variety of different bands and acts. I have brought these skills back to my college where I have played an active part of promoting and setting up for college gigs and showcases. I also did a four-week placement at a local secondary school, introducing students to music technology and recording. I found this a valuable experience that mad
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