

常見英文錯誤: BECAUSE…SO


「因為… 所以…」、「Because…so」這聽起來像是我們中文造樣造句的練習題對吧?不過老外可沒有這種說法。
因為一個完整的英文句子必須「主從分明」,也就是說一句話需要一個主要子句(主)及其他附屬子句(從),若同時加上了兩個連接詞Because或是so,這樣兩句都會是附屬子句,Because…so 語句不會完整,看看什麼是正確的句子吧。
Because I love you (從), so I will go with you. (從) (X)
Becasue I love you (從), I will go with you. (主) (O)
因為我愛你,所以我願意隨你而去。← 重點句

What are the conjunctions because and so?
Both because and so are conjunctions which comment on actions.  They appear quite similar at first. However, because provides the reason for an action, and sogives the result of or response to an action. For example, look at the following sentences:
I went to America because I wanted to study English.
Because I wanted to study English, I went to America.
I wanted to study English, so I went to America.
What is the sentence structure?
Because is a subordinating conjunction, and should follow the structures below:
main clause (S+V+O/C)  |  because  |  subordinate clause (S+V+O/C)
Because  |  subordinate clause (S+V+O/C)  |  ,  |  main clause (S+V+O/C)
I didn’t but the dress  |  because  |  it cost too much.
Because  |  the dress cost too much  |  ,  |  I didn’t buy it.
So is a coordinating conjunction, and shows the result of an action. Here is the structure:
main clause (S+V+O/C)  |  ,  |  so  |  coordinate clause (S+V+O/C)
I didn’t sleep well last night  |  ,  |  so  |  I felt very tired today.
How are because and so used?
As has been mentioned, because and so connect two ideas. Because provides a reason for the action stated in the main clause. We can also say that because + subordinate clause explains a cause for the action. Moreover, it often introduces information the listener may not know. For example:
I stayed home because it snowed heavily.  =  The heavy snow caused me to stay home.
I stayed home because it snowed heavily.  =  The heavy snow caused me to stay home.
Tim quit because he hated his job.  =  Tim’s hatred for work made him quit.
On the other hand, so informs the listener or reader of the result or response to the main action. It may simply state the effect of the main clause, as in the following example:
I got an MBA last spring, so I found a better job this fall.
He saw his friend at the coffee shop, so they talked a long time.
Her doctor told her to exercise more, so she joined a gym last week.
However, so + coordinate clause may also show the logical continuation of two actions. For example:
Bill bought the peanut butter, so Kelly bought the jelly for their sandwiches.
Samantha went to the store for snacks, so Alan tidied up before the guests came for dinner.
I finished my work at home, so my wife took the kids to a movie.
In both examples, the coordinate clauses follow the main clauses to complete an act.

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