


DOUBLE DOWN ON … 多加把勁做某事

double down on 原先的意思是在玩 blackjack 時,趁著自己手裡的牌好,加倍下賭注,以得到再抽一張牌的機會,後來引伸為更加努力做某事。這個片語算是蠻新的,有的字典還找不到,可是目前很夯。比如,紐約時報前幾天有這樣一個新聞標題:
Engaging in risky behavior, especially when one is already in a dangerous situation. Strengthen one’s commitment to a particular strategy or course of action, typically one that is potentially risky.  In blackjack, to double one’s wager after seeing one’s initial hand of cards, with only one more card allowed to be drawn afterward.

The police are doubling down on illegal parking.
Over beer, Obama and Merkel mend ties and double down on Russia
標題的意思是,美國總統 Obama 和德國總理 Merkel 藉著啤酒化解之前兩人之間的緊張關係,修復一下關係,也順便借此機會決定加把勁,關於烏克蘭情勢,對俄國施壓。
“Several readers point out another key difference between Bachmann and Palin — their approach to criticism. Bachmann, at least so far in the campaign, has shown a willingness to acknowledge mistakes she makes on the campaign trail. Palin is notorious for doubling-down on perceived missteps, typically blaming a biased media for not telling the whole story."
I think the meaning is clearer. Palin not only makes political mistakes, but then further compounds those blunders by blaming the media for misrepresenting her, instead of admitting that she said something nonsensical about Paul Revere.
It’s a gamble to blame the media, not only because the media is the outlet for her message, but also because if people don’t believe the media is to blame, then she looks even worse.
double down on 多加把勁做某事
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