

如何審閱論文 How to referee an article


為何要審閱? Why referee?
• 以您本身的專業知識幫助作者改進論文。
• 讓作者知道有其他文獻可提供有用的比較或方法說明。
• 在嚴謹的過程中,協助確保只發表最佳研究成果。
• 讓您知悉目前學科內新興的研究。
When your time is stretched it’s tempting to say no to requests to referee, but there are a number of very valid reasons why you should accept:
• Help the author to improve the paper – in the light of your own professional expertise.
• Make the author aware of any additional literature that may provide useful comparison, or clarification of an approach.
• Assist in a rigorous process to ensure only the best research is published.
• Maintain your awareness of current research emerging within the discipline.

調查期刊內容 Investigate the journal’s content
您已同意審閱一篇論文,那麼下一步該怎麼做呢?從造訪期刊首頁開始,瞭解該期刊平常的內容和出版社的風格,協助確定所審查的論文是否適合該期刊。請參閱投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors),瞭解論文是否符合該期刊的投稿標準(例如篇幅、範圍和呈現方式)。
You’ve agreed to referee a paper, so what should you do next? Start by visiting the journal homepage to get a sense of the journal’s usual content and house style to help decide whether the paper being reviewed is suitable. Refer to the Instructions for Authors to see if the paper meets the submission criteria of the journal (e.g. length, scope and presentation).

評量 Make an assessment
Complete the review questions or score sheet to indicate the relative strengths or weaknesses of the paper. Remember that authors will welcome positive feedback as well as constructive criticism from you. Key questions to ask: Is the paper original? Is the relative contribution made to the existing literature good enough? Will the paper be interesting to the readership of the journal?

建議 Make a recommendation
Once you’ve read the paper and have assessed its quality, you need to make a recommendation to the editor regarding publication. Should it be accepted? Revised and resubmitted? Rejected pending revision? Supply some comments suitable for transmission to the author as an opportunity to seek clarification on any unclear points and for further elaboration. If you have time, make suggestions as to how the author can improve clarity, succinctness, and the overall quality of presentation. Confirm whether you feel the subject of the paper is sufficiently interesting to justify its length. If you recommend shortening it, it is useful to the author(s) if you can indicate specific areas where you think that shortening is required.

無法審閱? Unable to referee?
It won’t be possible for you to accept every invitation to referee. In this situation it is very helpful if you are able to recommend an alternative expert or someone whose opinion
you trust. If you are unable to complete your report on a paper then inform the editorial office as soon as possible so that the refereeing process is not delayed.