

如何投稿 How to submit your article


選擇最佳期刊 Choose the best journal
• 瀏覽我們在您學科領域內出版的期刊
• 閱讀「目標和範圍」(Aims and Scope),瞭解編輯尋找的文章種類
• 考慮您想要發表論文的期刊種類
• 使用我們的期刊編輯所提供的提示和建議
• Browse through the journals we publish in your subject area
• Read the “Aims and Scope” to find out about the kinds of articles the editors are looking for
• Think about the kind of journal you would like to publish in
• Use the tips and advice offered by our journal editors

注意一切必要細節 Include all necessary details
Make sure you have checked everything before you submit your article. Use the instructions provided by the journal and our general checklist. Consult our guidelines on authors’ rights, and on the ethics of publication.

插圖和補充內容 Artwork and supplementary content
Use our guide to the submission of electronic artwork so that we can ensure that only the best quality images and figures are reproduced. Supplementary material, including animations, movie files, sound files, and text files, can be submitted for publication in the online edition of our journals. Supplementary material should be submitted at the same time as your manuscript.

準備投稿信 Prepare a cover letter
請連同您的文章一併附上投稿信。查看投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors),瞭解編輯是否列出應提交材料的資訊,並遵守他們提供的任何準則。
Include a cover letter with your article. Check the Instructions for Authors to see if the editors provide information on what to include, and follow any guidelines that they give you.

僅向一種期刊投稿 Submit to one journal only
When you submit your article, you will need to confirm that it has been submitted solely to that journal, and that it is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.

遵循投稿準則 Follow submission guidelines
投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors) 將指導您發送文章的方式,包括經由電子郵件發送給編輯、透過專門網站線上投稿,或以郵寄方式寄出印刷本。
The Instructions for Authors will guide you on how you need to send your article. This may be via email to the editor, via a special website, or as printed copy by post.