

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 M 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter M

誤解的字彙 M 為開頭的字彙

macrocosm 及 microcosm
macrocosm (MAK ruh kahz" uhm) (noun)
Great, universal, a complex that represents on a large scale one of its components: “The assignment for the astronomy class was to create a macrocosm of one star in the Milky Way."
microcosm (MIGH kruh kahz" uhm) (noun)
Small, little, representing the epitome of a larger entity: “The diversity of the residents in the tall residential building appeared to represent a microcosm of the population of the city."
made  maid
made (MAYD) (verb)
1. Manufactured, created, produced either artificially or by an individual: “Cleo’s purse is made of imitation snake skin."
“Janine’s mother made a skirt which compliments her purse."
2. Used to say that someone has the right qualities to be or to do something: “Chris was made to be an actor."
maid (MAYD) (noun)
1. A woman servant: “Debora hired a maid to help out at the large gathering in the garden."
2. An unmarried young woman: “The young maid was imaginative and she often imagined what her future would be like."
magnate  magnet
magnate (MAG nayt") (noun)
An individual having power, rank, and influence; often in a specific area of expertise: “Marcus was a magnate in the area of computer programming."
magnet (MAG nit) (noun)
1. A piece of iron or steel which produces an attracting power which draws smaller pieces of iron, steel, etc. to it: “Luis picked up the scattered nails on the floor by using a magnet."
2. That which attracts: “The seashore was a magnet for holiday vacationers."
mail 及 male
mail (MAYL) (noun)
1. Items that are sent by the post from one location to another: “I checked the post box to see if the mail had arrived this morning."
2. Armour, a protective covering made of metal, or the hard covering of an animal: “When going to battle, knights often wore mail to protect themselves."
“The turtle has a hard shell, like mail, that helps to protect it from harm; so, the mail of the turtle protects it from predators."
mail (MAYL) (verb)
To send an article from one location to another through the post: “She walked down the street to mail her letter."
male (MAYL) (adjective)
1. Masculine, men, opposite of female: “The male sprinter won the race by only a second or two."
2. Characteristic of men, or being masculine: “Many sports that were considered appropriate only for a male player are now being played by women."
maize 及 maze
maize (MAYZ) (noun)
Corn, often referred to as Indian Corn: “The recipe called for ground maize which Debora bought in the health food store."
maze (MAYZ) (noun)
That which is complicated or elaborate: “On the first day of Tony’s new job, he tried to understand the maze of regulations."
“The ornamental garden was a complex maze of shrubbery and trees."

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