

學術寫作上常誤用及誤解的字彙 N 為開頭的字彙 Common Mistakes in Academic English Writing: Words Beginning with the Letter N

誤解的字彙 N 為開頭的字彙

nauseated 及 nauseous
nauseated (NAW zee ayt’d, NAW zhee ayt’d, NAW see ayt’d, NAW shee ayt’d) (verb)
To have felt very upset; to have had an upset stomach causing someone to feel like vomiting: “Brian was feeling weak and nauseated after smelling the rotten garbage."
“Patricia felt very nauseated after eating the tainted meat."
nauseous (NAW shuhs, NAW zee uhs) (adjective)
Causing severe upset or disgust. “When Earl smelled the bilge in the engine room of the ship, it caused a nauseous feeling in his stomach."
“When the people saw the way the animals were being treated, it made them feel nauseous."
naval  navel
naval (NAY vuhl) (adjective)
Relating to ships and shipping or especially to military ships: “Madeline wore a sharp naval style blazer when she went sailing with her friends."
“As part of the waterfront tour, Luis visited the naval ships which were in the harbor."
navel (NAY vuhl) (noun)
The indentation or bump on the abdomen marking the spot where the umbilicus was attached: “When Dina’s sister was young and feeling adventurous, she had her navel pierced and now she wears a small ring in it."
negligent 及 negligible
negligent (NEG li juhnt) (adjective)
Careless attention to one’s duties or responsibilities: “Stanley’s negligent attitude towards getting to work on time was noted by his supervisor."
negligible (NEG li juh buhl) (adjective)
So small as to be unimportant or of no consequence: “The crack in the mirror appeared to be a negligible detail in the murder investigation."
none 及 nun
none (NUHN) (pronoun)
Not any; no such thing: “There were none of Eugenia’s favorite chocolates left in the box."
“There were none like Chris when it came to being able to swim underwater for a long period of time."
“It is none too soon to begin the long drive home."
none (NUHN) (adverb)
In no way, not at all: “The jean jacket looked none the worse for having been washed in the machine."
nun (NUHN) (noun)
A female individual belonging to a religious group or order: “Nell’s sister was a nun who lived in seclusion and translated religious writings."
nose, nose, knows 及 noes
nose (NOHZ) (noun)
1. The part of the human face or the forward part of the head of other vertebrates that contains the nostrils and organs of smell and forms the beginning of the respiratory tract: “The nose is capable of perceiving a variety of odors."
2. The front end of something: “The nose of the rocket was painted black and white."
nose (NOHZ) (verb)
To discover, to look around, to inquire: “The private agent decided to nose around in the library, looking for information about his client."
knows (NOHZ) (verb)
Perceiving directly; grasping in the mind with clarity or certainty: “Gerald knows very well that he should not be acting like that."
noes (NOHZ) (noun)
Negative responses; denials or refusals; negative votes: “The majority of the people stressed their noes for the proposal."
nuance 及 nuisance
nuance (NOO ans", NYOO ans") (noun)
A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation: “The story that Eric told had very little depth and nuance."
“A nuance is a shade of feeling or meaning, a subtle variation; as when a poem expresses different nuances of feelings."
nuisance (NOO suhns, NYOO suhns) (noun)
Someone or something that is inconvenient, annoying, or vexatious; a bother: “Having to stand so long in line to get on an airplane is a real nuisance."
“That noisy disruptive child was always a big nuisance when his mother took him shopping with her."

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