



  • 先詳細閱讀對方的文章,找出與自己相同、相似以及不同之處;
  • 分析自己別於他人的特點為何;
  • 化「危機」為「轉機」。撰寫文稿時特別指出自己的特點,並肯定對方的研究,同時利用對方發表的結果平行佐證自己論點;
  • 趕在有更多類似文章出現前儘快投稿,投稿時在cover letter上再次告知主編及審查者有類似的文章出現,並再次點出自己的特點,以及對方的數據如何更加驗證自己的論點。
若是已經投稿,但仍在等待審閱階段,處理方法跟投稿前是差不多的;一樣是準備一封不超過一頁的cover letter,說明有類似文章發表的狀況出現,並點出自己的不同,以及對方的數據結果如何更加證實自己的論點,再把文件寄到編輯辦公室,讓主編和審稿人都能了解手邊審閱中的文稿的最新情況。
Academic plagiarism has a formal definition, but to state it informally simply it is using someone else’s work as ones own.
It may be unintentional, merely a footnote left out, or missing quotation marks or forgetting these indicators may be a clever way to fool the reader into thinking the material is original to the author.


According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary the formal definition is:
  • to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own
  • to use (another’s production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
Academic plagiarism no doubt is very serious stuff. Intellectual property is protected under government guidelines. It isn’t only a matter of flagrant plagiarism, where a complete passage is copied without giving credit to the author, but is also considered a crime when the following occurs:
  • Improper citation, failure to use quotation marks around a quote, even if a footnote is added giving credit
  • If a sentence is used with a few words changed around, but the structure remains the same
  • If a document contains so many ideas belonging to someone else even with proper credit, the work is not original and can be considered plagiarism
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英文自傳範例︰助產學 MIDWIFERY


At the age of 5 I recall being intrigued by my mother’s pregnancy. The day my little brother was born I was amazed that he came from my mothers womb. I never forgot that wonderment. 16 years later I was able to experience another pregnancy (from an adults perspective) and was able to see all the different stages, even the birth. This so far has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. This made me aware that the role of a midwife involves more than just delivering babies.
Within the 3 years of studying health and social care, in 6th form, I was required to complete 2 work experience placements in a social care setting. I chose a nursery and an elderly persons home. This involved caring for people who were generations apart but the fundamentals were the same. My communication and team functioning skills were strengthened as they were constantly being used for me to work effectively. These skills will be essential to work effectively as midwife, as I will have to work in a team with other health care professional and independently to provide the best care for patients. Whilst studying I took up part time employment in retail. Having to attend work, 6th form and complete a number of assignments proved to be tricky but dramatically helped improve my organisational skill.
In 2003 I left my family, home and friends to travel to the USA to take part in the Camp America scheme. I had never travelled abroad on my own before but I willingly took on the challenge. I lived at a girls only summer camp for 3 months. My time there involved, working in a team with women from all over the world as well as having to supervise girls aged 11-16 and organise their daily activities. Whilst there my patience, tolerance and communication skills were enhanced as I had to make myself understood through language barriers to girls younger than myself. Being with the girls constantly, friendships were forged but I always had to retain some distance to maintain the position of team leader so knowing how and when to up hold boundaries was learnt and practised. This too can be used in midwifery, as relationships will be forged but professionalism must always be maintained. I understand that the teenage pregnancy rate is high in areas such as Lewisham, Lambeth and Southwark and with the experience of working in Camp America and being young myself, I believe I would be extremely well placed as a teenage parent midwife, once I am accepted on and pass this course.
Previously I studied Foundation Degree in Theatre Design and Practice. Requirements of course meant I had to travel to unfamiliar areas and become a member of established teams. This I did successfully. I also studied a level 1 peer mentoring. This will help me when I become a qualified midwife, as I will be expected to become a mentor to those studying in any hospital I will be employed at. Whilst taking the above courses I grew in knowledge, learnt more about myself, improved on existing skills and gained new ones.
Research I’ve done and actually witnessing the role of a midwife, I know I am capable and eager to meeting this challenge. As well as the knowledge that will be gained from attending this course, the qualities and characteristics I’ve strengthened and developed so far, will go along way toward what is needed to be a successful. Midwifery is challenging and demanding, as patients look to you to provide them with support, guidance and education, as well as assistance during labour and birth. You have to be dependable and responsible as you are being entrusted with the welfare of patients and their unborn child. My career choice is midwifery. As well, as the qualities listed above I am also trustworthy, dedicated and approachable and would make a good midwife.
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To venture into the realm of science and medicine is to pursue a path of boundless discovery;I am in awe of how much humanity has been shaped by medical advances, paving the way for new cures and better anatomical understanding. Civilisation itself relies solely upon such advances, thus the urge to contribute to an ever-changing profession has long since ignited my interest in a biomedical science course. Alongside the need to apply Biology based science to medical use, the opportunity to further study the complexity of the human body has provided the motivation to steer me towards a well regarded and compelling specialty such as this.
To grasp a practical understanding of what biomedicine entails, I volunteered to assist at the Wolverhampton Hospital for a week. Under the guidance of a Geriatrician, I observed ward rounds and often engaged elderly patients in conversation, which only fuelled my desire to partake in a role that strives to improve the healthcare of the wider community. Most of my time was spent touring the haematology department were I was introduced to fascinating clinical concepts such as haemodialysis. Observing laboratory work was an ideal opportunity to gain a profound awareness of diagnosis and blood abnormalities like Sickle Cells Anaemia and Leukemia. Alongside the biomedical experience I also took part in exciting medical procedures, a few of which involved using a stethoscope to detect heart murmurs and respiratory problems. Furthermore, I have also helped out at my local hospital and although this second work experience lacked the biomedical aspects I desired, working with paraplegic patients opened my eyes to the importance of medicine in general and reinforced my desire to aim for a future in biomedical science.
My dedication to the course and general love for science is reflected in my A’ level subject choices, where innovative thinking and self motivated study skills are key. Biology and Chemistry provide an analytic aspect of learning, while Maths and Physics help develop the logical problem solving skills which are heavily required in any healthcare profession. I also enjoy absorbing a wide variety of medical related opinions and often yearn for new ways to nurture my interest in this area. I am enthusiastic to develop my scientific knowledge; I find reading the works of Roger Watson help promote an already blossoming fascination with the human anatomy. At school I assist in the organisation of welcome club sessions for Year 7 students. Teaching Biology and Art to younger pupils has not only improved my interpersonal and leadership abilities, but helped me mature as a well rounded person who prides himself in inspiring others. Moreover, I have been involved in school affairs as Year 10 and 11 Representative, speaking on behalf of my form group during School Council meetings. The determination I have displayed throughout my schooling career will prove vital at University were endurance is most desired.
Beyond the academic field I frequently partake in various sporting activities, Badminton and Tennis in particular. I have successfully represented my school at a competitive level during local events and competitions. As a member of the Gifted and Talented scheme for Art and Music I have always shown an undying interest and natural flair in the arts, and so regularly take the time to explore this creativity on canvas. I also take pleasure in playing guitar and though I am self-taught, I find it enjoyable and eminently productive.
Ultimately, I consider myself to be a well rounded, sociable individual driven by the aspiration to help improve people’s lives by contributing to the advancement of healthcare. My own scientific ideology is based on the notion that society will always depend upon medical innovations to remedy all illness and bodily complications. Therefore, this is something I hugely anticipate and hope to achieve through a biomedical course at university.
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英文自傳範例 ︰ 醫學 MEDICINE


The complex structure of the human body is a unique beauty. However, when witnessing my uncle deteriorating due to cancer it showed that complexity inescapably meant that problems arise. I realized the effects such illness can have on the patient and their families and appreciate how fulfilling being a doctor would be in such circumstances.
I have experienced first-hand how diverse a doctor’s job can be; not just prescribing drugs or performing surgery but also empathy and compassion being key to delivering an effective care. This fact was highlighted during a period of shadowing a Professorial unit at a Department of Psychiatry. Here, I realized the importance of treating patients in a holistic manner; doctors need to be skillful enough to deal with the health implications of both physical and psychological complaints. I was able to observe doctors communicating in difficult situations such as witnessing the emotional despair of a patient suffering from profound depression, where key skills such as empathy, patience and compassion are essential to enhance the doctor-patient relationship. Having observed clinical multidisciplinary team meetings, I am able to appreciate the input various teams have in providing effective care and ensuring a better outcome overall for the patient and their families.
Having worked in a care home, I was able to work closely with elderly patients. This made me aware of their specific healthcare needs and challenges in relation to their care. Healthcare needs are influenced by various other factors including gender, ethnicity and social class. Doctors need to demonstrate the capability of recognising these specific healthcare needs and addressing them appropriately. Many patients were in a poor state of health and usually in terminal phases of their illness. This environment exemplified how healthcare staffs are often faced with emotionally stressing situations. My experience of shadowing a GP and the attached community staff exemplified how modern primary care in partnership with secondary care is central to an effective NHS. Furthermore, I understand the research aspect of medicine providing an evidence base for modern medicine as well as the need for clinicians to undertake lifelong learning for the benefit of their patients.
Having attended a medical summer school, I had the opportunity to speak to medical professionals and students; Speaking to them made me aware of the challenges associated with a career as a doctor such as the proactive balance between work with long hour shifts with social and family life.
I have completed my Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards, which enabled me to develop my interpersonal and speaking skills whilst teaching a range of children with different abilities. I am the founder member of my school’s debating club from which I have learnt methods of critical thinking and respectful discourse which may benefit my career in multidisciplinary meetings and case conferences. Within my role as a science prefect, I have been proactively involved in organizing open days. Being chair of Doncaster Interfaith has enabled me to discuss and develop my views on ethical and moral issues. Involving me delivering lectures to the public, furthering my skills in public speaking and leadership. I have started the Crest award to independently explore science alongside my A levels. Biology and chemistry allowed me to develop analytical skills and Physics and Maths have developed my deduction skills in following logical processes to infer results. I love reading as a hobby to increase my knowledge and as entertainment.
The medical world is full of intellectual, ethical, physical and emotional challenges which doctors face on a daily basis, but yet this creates a dynamic profession which is one of the most rewarding. My aspiration for excellence and to succeed within the medical profession will no doubt help make a difference to the lives of the future.
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Writing a covering letter is a necessary step before submitting an unsolicited manuscript (主動投稿) to an academic journal. In cases where the author has not queried the editor of the target journal prior to submission, the covering letter can – and should – be drafted to serve three functions. This article demonstrates how a covering letter can (1) establish the author’s credibility, (2) help ensure that the manuscript is seriously considered for publication, and (3) initiate a positive rapport with the editor and editorial staff of the journal. In addition, this article includes sample texts from ‘successful’ covering letters: covering letters that, ultimately, result in having the accompanying manuscript accepted for publication.
Source: Writing Successful Covering Letters for Unsolicited Submissions to Academic Journals
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陳震遠在投稿國際期刊「震動與控制(Journal Vibration and Control)」時,涉嫌利用偽造的人頭帳號進行同儕審查。英國倫敦SAGE出版公司經過14個月調查,決定撤銷與陳震遠相關的60篇文章,連現任教育部長蔣偉寧共同列名的論文,也遭到波及。"
“The peer review scandal that produced 60 retractions from an academic journal last week claimed a high-ranking official of the government of Taiwan on Monday. The state-run news agency CNA reported the resignation of the minister of education, a scientist whose name was listed as a co-author of at least five of the retracted articles.
The government had earlier said the name of the minister, Chiang Wei-ling, was added to the papers without his knowledge. He stood by that claim Monday at a news conference. Opposition parties had called for his resignation in the wake of the retractions."

同儕審查造假 Article Sources:

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第一, 細讀引言Introduction。引言部分不僅說明了科學研究工作背後的動機,還會概述解決方案。這通常是我們所需要知道的最重要信息。
第二, 我們可以運用Analytical Reading 的做法來分析正文。正文部分則詳細敘述了作者解決問題的方法,並且應該通過論據或實驗對解決方案進行細緻的評價。從正問我們發現文章到底在說什麼,解決的問題是什麼,然後作者的主張及論點又是什麼。這之間大量的闡述,其實都是幫助論點的論證過程和證據實例及數據。
第三, 最後是論文的貢獻和對得出問題的構想和評價。這也包括有幾個問題,最吸引人的論點是什麼?最具有正義的觀點是什麼?這項研究工作中發現了什麼瑕疵?或是誰需要研究結果,怎麼樣讓需要研究結果的人得到它,以及何時能成為現實。

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PLOS 開放取閱系統的先驅

Public Library of Science (PLoS) 為一非營利出版社及推廣組織,旨在達成轉換科學與醫學研究溝通方式的使命。這裡所謂的轉換,其實是要突破大多數傳統期刊出版方式,並讓讀者可以「無條件」完整閱讀文獻內容。PLoS 所有出版品均為開放取閱,任何人都可以免費從線上取得使用,無論是對研究人員,或是一般民眾都有益。除此之外,廣泛分享研究成果,也可鼓勵科學研究進步。
相信談到這裡,大家心裡會浮現一個疑問,既然所有讀者都是免費閱讀全文,那該出版社應該如何支付同儕審閱、編排、線上出刊等的費用呢?其實 PLoS 所採用的機制,是向期刊論文作者或該研究的試驗委託者,收取出版費用,而出版的內容則免費分享給讀者。因此,開放取閱期刊對作者而言,可以讓自己的作品接觸到更多潛在讀者群,連帶讓更多人認同自己的努力,進而增加作品的影響力,也能累積自己的學術聲譽。對讀者而言,開放取閱期刊更是一大福音,只要透過網路,隨時隨地都能查取需要的研究文獻資料,不但沒有經濟上的負擔,也不用受限於學術機構或工作場所的網路系統,讓工作更有效率。
目前 PLoS 所發行的學術論文期刊共有七種,分別為 PLoS ONE、PLoS Biology、PLoS Medicine、PLoS Genetics、PLoS Computational Biology、PLoS Pathogens 及 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases,均屬於自然科學領域,並具有一定的影響力。另外,PLoS 網站上還有講求時效、快速發表的研究文獻,以及部落格互動網絡等,有請大家多多利用,支持開放獲取系統!
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BioMed Central 為獨立的線上出版社,成立於 2000 年,提供即時地開放取閱期刊 (open access) 給經過同儕審閱的生物及醫學研究。BMC 出版超過 200 本同儕審閱期刊,這些期刊中的研究論文均為開放取閱,具有即時與永久免費在線的特性。BMC 也被視為 STM(科學、技術與醫學)產業中,開放取閱出版模式的先驅。
BioMed Central 引人注目的主要特色有哪些?大致整理如下:
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