

翻譯 hit someone with a problem

hit someone with a problem 讓某人面對問題

I’m sorry to hit you with this problem. I don’t know who else to turn to. 很抱歉把這個問題拋給你,我不知道還可以找誰求助。
Every time they hit a problem, they will learn something important. 每當他們解決一個問題,他們就會學到一些重要的東西。
Nevertheless, as I discovered, it also helps to be able to contact a techie expert when you hit an unexpected problem such as navigating a way through a security firewall. 然而我發現,當你碰到意外問題時,比如要設法通過一個安全防火牆,這些設備還能幫你聯絡技術專家。
Hit upon a solution to the problem. 找到問題的解決方式。
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hit someone with a problem


翻譯 sell someone on

sell someone on 以…說服某人

She sold me on her idea. I think it will work. 她用她的看法說服了我,我想那行得通。
請注意 I’m sold 可以不帶貶義,它和 I am convinced 一樣,只是口語化程度大一些。
Researchers have been studying in the factors that influence us to say “yes” to the request of others for over sixty years. And there can be no doubt that there’s a science to how we’re persuaded. 研究人員一直針對影響我們對別人的要求說「yes」的因素研究了超過六十年。而無庸置疑的,是有一個關於我們是如何被說服的科學存在。
And a lot of the science is surprising. When making a decision, it would be nice to think that people consider all the available information in order to guide their thinking. But the reality is very often different. In the increasingly overloaded lives we live, more than ever, we need shortcuts or rules of thumb to guide our decision making. 很多科學都令人驚訝。做決定時,認為人們為了要引導他們的思緒,會考慮所有可用的資訊是很好的。但是事實往往不同。在我們所過的愈加超載的生活中,更甚於以往地,我們需要捷徑或是經驗法則來引導我們做決定。
sell someone on
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翻譯 screw loose

screw loose 脫線,神經不對頭

Bill must have a screw loose somewhere; he’s acting really strangely. Bill一定是哪根筋不對,他的行動真奇怪。
He must have a screw loose having a picnic on such a rainy day. 他腦筋一定有問題,在這種下雨天還跑去野餐。
She eats nothing but nuts, she must have a screw loose! 她這個人除了乾果,什麽都不吃,准是有毛病!
John must have a screw loose to quit such a good job. 約翰辭掉這麼好的工作,一定是神經不正常。
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screw loose


翻譯 meddle in

meddle in 干涉,攪和

Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life. 哈樂德要求老闆別再干涉他的私生活。

meddle in
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翻譯 in the market for

in the market for 想買,積極物色

be in the market for sth.在市場上覓購某物, 想買進某物。
People are always in the market for something new and different. 人們總想買點新奇的且與眾不同的東西。

in the market for
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翻譯 let the cat out of the bag

let the cat out of the bag 洩漏秘密

I won’t let the cat out of the bag. 我不會洩漏秘密的。
The boss didn’t want anyone to know he was quitting, but his secretary let the cat out of the bag. 老闆本來不希望員工知道他要離職,但被他的秘書說出去。
We wanted Jill’s party to be a surprise, but Andy let the cat out of the bag. 我們本來想給 Jill一個驚喜派對,但是Andy先跟她說了。
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let the cat out of the bag


翻譯 cook up

cook up 想出

He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday. 他想出一個在他太太生日時讓她驚喜的妙法。
It’s after seven o’clock and I promised Susan I’d meet her in front of her office right at six. I better cook up a good story or I’ll be in big trouble. 已經七點多了.我答應蘇珊六點鐘在她辦公室門口等她的.我得想出一個好一點的理由來解釋為什麼遲到一個多小時,否則我可真是麻煩了。

cook up
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如何增加您論文的引用次數 How to optimize citations to your article


技巧和建議 Tips and Suggestions
欲增加您論文的引用次數,請嘗試下列作法:To optimize citations to your article, try to:
• 如果您不是用母語撰寫論文,請確保您可獲得幫助。 • make sure that you get help if you are not writing in your first language.
• 在您的學科範圍內所有人都會查閱的期刊上發表論文; • publish your article in one of the journals everyone in your discipline reads;
• 以具有高影響指數或在具有整體影響指數的期刊為目標; • target a journal with a high impact factor, or with any impact factor at all;
• 以快速成長的研究領域內的期刊作為目標,因為這些期刊通常會縮短從投稿到採用論文所需的時間; • target journals in rapidly growing research fields because they tend to publish papers with a short time interval from submission to acceptance;
• 寫一篇評論。評論比原創研究論文更可能被引用; • write a review. Reviews are more likely to be cited than original research papers;
• 讓他人容易存取您的作品; • make it easy for others to access your work;
• 發表有關最先進研究或「熱門」主題的論文; • publish a straightforward paper on cutting-edge research or a “hot” topic;
• 選擇貼切的論文標題; • choose an effective title;
• 論文摘要中務必包含相關術語; • make sure that relevant terms are included in the abstract;
• 謹慎選擇關鍵字,確保其他人可以找到您的文章; • choose keywords carefully to make sure your article will be found;
• 在可能的情況下分享您的資料(例如,樣本屬性、臨床因素、患者的治療結果、DNA 序列); • share your data (e.g. sample attributes, clinical factors, patient outcomes, DNA sequences) where possible;
• 考慮盡可能開放讓人存取您的論文; • think about making your article open access where available;
• 推廣您的論文; • promote your article;
• 參加會議; • go to conferences;
• 簡報論文底稿; • present a working paper;
• 為期刊審查論文; • review papers for journals;
• 加入編輯委員會; • join an editorial board;
• 在權威客座編輯的特刊上發表論文; • publish in a special issue with a prestigious guest editor;
• 與其他作者聯合發表論文; • publish with other authors;
• 將您的論文放到機構館藏或主題館藏中; • put your article in an institutional or subject repository;
• 自我宣傳 – 從電子郵件簽名連接到您的最新論文; • publicize yourself – link to your latest article in your email signature;

如何推廣您的論文 How to promote your article


技巧和建議 Tips and Suggestions

Reading lists: add your article, or the journal, to your students’ reading lists as essential reading.

Department website or personal webpage: use your staff profile entry on your department website, or your personal webpage, to add information about your article and link directly to the online version.

Twitter 和 Facebook:愈來愈多作者透過 Twitter 和 Facebook 推廣其論文內容,如此一來,其他研究人員和從業人員才會知道他們的論文。在您的 Twitter 或 Facebook 網頁發佈公告,強調您的論文發表,透過連結引導觀看您的線上版本論文。
Twitter and Facebook: authors are increasingly promoting their content via Twitter and Facebook so it can be picked up by other researchers and practitioners. Place an announcement on your Twitter or Facebook page highlighting the publication of your article with a link to direct people to the online version.

LinkedIn:LinkedIn 是來自全球各地經驗豐富的專業人士彼此連結的網路,擁有超過 5500 萬名會員。它能提供的不只是就業機會。在您建立個人資料,概述專業知識與成就時,何不提一下您的論文呢?
LinkedIn: LinkedIn is an interconnected network of experienced professionals from around the world with over 55 million members. It is not just for career opportunities. When
you create your profile that summarizes your professional expertise and accomplishments, why not include a mention of your articles?

加入學術社交網路網站:愈來愈多學者、研究人員和業界人士使用 MyNetReseach 和 Academici 等社群,與擁有相同研究興趣的人士聚會和交談。
Join academic social networking sites: academics, researchers, and practitioners are increasingly using social communities such as MyNetReseach and Academici as a way
of meeting and conversing with people who share the same research interests.

CiteULike:您可以將論文新增至您個人的 CiteULike資料庫,與其他人分享,幫助他人發現與其研究領域相關的文獻。只要使用 CiteULike,透過邀請朋友 (invite a friend) 功能便可開始此程序。
CiteULike: you could add your article to your personal CiteULike library to share with others, which helps them discover literature which is relevant to their field. You can help with this process just by using CiteULike and through the invite a friend feature.

Discussion lists: post a short message to any discussion lists you are a member of, letting people know that the journal’s latest issue, which includes your article, is now available. The easiest way to do this is to register for the table of contents alert for the journal so you can forward the email once you have received it.

Blogs: if you blog, don’t forget to inform other users about your article.

Library recommendation: check your institution has a subscription to the journal. If not, recommend it for the next subscription year.

免費樣本:鼓勵他人透過期刊首頁上的「免費樣本」 (Free Sample Copy) 連結索取免費樣本,向他們介紹該期刊上發表的作品。
Free sample copy: encourage others to request a free sample copy from the “Free Sample Copy” link on the journal homepage to introduce them to the work published in the journal.

Email signature: use your email signature to tell people about your article.

如何發表博士論文 How to publish your Ph.D.


決定格式 Decide on the format
You can publish your Ph.D. in several ways: as a book, as a journal article, as a series of journal articles, as a conference paper, as an internal university document, or as a specialist society publication.

出版書籍 Publishing it as a book
Commercial publishers will not publish your Ph.D, but you can self-publish it. There are several companies offering this service that you can find on the Internet. If you decide to make your Ph.D. into a book, you should rewrite it, focusing on the story rather than the research.

撰寫提案 Writing a proposal
Your proposal should be concise and to the point. Remember that an editor will have other people within the business to persuade. Make it easy for them by being realistic and market-focused. Your proposal should identify: the subject particulars of the book, the intended audience, how you intend to structure your book, and what your book will offer that others do not. Provide a single sample chapter if you can.

選擇出版社 Choosing a publisher
慎選出版社。您可以查詢《出版資訊大全》 (Directory of Publishing) 或《作家與藝術家年鑑》(The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook) 等出版目錄。不妨與同事和主管討論您的提案。瞭解他們與各家出版社接觸的經驗,他們會推薦哪一家出版社。用電子郵件將您的提案發送給指定的個人。
Choose a publisher carefully. You can consult directories such as the Directory of Publishing or The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook. It would be a good idea to discuss your proposal with colleagues and your supervisor. Find out what experience they have had with various publishers, and whom they would recommend. Send your proposal to a named individual by email.

如何投稿 How to submit your article


選擇最佳期刊 Choose the best journal
• 瀏覽我們在您學科領域內出版的期刊
• 閱讀「目標和範圍」(Aims and Scope),瞭解編輯尋找的文章種類
• 考慮您想要發表論文的期刊種類
• 使用我們的期刊編輯所提供的提示和建議
• Browse through the journals we publish in your subject area
• Read the “Aims and Scope” to find out about the kinds of articles the editors are looking for
• Think about the kind of journal you would like to publish in
• Use the tips and advice offered by our journal editors

注意一切必要細節 Include all necessary details
Make sure you have checked everything before you submit your article. Use the instructions provided by the journal and our general checklist. Consult our guidelines on authors’ rights, and on the ethics of publication.

插圖和補充內容 Artwork and supplementary content
Use our guide to the submission of electronic artwork so that we can ensure that only the best quality images and figures are reproduced. Supplementary material, including animations, movie files, sound files, and text files, can be submitted for publication in the online edition of our journals. Supplementary material should be submitted at the same time as your manuscript.

準備投稿信 Prepare a cover letter
請連同您的文章一併附上投稿信。查看投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors),瞭解編輯是否列出應提交材料的資訊,並遵守他們提供的任何準則。
Include a cover letter with your article. Check the Instructions for Authors to see if the editors provide information on what to include, and follow any guidelines that they give you.

僅向一種期刊投稿 Submit to one journal only
When you submit your article, you will need to confirm that it has been submitted solely to that journal, and that it is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere.

遵循投稿準則 Follow submission guidelines
投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors) 將指導您發送文章的方式,包括經由電子郵件發送給編輯、透過專門網站線上投稿,或以郵寄方式寄出印刷本。
The Instructions for Authors will guide you on how you need to send your article. This may be via email to the editor, via a special website, or as printed copy by post.

如何審閱論文 How to referee an article


為何要審閱? Why referee?
• 以您本身的專業知識幫助作者改進論文。
• 讓作者知道有其他文獻可提供有用的比較或方法說明。
• 在嚴謹的過程中,協助確保只發表最佳研究成果。
• 讓您知悉目前學科內新興的研究。
When your time is stretched it’s tempting to say no to requests to referee, but there are a number of very valid reasons why you should accept:
• Help the author to improve the paper – in the light of your own professional expertise.
• Make the author aware of any additional literature that may provide useful comparison, or clarification of an approach.
• Assist in a rigorous process to ensure only the best research is published.
• Maintain your awareness of current research emerging within the discipline.

調查期刊內容 Investigate the journal’s content
您已同意審閱一篇論文,那麼下一步該怎麼做呢?從造訪期刊首頁開始,瞭解該期刊平常的內容和出版社的風格,協助確定所審查的論文是否適合該期刊。請參閱投稿須知 (Instructions for Authors),瞭解論文是否符合該期刊的投稿標準(例如篇幅、範圍和呈現方式)。
You’ve agreed to referee a paper, so what should you do next? Start by visiting the journal homepage to get a sense of the journal’s usual content and house style to help decide whether the paper being reviewed is suitable. Refer to the Instructions for Authors to see if the paper meets the submission criteria of the journal (e.g. length, scope and presentation).

評量 Make an assessment
Complete the review questions or score sheet to indicate the relative strengths or weaknesses of the paper. Remember that authors will welcome positive feedback as well as constructive criticism from you. Key questions to ask: Is the paper original? Is the relative contribution made to the existing literature good enough? Will the paper be interesting to the readership of the journal?

建議 Make a recommendation
Once you’ve read the paper and have assessed its quality, you need to make a recommendation to the editor regarding publication. Should it be accepted? Revised and resubmitted? Rejected pending revision? Supply some comments suitable for transmission to the author as an opportunity to seek clarification on any unclear points and for further elaboration. If you have time, make suggestions as to how the author can improve clarity, succinctness, and the overall quality of presentation. Confirm whether you feel the subject of the paper is sufficiently interesting to justify its length. If you recommend shortening it, it is useful to the author(s) if you can indicate specific areas where you think that shortening is required.

無法審閱? Unable to referee?
It won’t be possible for you to accept every invitation to referee. In this situation it is very helpful if you are able to recommend an alternative expert or someone whose opinion
you trust. If you are unable to complete your report on a paper then inform the editorial office as soon as possible so that the refereeing process is not delayed.