

英文諺語 All good things come to an end

All good things come to an end   好景不常;天下沒有不散的筵席

Good and bad fluctuate. Life goes up and down. I think it's less of a horrible, pessimistic thing--that good things end, and more of just a reality. Good things come to an end or tapper off, but then they come back again. Life is in a flux. You ride the wave. Sometimes you feel really bad, but if you hold out the good comes back around again.
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  1. 追蹤時間:先瞭解自己分配時間的模式:多少時間用來研究、多少時間用來作紀錄、一天當中哪個時段完成的事情最多,以及虛度哪些時間。透過這樣的檢視,可進一步幫助您有效率地處理事情,在一定的時間內完成更多工作。
  1. 時間紀錄簿:檢視過本身使用時間的模式後,開始作紀錄。這聽起來似乎很麻煩,而且沒什麼用,卻能幫助您檢討優缺點,採用更好的方式管理時間。
  1. 短期與長期目標:深 入認識自己分配時間的方式後,現在應該設定要達成的目標。像是英文學術寫作先要經過大量的研究、收集足夠的數據,然後將結果整合,紀錄於不同的章節、標 題、次標題之下,如果能把研究的時間與寫作的時間預先規劃好,有助於平均分擔每日工作量,順利達成任務。寫作過程中會經歷不同的階段:列出大綱、撰寫研究 計畫、書寫正文草稿、重新改寫與編排,然後才有最後完成的作品。在列出大綱的過程,以及書寫正文草稿的階段可能花掉大量時間,但是經過這些組織過程,能讓 最後的編輯更省時、更順利。因此,先明確訂出短期目標:列出大綱、撰寫研究計畫,預計需要多少時間來完成前置作業;再訂出長期目標:書寫正文草稿、編輯、 按時繳交文章,確實掌握幾個重要的時間點。
  1. 代辦事項:每天設定短期目標。在您坐下來寫草稿、重新編排或編輯文章時,以日為基礎規劃每日進度,並留下紀錄是非常有用的方法。事先列出待辦事項可幫助您達成更多短期目標,然後隨著一天天累積,達成長期目標。
  1. 多重寫作:很有可能您在一定的時間內不只處理一種文件(又要寫論文、又要準備專題報告),這表示必須同時進行多種寫作。在這種情況下,務必抓緊時間,除了按照上述步驟自我約束外,還要定期與您的指導教授討論,及時解決問題,讓您成功達成目標。
  1. 產能管理:時間管理固然很重要,但您如何施行訂出的目標更是重要。如果您沒有「按表操課」,追蹤時間、設定目標都只會淪為空談。千萬不要敗給拖拖拉拉的惡習。
  1. 設定限制:隨時牢記文章字數限制。在整理龐大的研究數據時,加上個人對研究興趣的熱情程度,很可能讓您一下筆就停不了,甚至不小心模糊了焦點,因此事先限制文章長度,能幫助您在指定的時間內,好好針對主題管理寫作進度。

The 80:20 Principle

If you spend 10 hours at the desk, you might find that 80% of your productivity occurs in 2 hours, while the other 20% takes place in the remaining 8. It’s the 80:20 principle in action.
Strangely, the last 2 hours of the day can often be the most productive, even though you would think that’s when you’d be the most tired and least productive.

Circadian rhythms

Your general level of alertness naturally varies throughout the day, and for most people the pattern repeats on a daily basis- so  for example you might be sleepy in the morning and most alert between 3 and 5 pm, every day.
Short term stress can override the rhythm (like if you have an important deadline), but you’ll tend to revert to what your body is used to.
But your alertness will also depend on what your body is physically doing. Sitting behind a desk all day, your body’s core temperature will drop, your heart rate will slow and you will gradually become less alert and less capable of writing.
So it’s vital to get up and get your body working to keep your mind alert.


What to do

You need to know what your natural rhythm is. When are you most alert during the day? And when do you just feel like sleeping?
Once you know what that rhythm is, you can start working with it, rather than against it.
  • Try to do the most mentally demanding work when you are at your peak, and do easier things when you’re not. If you peak between 6 and 8 in the evening, it makes no sense to try to be at the desk at 9am. Start later, finish later.
  • Also, try to build momentum towards your peak working time. So if it takes you time to build momentum at the start of the day, start the day with something really easy.
  • This is much easier if at the end of the day you leave yourself something easy to start the next one with.
  • Don’t rush to turn the computer on in the morning. You’ll just be on email and Facebook anyway. Take your time to prepare, have breakfast, do any miscellaneous chores and give your body time to physically wake up.
  • Only check email after you’ve achieved something for the day (no matter how small an achievement).
  • When you feel tired and feel like checking email, get away from the desk instead.

Reading email is not a break

Sitting in front of your email doesn’t count as relaxing. Physically you are doing exactly what you are when working, so there is no contrast.
Get up and stretch your legs instead. Better still, do 20 push ups and 20 sit ups. The boost will be better than a shot of espresso!


英文諺語 After the storm comes a calm

After the storm comes a calm   否極泰來;雨過天青

Things are often calm after an upheaval.
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英文諺語 Advice when most needed is least heeded

Advice when most needed is least heeded 忠言逆耳

這句諺語直譯是「忠告在最需要的時候 (most needed) 通常最不被留意 (least heeded)」。的確,一般人對別人的忠告總是 in one ear and out the other(右耳進、左耳出),而且越是重要的忠告越是聽不進去,因此這句諺語便是在提醒那些自以為很厲害、不聽勸告的人。
Advice is something that wise men don’t need and foolish people won’t take; and the greater the need for advice, the less likely the foolish person is to heed it – that is, to pay careful attention to it.
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摘要與關鍵字:摘 要是總結文章各部分重點,讓讀者想要更深入瞭解全文內容,且寫作時不可超過期刊所規定的字數。請記住一點,不少讀者只會看摘要(部分原因是由於大部分期刊 論文只有摘要可以免費閱讀),所以摘要能否表現出整篇文章精髓,是決定讀者會不會進一步瞭解該研究的關鍵。此外,挑選少數幾個、最適合表達該研究的關鍵 字,也是吸引讀者在初步搜尋時,「選我、選我」的重要指標。
You need to focus on each and every elements of custom dissertation writing to have a good thesis. Some of the elements are:
1- A good thesis should have clear, concise and complete objectives for the reader. After selecting an interesting and attractive topic, you should start research upon the subject. Get a complete idea about the thesis. Research is about finding an idea and implementing it, so the starting point of any research is to come up with a brilliant idea.
2- A good thesis will show knowledge and in-depth research work of the writer. Remember that thesis adds new knowledge and different approach to any particular field. Sometimes it also works to fill up the gaps between existing and new knowledge. It may take months or years to complete a dissertation. For accessing information about subject you can use public libraries along with internet.
3- A good thesis statement reflects the essence of your thesis. You will have to apply the knowledge of thesis in your upcoming projects also.
4- A good thesis will show detailed description of analysis, evaluation, conclusion and discussion, which reflect your level of knowledge and work invested in the thesis writing.
5-The most sensitive part of a thesis is referencing. Always select a suitable referencing style to encourage the readers to visit them. Most of the research writers use referencing styles like APA, MLA and Harvard.
6- There is a proper academic way of dealing with thesis writing that includes abstract, introduction, body, conclusion etc. If your thesis is not in a proper formatted way, then your thesis may get rejected by evaluator.
7- A good thesis should be in good English that is grammatically sound in writing dissertation. Do not use irrelevant words, which will destroy the proper understanding of the subject. Moreover it is better not to use complex words that are difficult to understand. It may create problems for you.






  • 考慮實際情況或數據的收集方法(涉及試驗設計與試驗方法)。
  • 定義誤差來源(隨機或系統性):所有數據都會有誤差,但絕不能是錯誤!
  • 檢驗並納入各種誤差來源。
  • 訂定測量値或計算值可允許的誤差範圍。


  • 相同的定量樣品,多次測量結果所包含的誤差:測量值的分布情形,是根據發生的機率而來,產生所謂的機率分布。
  • 隨機誤差的來源:
  1. 統計影響:根據試驗設計選擇正確的統計方式,避免擴大誤差,得出錯誤的結果(顯著?還是不顯著?)。
  2. 測量過程的限制:例如儀器的偵測極限,或是儀器本身的誤差範圍。
  • 常見機率分布型態
兩種型態的二項 (binomial) 分布圖:
1. 測量次數或樣本數少,機率不連續且不對稱:卜瓦松 (Poisson) 分布。
(該圖擷取自維基百科 Poisson distribution
2. 測量次數或樣本數多,機率連續且對稱(常態分布)。
(該圖擷取自維基百科 Normal distribution


  • 系統性誤差傾向為「事先存有偏見」的測量值。
  • 系統性誤差的可能來源:
  1. 測量儀器不準確。
  2. 設備或技術使用錯誤。
  • 避免或減少系統性誤差的方法:
  1. 檢查、分析測量儀器與技術。
  2. 謹慎進行研究。
  • 不同實驗室進行相似的實驗,因為環境條件與使用儀器不同,就可能出現特定的系統性誤差。
  • 如果相同定量樣品的兩份實驗報告結果不同,可能是由於其中之一,或是兩者都處理不當所造成的系統性誤差。


  • 防止並定量各種隨機與系統性誤差的來源。
  • 注意誤差來源加成:多次(項)測量數值累積的誤差。
  • 由於多項測量數値的程序,可能彼此獨立,也可能非獨立,造成不同的誤差。
  • 經過嚴格與徹底的誤差分析,才能確保引用數值的可信度。
  • 正確的數值,加上適當的error bar,才能讓同儕尊重您研究論文的結果




1. The legend should give enough detail so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text.
2. Please ensure that artwork is prepared to fit across one or two columns or two-thirds width (71 mm, 149 mm or 109 mm, respectively)…. If figures are prepared that will require reduction, please ensure that symbols, labels, axes text, etc., are large enough to allow reduction to a final size of about 8 point, i.e. capital letters will be about 2 mm tall.
要注意圖片的大小,以及圖片中說明文字的大小,例如:用 Excel 作圖時,可選擇文字配合圖片大小改變的功能(即文字大小非固定,圖片放越大文字也越大,圖片縮越小文字也越小),必須注意圖片縮放到規定大小時,文字說明是不是仍然清晰可讀?!
3. Lettering should use a sans serif font (e.g. Helvetica or Arial) with capitals used for the initial letter of the first word only.
學術英文寫作的字型/字體要注意,經常會選用 sans serif(本文英數文字採用 Arial 字型 ,即為 sans serif 的一種。詳細說明可參考維基百科),也就是相對於中文的「黑體字」。一般而言,這類字體也常用於海報發表、簡報投影片上,因為這類字體具備清晰、不易混淆的優點。另外,英文寫作時還要特別注意字首大寫。
4. Use greyscales (e.g. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%) in preference to pattern fills where possible. If colour figures are submitted for colour online publication only, ensure that after conversion to greyscale they remain entirely intelligible for the black-and-white print publication of your paper.
5. The cost for colour printing must be met by the author (currently £150 for the first figure, £50 thereafter, exclusive of VAT). If no funds are available to cover colour printing costs, the journal offers free colour reproduction online (with black-and-white reproduction in print).
如果一定要用彩色圖片或圖示,必須考慮衍生出來的費用。以此期刊 Journal of Ecology 而言,第一個彩圖收費 150 英鎊(將近新台幣 7500 元!!),之後每個圖為 50 英鎊(約新台幣 2500 元),費用由作者負擔。如果作者本身沒有這筆經費,期刊只能提供線上彩色版本,書面印刷仍然只有黑白。
Figures (including photographs). Please note that your paper will be published more quickly if instructions on figure content and figure format are followed carefully. Vector graphic figures will give the best possible online publication quality.
All illustrations are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.) and placed in a list at the end of the document. Figures should be cited in the text as, e.g., Fig. 1, Fig. 1a,b, Figs 1 and 2 (no period after Figs), or, if starting a sentence, Figure 1. Each figure must have a legend, presented separately from the figure (i.e. as text rather than as part of the image). The legend should give enough detail so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text. Information (e.g. keys) that appears on the figure itself should not be duplicated in the legend. The figure legend label should be abbreviated, in bold, and end in a period (e.g. Fig. 1.). The figure legend text should end in a full stop.
Please ensure that artwork is prepared to fit across one or two columns or two-thirds width (71 mm, 149 mm or 109 mm, respectively). Wherever possible, figures should be sized to fit into a single column width. To make best use of space, you may need to rearrange parts of figures (e.g. so that they appear side by side). If figures are prepared that will require reduction, please ensure that symbols, labels, axes text, etc., are large enough to allow reduction to a final size of about 8 point, i.e. capital letters will be about 2 mm tall. Lettering should use a sans serif font (e.g. Helvetica or Arial) with capitals used for the initial letter of the first word only. Bold lettering should not be used within the figure. Units of axes should appear in parentheses after the axis name, as required. All lettering and symbols must be proportioned, clear and easy to read, i.e. no labels should be too large or too small. Figures should not be boxed (superfluous bounding axes) and tick marks must be on the inside of the axes if possible. Label multi-panel figures (a), (b), (c), etc., preferably in the upper left corner. Use greyscales (e.g. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100%) in preference to pattern fills where possible. If colour figures are submitted for colour online publication only, ensure that after conversion to greyscale they remain entirely intelligible for the black-and-white print publication of your paper.




Common English mistakes made by native Chinese speakers
首先,英文是大多數亞洲作者的「第二語言」,就算拼寫與文法都能做到一百分,但語感及慣用法等小細節,實在很難像英、美人士應用自如。例如:副詞放在句子後面爲什麼有時候會造成誤會?can not與cannot有什麼差別?到底縮寫能不能用在文章中?moreover與in addition看似同意字,爲什麼使用語氣不同?centre與center到底哪個是英式拼音哪個是美式?
In Chinese, there aren’t separate gender pronouns (e.g., he andshehis and her). Thus, when Chinese speakers learn English, they often forget to use the appropriate gender pronouns. They mostly default to the masculine versions, which can lead to awkwardness when they refer to women using he or his.
In Chinese, there aren’t separate singular and plural forms for nouns; the context is used to distinguish between singular and plural. For instance, if someone said “one cat" in Chinese, cat is singular, but if someone said “many cat"cat is plural. There is no separate plural form cats in Chinese. That’s why when Chinese people speak or write English, they tend to forget to make nouns plural, resulting in awkward-sounding phrases like “we have three dog".
In Chinese, there is no such thing as verb conjugation to match with the corresponding subject. In English, we say “I like cheese",“he likes cheese", and “they like cheese". In Chinese, there aren’t separate forms for like and likes, so one would simply say “he like cheese", which sounds funny when translated into English.
In Chinese, there is no such thing as verb conjugation to denote tenses; the context is used to distinguish between past, present, future, and all the other various tenses. For example, there is a single word in Chinese that means run. If you want to use the present tense, you simply say “I run". If you want the past tense, you have to say something like “yesterday I run", whereyesterday provides the requisite context. And if you want the future tense, you have to say something like “tomorrow I run".
Verb conjugation is one of the most difficult parts of the English language for native Chinese speakers to master, simply because there are so many tenses, and each can only be properly used in select situations. Chinese speakers know not to always use the (default) present tense of English verbs, but oftentimes their attempts at switching up the tenses lead to incorrect and funny-sounding sentences.
In Chinese, there is no need for articles (aanthe) in front of nouns, so Chinese speakers often forget to place the appropriate article when speaking or writing English. For instance, they might say “I went to store" or “He likes movie".
Sometimes articles should not be inserted, but Chinese speakers insert them anyways, perhaps because they remember that they should be aware of using articles when speaking or writing English. Thus, we get bloopers like “the God blessed America" or “you gained the weight last month".
The correct use of prepositions (e.g., inatontointo) is often difficult for non-native English speakers to master. This part-of-speech is especially problematic for Chinese speakers because there isn’t such a strong distinction between different prepositions in the Chinese language.
To English speakers, “he got a job in Microsoft" sounds a bit off, but “he got a job at Microsoft" seems more natural-sounding. However, in Chinese, there is one word (technically, character) that sometimes means in and other times means at, depending on the context.
In Chinese, people’s last (family) names are spoken and written before their first names, the exact reverse of English conventions. Thus, when Chinese speakers mention English names, they sometimes say them backwards (e.g., “Smith Will").
Here are some sentences that combine multiple mistakes of the types that I’ve described in this article.
“Yesterday I go to market to buy three duck."
“Mary like to eat meat; he definitely not vegetarian."
“He like to go to mall to shop for the clothing."
“Last week he get good job at big city."
Notice that the meanings of these sentences are still fairly clear despite the incorrect grammar, which makes them sound strange to native English speakers. The context is enough to disambiguate meaning.