
翻譯 pep talk

pep talk 打氣,鼓勵的話

The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory. 教練在半場時候給球員們打起,希望將他們引上勝利之途。
Pep talks were for the rank-and-file, and intellectuals believed themselves immune from inspirational speeches. 鼓勵話對普通老百姓是起作用的,而對知識分子來說卻大可不必。
The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale. 減價開始之前,業務經理向售貨員講話,激勵士氣。
You can cross my pep talk off your list today. 你今天就用不著跟我加油鼓勁了。
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