找樣本的方式:作者整理了 Krzel (1992) 、 Patton (1990) 與其它人的研究,列成一張表格。我限於版面不太好輸入表格,就羅列於下。前面是取樣方法,後面是目的及特色。
- Maximum variation 最大化差異:紀錄不同差異並尋找重要的重複類型 documents diverse variations and identifies important common patterns
- Homogeneous 同質化:聚焦,減少,少化,並輔助團體訪談
- Critical case 關鍵個案:允許邏輯上的普遍化並最大化這些資訊到其它個案
- Theory based 理論依據:尋找理論相關的例子、解釋並闡述
- Confirming and disconfirming cases 證明或駁斥個案:闡述一開始的分析,尋找例外,並尋求變化
- Snowball or chain 雪球法:從知道有可能知道哪些個案會提供大量資訊的人來尋找
- Extreme or deviant case 極端個案:從極端不尋常的現象來學習
- Typical case 典型個案:強調什麼是正常的或平均。
- Intensity 強度:資訊豐富的個案可強力表明某個現象,但並非極端的 (information-rich cases that manifest the phenomenon intensely, but not extremely)
- Politically important cases 重要的個案:吸引注意或避免不需要的注意
- Random purposeful 有目的隨機:增加可信度
- Stratified purposeful 有目的分層:突顯次群體;方便比較
- Criterion 標準:所有的參與者都符合標準;對確保品質有用
- Opportunistic 機會:根隨新發現 (following new leads,這句我不太會翻);利用不可預期
- Combination or mixed 多種及混合:三角檢測 (triangulation)、靈活性,符合多種興趣與需要
- Convenience 方便取樣:省時間、金錢、精力,但可能缺乏可信度 (credibility)
Why we do qualitative data analysis?
1. Looks further than precise numerical evidence
2. Looks for categories such as events, descriptions, comments, behaviour
3. An inductive process – developing theories from the data you have gathered
4. Coding of categories and sub-categories identified
5. Compares codes, looking for consistencies, differences, patterns etc
6. Looks for new and emerging categories.
2. Looks for categories such as events, descriptions, comments, behaviour
3. An inductive process – developing theories from the data you have gathered
4. Coding of categories and sub-categories identified
5. Compares codes, looking for consistencies, differences, patterns etc
6. Looks for new and emerging categories.
Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.