
英文自傳範例︰現代語言 Modern Languages

現代語言英文自傳 Modern Languages Personal Statement Example

My decision to study Modern Languages at University has been driven by my passion for Language. My mother is fluent in French and began teaching it to me in primary school. To supplement this study of French, at High School I chose to study German. I realised very quickly that it wasn’t the study of French that I had been enjoying, so much as the study of a language other than my own. As I continued to study German at school I became fascinated by the way language forms and develops and grew increasingly interested in taking the subject further.
Following my GCSEs I chose a varied combination of A level subjects. While studying English Literature and Music I developed my ability to analyse and interpret while also nurturing my creativity. I also studied Theatre Studies until AS level: a course almost entirely dependant on my ability to work in a team. I have also, voluntarily, taken up a distance learning A Level in English Language in order to develop my linguistic awareness and enhance my writing skills. I intend to have completed the full A Level by June 2007. I think this shows, not only great dedication to education and learning, but also a thirst for knowledge. I also continued to study German and it was my ongoing enjoyment of the subject that convinced me to look into careers centred on language.
I think it is a shame that, although 1 in 4 people around the world speak English as a second or third Language*, so few English people speak any other language fluently. I am interested in the cultures of other countries and would like to learn and understand ways of life different from my own. Considering this and having researched many careers, I feel, at the moment that I would be best suited to a career in Interpreting. This job would allow me to meet and associate with lots of different people while also allowing me to learn about their cultures and countries.
Visiting Germany, France and Italy in the past has been wonderful and I would love to travel the world in later life. I have visited Germany twice with school. I particularly enjoyed Cologne where we were given the opportunity to interview the natives for research. It was exhilarating to be able to communicate with them in their own language while also proving to me that, even with my limited vocabulary, I was able to make myself understood. I have also been to Venice and Brittany on holiday which allowed me to experience first hand, different foods and cultures. I know that Interpreting can involve a huge amount of travel and would greatly enjoy the opportunity to go to explore the unknown. I am of course aware that this is a very competitive career and have also researched teaching English as a foreign language.
I got a good feel for teaching when I completed a week of work experience in “Fulshaw Primary School”. I spent the week teaching the children things such as basic Maths and English, and was even lucky enough to practice my German on a young German student who had just transferred to the school. I found the whole experience thoroughly enjoyable and learnt many skills for the future: above all the importance of patience and keeping a professional relationship. I have also worked for a year in Wilmslow Library where I have come into contact with many different types of people. Working for a public service also allowed me to develop skills in problem solving and communication and I have become highly computer literate.
My main extra curricular interests lie in Music and Drama. I am trying to further my interest by having singing and piano lessons and am working towards taking my grade 8 singing exam in June 2007. I am, at present, a member of two theatre companies in the area and partake in many Musicals and Variety shows. I am also in the process of organising and directing my own Musical Showcase in aid of Cancer Research, which I am hoping will take place in May 2007. I have become a very confident person able to express myself clearly and concisely and I think these aspects of my personality would be invaluable when studying Modern Languages.



英文自傳範例︰英文與德文 English and German

英文與德文英文自傳 English and German Personal Statement Example

Throughout sixth form I have developed all of my interests both academic and extra-curricular. In school I excel at English Literature and German because I can express myself fully in both subjects, I enjoy English as there are many interpretations to one piece of work and I like to hear other people’s opinions and then develop my ideas further. I am a very lively, enthusiastic and open-minded person.
In English I have studied many areas and particularly enjoyed contemporary women’s poetry and 17th Century drama. In women’s poetry I studied Atwood’s ‘Manet’s Olympia’ and Duffy’s ‘Standing Female Nude’ when I attended the Sutton Trust Summer School. I was attracted to these poems as I think that although they are similar in subject matter and theme, they are dealt with from two very different perspectives. For my English course I am currently reading Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World. I am enjoying these novels as they are both about future dystopian societies. At home I am currently reading Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, which I find interesting due to the unusual narrative style.
In German I like the idea of being able to communicate with people from different cultures and backgrounds and then learning about the historical, political and literary differences. Last February I completed a two week work experience in Germany for Galeria Kaufhof working as a clothing assistant, this could have been a very daunting experience however it proved that I was able to work aboard and communicate with ease in a different language. Next summer I hope to visit Germany or Spain and get a job for 10 weeks to build up my fluency.
Within school I am a member of a student based organisation scheme called Childline Help In Partnership with Schools or also known as CHIPS. As a member of CHIPS I assist with a GCSE German class and help them with topics that they do not understand. This has benefited me greatly as I now have a deeper understanding of German as I am able to explain difficult topics to others. In addition to CHIPS a friend and I set up an email account and website for GCSE students to use if they need help with their homework, exam techniques, subject choices, or general life in sixth form.
Last year I went to Northumbria University for a Higher Education Summer School and then this year I completed the Sutton Trust Summer School at Bristol. I feel that Bristol was a most enlightening experience as it changed my perception of the university and the city. The summer school experience confirmed that I would love to study English or Languages; I decided this as I followed the humanities subject stream and attended lectures in a range of subjects including English and Languages.
Outside school I am currently working part-time at McDonalds where I am a Floor Manager. I recently attended a three day management conference in Leeds, where I ganied valuable communicative, organisational and managerial skills, I have developed these further as I am constantly talking to customers and staff. By completing my Duke of Edinburgh bronze, silver and gold awards I have demonstrated my commitment and determination. In my spare time I like to read, go to the cinema and socialise with friends.
After university I hope to go into advertising, travel journalism or teaching as in all these careers I can use my language and communication skills along with the transferable skills that I will have gained from my degree.



英文自傳範例︰土地經濟 Land economy

土地經濟英文自傳 Land economy Personal Statement Example

Having been born and lived all my life in Hungary, with an English father and Hungarian mother, I have always wanted to go to university in England and spend most of my summers working in England. Being bilingual gives me an ability to see both sides of the question, and examine things from different perspectives which I feel will be useful for my studies.

I am active outside school in subjects varying from writing a newsletter for the last decade,
playing and recently coaching football at local and national level, playing the cello to grade
7, winning a national young novelists’ short story competition and singing in a choir.

My interest in the course and the subjects which it consists of arises from three sources:

Firstly, ever since I learnt about the Roman Empire and jurisprudence in history lessons I
have always had a general interest in law, the history of law and the use of law, but my real
determination to study law at an academic level came when a friend of mine was accused of intending to commit murder and I was a character witness in his trial. This courtroom
experience at the age of 17 and the realisation that things are not black and white affected
me in a very direct way and ever since I have wanted to learn and understand more about how the rules or constitution that governs our society evolved from the Ten Commandments into Roman law and then into its current form.

Secondly, in primary school I was a member of a club called “Greenpici” (along the lines of
“Greenpeace”, “pici” meaning small in Hungarian) which was mainly about our natural
surroundings and environmental awareness. We visited several national parks, special
landscapes, planned and help build eco-friendly houses, learnt about green energy and took part in various environment related competitions – now, several years later I have realised that these are among the most valuable subjects I have learnt in life and studying them at an academic level is perhaps an appropriate progression of my interest.

Thirdly, mathematics has always been among my strongest subjects (after primary school I applied to and was accepted by a secondary school famous for its maths teaching) and later when I studied economics in geography lessons it struck me as a more usable and applicable version of maths with the beauty and logic of numbers and their correlations still remaining; ever since I have had a great interest in economics, but having no lessons in this subject in school (in Hungary very few schools offer economics at pre-university level because it isn’t part of the National Curriculum) limits me to extracurricular activities such as taking part in the yearly student monetary competition organised by the Hungarian National Bank or helping my girlfriend do her A-level economics homework with great enthusiasm.

Originally, I wanted to study Law as an undergraduate course, but after I discovered Land
Economy it seemed a course which is better fitting in regard to my various other interests and abilities, especially since it is a much broader course which – as a first degree – is exactly what I am looking for. I have travelled quite widely in Europe and been struck by the
differing attitudes that different peoples have towards their surroundings and other countries and this could be very interesting to study from the viewpoint of this course. An
undergraduate degree combining my academic eagerness to understand law, my strengths in Maths and my interest in economics and my love of nature and our surrounding environment seems composed for me. The fact that is at Cambridge only adds to its appeal.

期刊論文中翻英翻譯服務︰論文翻譯    中翻英


英文自傳範例︰記者與媒體學 Journalism and PR

記者與媒體學英文自傳 Journalism and PR Personal Statement Example

Today journalism is such a persuasive factor in opinion building that no person, group or business can claim immunity or afford to under-estimate the ability of the fourth estate to affect their fortunes, either for better or for worse (Gigi Van Der Reit 1998)

What has always intrigued me is how the media and PR industry manage to influence the way people think. Getting your message across by using just words is something that doesn’t come easily to everyone but is a trait a journalist must possess. Journalism is not about how much you say: it is about what you say and imply. It can sometimes be misconstrued as negative journalism when freedom of press is used to its fullest. Being a true media person would mean me to be morally, socially legally and ethically aware, keeping in mind that journalism is not Fiction. The publishing course I have studied has taught me to work as a professional and keep in mind plagiarism and the laws associated with journalism such as libel, defamation,copyright etc. Good PR can change our perspective of the past, influence events in the present and help change the future of a company, industry, government or individual. PR is about planning, strategising and identifying your audience. The writing, interviewing, researching skills that I have acquired on this diploma at college would help me excel in a journalism degree at your university.

I am ambitious and experimental at writing features as it is important to open up to different journalistic genres such as hard and soft news stories, reviews, holiday reviews,investigative journalism and find out where you’re best suited to write for.My dream would be to write feature articles and reviews for newspapers like the Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Times, and The Guardian. Working in a community support organisation Stand guide helped build my communicative skills as it required me to interact with people of different ethnicities and religion.It is essential to have determination, discipline and dedication to pursue a career as a journalist.Filming and working towards deadlines have taught me to be more organised.

Apart from being well organised and completely devoted to journalism I pride myself in being thorough with my research, a unit where we explore primary and secondary resources and qualitative and quantitative data were taught to us at college.This has helped me realise that detailed research is an important criteria of being a good journalist.The interview techniques for broadcasting unit helped me learn about interviewing skills and taught me to put others at ease.The Writing Editing and Copy unit helped my perception making it easier for me to write without a bias thus making me an eligible candidate to train as a journalist.The course helped build my overall skills in various areas therefore opening me up to different areas of media like the units on Photography, Digital Graphics for Print and Graphic Narrative helped improve
my creative skills.

A keen interest in various cultures would motivate me to learn more about the world around us.I enjoy reading about news from across the world.I like surfing the web and listening to music in my spare time.I read books and keep up with current affairs.I also read magazines and newspapers like the Sun,the Mirror, the Guardian and websites.

I truly believe I would be an excellent candidate to pursue a journalism course at your university as I possess all the right skills and am extremely passionate about making a future of it.

期刊論文中翻英翻譯服務︰論文翻譯    中翻英


英文自傳範例︰記者學 Journalism

記者學英文自傳 Journalism Personal Statement Example

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. An interesting quote from Malcolm X, who also claimed, Without education, you’re not going anywhere in this world. I wish to combine these two passions and follow my ambition to become a journalist by continuing my studies into Higher Education. It is well known that power attracts and I, like many others, have become enchanted by the power of the written and spoken word. This fascination has created a deep interest in writing, and Journalism provides the perfect outlet to develop my skills.
Ive heard enough about the media industry to realise that experience is everything, and as Sixth Form Reporter on the College committee, I gain regular experience of journalistic writing and meeting deadlines. I have written for the official college Network, which is sent home to parents, and the Student Newspaper.
When selecting my A Level subjects, I seemed drawn to essay based courses. I enjoy writing and the courses undoubtedly helped my writing skills. However, I was required to make the opening of a film in Media, which was an experience to say the least! It increased my interest in Broadcast Journalism. Until that moment, I only had eyes for Print. Creative writing has always been one of my favourite aspects of English, and the coursework gave me the chance to write in whichever style I chose, one piece was a newspaper feature on Chelsea Football Club. I have always been interested in Sports Writing and Im considering specialising in it at a later date. I have chosen to continue four of my five AS Levels onto A2, even though it was not necessary. I have always found Psychology quite challenging as it involves deep levels of critical analysis, so I decided to carry on as I find it extremely intriguing. The different theories as to why humans do the things they do, attract me because I am interested in how people act, though one could hardly call me an anthropologist! My main priorities are English, Media and Sociology as I feel they will aid me most in my ambition, although I still find Psychology a fascinating subject.
I have often said that nothing is impossible, yet asking me to name my favourite book is asking too much. Some much-loved literature includes The Hobbit, Gone With The Wind, and Jane Eyre. In my opinion a good novel should evoke a variety of emotions from beginning to end. Music may not be my first love, but it is definitely one of my passions; I have high passes in grade 3 flute, singing, and grade 5 piano. Like my literary tastes, my choice of music is eclectic; I like anything from hip-hop to classical, soul to rock, and past to present. I also love Black history, musicals, and icons of film and music, such as Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon, and Sinatra. Lennon once said, We all want to change the world, I empathise with this view and seek to achieve it using my chosen profession and the power of the media.



英文自傳範例︰日本政治 Japanese and Politics

日本政治英文自傳 Japanese and Politics Personal Statement Example

England and Japan are two immensely contrasting worlds: this distinctiveness is why the undeniable magic of Japanese culture has always attracted me to study its oriental societies and traditions. I have been enthralled by the Japanese language since I was a young teenager; reading ‘Japanese for Busy People’ at school and trying to note down homework reminders in Kanji, anything to incorporate Japanese into my daily life. As I grew, so did my desire to study Japanese culture and society. Yukio Mishima’s politically aware novel ‘Confessions of a Mask’ captivated me. I found the contrast between the effeminate main character Kochan and the uber-masculine male figures present in teenage Japanese media refreshing. As a student of English I could better understand Mishima’s style and nuance, empathising with Kochan’s oppression in an era of Japanese right-wing militarism. This is where my political interests began; through independent study I became absorbed in political history, with particular attraction to the way Japan avoided colonisation by becoming an industrial superpower.
Studying English has helped me to introduce a succinctness into my writing and speech which has complimented my study of the Japanese language; my natural flair for creative writing saw me win two regional poetry competitions and a ‘Young Black Achiever’s’ award for outstanding achievement in English. This has helped me to approach my independent study of politics with an analytical mind, which is crucial when criticising political theories. Understanding international relations has become very important to me through the study of globalisation in Geography. I found the energy module fascinating as it related to the horrific nuclear disaster Japan faced earlier this year; I enjoyed discussing Naoto Kan’s call for Japan to become a less nuclear dependant country and the response of non-governmental organisations to the crisis. I regularly use Japan as a case study to familiarise myself with writing about Asian politics and economics, which has developed my understanding of Japanese society. My Religious Studies A-level has helped me to understand how philosophy can influence the greater world through politics, such as the use of the ‘Just War Theory’ by politicians during discussions of the war in Libya. My independent research in Buddhism and Confucianism has helped me to understand how Japanese and Asian civilisation has developed; I am intrigued that Japan can be so urbanised while retaining such deeply spiritual communities.
Being elected as a Year Representative in year 11 gave me a taste of diplomacy, a career path I would like to follow; I thoroughly enjoy debating issues which affect the student body. I was pleased to win the debating competition in my school; ever since I came second in the regional ‘Primary Parliament’ competition I have always held an affinity for public speaking and debating. I volunteered to give tours of Nottingham to foreign visitors, such as German students from our twin city and a student from Tokyo. Similarly, I have Japanese pen pals who I email and plan to meet next August in Japan. In preparation for this and my undergraduate studies, I will be taking a Japanese language course with a local tutor. Also, I intend to apply to the JET programme to gain experience teaching in Japan after my degree. I find teaching through playing music a very enriching experience and every Wednesday afternoon I help teach the violin to year eight pupils, as well as performing in a chamber choir.
My ambition to work in diplomacy is driven by an unimpeded spirit, thriving on the idea of increasing stability in a complex and ever-changing global environment; I believe the key to this stability lies in strong communication between Oriental and Occidental societies. A Japanese degree would offer me the challenge of studying a beautifully complex language and a culture which thoroughly fascinates me.



英文自傳範例︰東亞學 East Asian Studies

東亞學英文自傳 East Asian Studies Personal Statement Example

Trying to find your own path in life is not an easy feat. Looking back, I can say that I have unconsciously found mine in the 5th grade. Although it may seem atypical, I discovered my attraction to the East-Asian world by chance, when I stumbled across an episode from the Japanese “anime Inuyasha”, which intrigued me and motivated me to delve further into that unknown territory. A new perspective towards a world that fascinated me was now unlocked!
Since then, my passion for the Orient started to infiltrate itself into my daily activities. From reading James Clavell’s “Asian Saga”, to discovering writers such as Eiji Yoshikawa, Yasunari Kawabata and Haruki Murakami, I slowly acquired fresh notions. Schoolwork has also benefitted from my new interest as I was able to produce more complex essays by integrating eastern motifs into Romanian writings. One of my pastimes, painting, has undergone various changes due to my interest for the East: the themes, the colours, the ideas were inspired from what I had found out. Also, practicing karate has taught me what sacrifice, patience, perseverance and the oriental spirit of a fighter mean. Little by little this childlike curiosity has bloomed into actual thirst for knowledge, into the desire of meeting the people, of speaking their language and understanding their customs. Realizing this, what is there more to do besides grabbing this fantastic opportunity your university offers and studying East-Asian cultures and the way their ancestral traditions merge with the modern tendencies? Because after finishing my studies I hope to be one of the people who nurture the connection between Europe and Asia.
Both my school-related travels such as: staying at a Turkish family for a week through the Comenius programme, partaking with my theatre group in the finals of the World Festival of Creativity in Schools in San Remo, Italy and volunteering alongside a group of American students to work on a Roman site, as well as my family trips to many foreign countries have allowed me to interact with people of diverse nationalities and beliefs. Cross cultural communication has not only made me aware of the finesse needed when speaking even the same language but has also strengthened my aspiration of being one of the people who builds a bridge between civilizations.
I am innovative, diligent and ambitious; a perfectionist: an attribute to be seen as a virtue not a vice. My projects speak of me. They bear my essence and dedication, because once I start doing something, I grow to love it. My GPAs have always been of the highest value: 9.77, 9.88, 9.97 and I am positive that I will achieve a 10 in the senior year.
I am aware of the level of difficulty posed by the study of such exciting languages; however I have always had an affinity towards idioms, having studied Romanian, English, German and Latin in school. Also, my curiosity has led me towards beginning to study Spanish and Japanese by myself; hence I am confident that I will master such an idiosyncratic language. The National English and History Olympiads, the Scientific Communication Sessions and a 2nd place at the national stage of the Public Speaking contest have undoubtedly strengthened my character, have liberated me of any fear in connection to appearing in front of an audience and have, in addition pervaded me with tenacity.
Why have I decided to apply into the United Kingdom? That is because the finest universities are there! I realise that studying in that environment, I will certainly have numerous possibilities and I wish from the bottom of my heart to make the best out of them. Coming into contact with eminent teachers, having access to the top libraries, being able to further my studies are all factors which, along with my character, will assist me in becoming a more independent thinker and a successful person.
Owing to all the reasons above I consider myself a worthy candidate and I hope to be given the chance to demonstrate all these.



英文自傳範例︰日文學 Japanese Studies

日文學英文自傳 Japanese Studies Personal Statement Example

My initial contact with Japanese came through literature. When I first read the short stories of Ryunosuke Akutagawa I was moved, since even when translated, the picture of Japanese society was remarkable in its richness and diversity. As was the portrayal of the Japanese people themselves; the vivid works with both moral and psychological themes, against the backdrop of Akutagawa’s vision of feudal Japan. Inspired by this experience, I began to read the books of Haruki Murakami. Now, no matter what part of the society I look at; language, arts, history, I feel drawn to this remarkable culture. Thus, I have chosen a Japanese degree as it will give me the opportunity to study further a subject to which I have become a devotee. I have begun teaching myself both the language and script, and I am now at the point where I wish to take my self-motivated study much further. Learning the Japanese language in an academic environment would enable me to gain a more in-depth understanding of the society as a whole, thus giving me the grounding required to work in Japan. After graduating, I would hope to be accepted onto the JET scheme and pursue a professional career in Japan.
I have thoroughly enjoyed all my A Level subjects. During my first year, I have developed a wealth of generic skills which I can apply to my graduate studies. Chemistry is an intellectually challenging subject that requires a rigorously analytical approach which demands constant application of core knowledge in relation to interpreting data and information. In contrast, Critical Thinking has provided me with a chance to construct reasoned arguments both in a written form and in the more challenging environment of debate.
At college, I am completing the Extended Project Qualification which will allow me to combine my academic studies with my main extra-curricular interest, Buddhism. As a practitioner, I have come to learn a great deal about the history of the numerous traditions and my reading has led me to the prevalent philosophical schools in Japan. Having attended classes for over a year now my understanding and appreciation for Japan’s rich, diverse religious traditions has increased dramatically. My involvement in and genuine passion for this way of life made it an obvious choice for my provisional dissertation title of ‘Buddhism and the West’. I hope to gain from this a more individual approach to study and research that I can carry through with me into university and the world of work, not to mention a much more thorough understanding of my topic of choice.
Aside from my interest in literature and studies at college, my time is occupied by social work, combat sports and reading. I have been volunteering once-a-week at the local hospice which has provided me with a wealth of new and demanding experiences, requiring empathy alongside clear thinking. Within the hospice, the ability to communicate clearly is of the utmost importance. Having developed these valuable life skills they will undoubtedly assist in the learning of a new language, in a new environment.
My chosen course will enable me to fulfil my ambition to live and study in Japan, and allow me to immerse myself in a culture which I love, as well as learning a new language. I recognise the demanding nature of this subject but as a hard working, conscientious student I enjoy the challenge of academic study. I am committed to reaching my full potential in my future endeavours and look forward to taking advantage of the vast opportunities university life provides.
