研究設計與方法(Experimental Details),是以詳述實驗細節為撰寫目標;也因為這樣的本質,這部份通常是該領域的專家或審查者,或有意重複該實驗方法的研究員,才會特別細讀,所以更應該仔細撰寫。
- 實驗步驟—各項樣品的來源或製備方法、使用的溶液配方、反應的溫度時間等等步驟細節應在此照實詳述。當然,不需要連雞毛蒜皮的家常小事都提,基本是以讓其他研究員也能重複同樣的實驗,並產生同樣結果為寫作目標。
- 數據採集—描述採樣的對象、數量、方法、時機等等細節,讓讀者精確了解受研究的群體為何。
- 儀器方法—研究中分別使用了哪些特殊的儀器來採集或分析研究數據,儀器的來源或製作方法也應提及。
- 數據分析—分析數據的各項定量、定性的演算方法,以及運算後的數據統整技巧等等,也都應詳細記載。
- 參考文獻—citation在這裡一樣非常重要,所有實驗操作的參考來源都應照實列出,以示對其他研究員的智慧財產的尊重。
What is case study research?
Whilst it is possible for dissertations to be entirely literature-based, the most common form of dissertation takes the form of a case study. Here the focus of attention is on a particular community, organisation or set of documents. The attraction of this kind of dissertation is that it stems from empirical curiosity but is at the same time practical. You may be interested in a wider question but a case study enables you to focus on a specific example. A major challenge in case study dissertations is connecting your own primary research or re-analysis with the broader theoretical themes and empirical concerns of the existing literature.
What’s an empirical study?
Most dissertations demand either primary or secondary research. In other words, you usually have to analyse data that you have either collected yourself or data that is already available. The reason for this is that the questions dissertations usually address take the following form: Is x happening? Is x changing? Why is x happening? Why is x changing? These questions demand primary or secondary analysis of data.
What is secondary analysis?
Secondary analysis is when you analyse data which was collected by another researcher. It allows the researcher to explore areas of interest without having to go through the process of collecting data themselves in the field. The problem with using fieldwork methods in an undergraduate dissertation, however, is that they are costly in terms of time (which is relatively scarce in your final year!) and possibly your own financial resources too. You may choose, therefore, to undertake secondary research, analysing existing data.