應徵函書寫要點 Tips for Writing Cover Letters
意思不要混淆不清 Don’t be vague.
你需要用某些特定的實例,說明你的教育背景、工作經驗和特殊技能與專長。Include specific details about your educational background, job experience, and your skills.
須考慮你的讀者是誰 Consider your audience.
你的每封應徵信函應符合不同公司和特定工作的需求,另外,信中需回應徵才廣告上提出的徵才條件。Make each letter match the needs of a particular company and a particular job. Refer to details from the job ad in your letter.
不要文不對題。Don’t ramble.
信中細節要與應徵工作性質相符合,不要拉拉雜雜寫一大堆不相干的事,最適當的長度應以一張A4的紙為限。Focus on details related to this job application and limit yourself to a one-page letter.
仔細校對你的應徵信。Proofread your letter carefully.
如同申請學校論文一樣,你寫信的態度和你信的內容同樣重要。As with the graduate school application essay, how you write tells almost as much about you as what you write.
用A4紙、黑色字體、標準留邊格式(上下2.54公分,左右3.17公分)、Times New Roman字體,字型大小12,是你的信看起來賞心悅目。Make your letter look attractive by using clean A4 paper, dark ink, standard margins and a traditional font like 12-point Times New Roman. 許多應徵者用純白或淺灰或米色紙寫信,使應徵信看起來比較專業。Most applicants use white or off-white paper because it looks more professional.
仔細校對你的應徵信。Proofread your letter carefully.